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Vet day

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:32 pm
by kingalls
Today was vet day...Nahkohe, Shiloh, and Whiskey, our cat...good thing it was my day off...first was Nahkohe for his bortadella injection...the vet tech said, okay - we're doing an exam and shot? & I say, no, you probably don't want to do that today....after things were sorted out, I overheard the vet tech saying that Nahkohe just needed a shot but that he was a "project'. We go into the exam room and I was able to get Nahkohe to face the window and hold him while the injection was given...get home, take him for a run around the block, then put in the is Shiloh and Whiskey.
I could not entice Shiloh into her harness - normally, she won't go into her harness unless her Dad is there...So I had to bribe the princess into the house with a piece of chicken - where I was able to get her harness on...Whiskey was already in his carrier in the car so it wasn't too dificult to get Shiloh in the back where she quite content to watch everything outside of the window....even Whiskey's meow/howl didn't distract her. Shiloh's exam went well -she's 54.6 lbs and everything checked out okay. Whiskey is still hanging in there after 1.5 years of being diagnoised with cancer around his neck area. He gets a huge build up of fluid around his neck that we have to have drained every week or two or he has a hard time swallowing. We get back home and it was a "battle" to get Shiloh past her kiddie pool - she will jump into the pool to soothe her nerves. I got Shiloh into the garage and up on the grooming table. She handled it well and let me groom her for a long time. I totally expected Shiloh to jump into her pool after the grooming session but she didn't #-o
That took most of the morning :roll: Later it was fun spending a couple of hours with my 7 year old grandson - doing a couple of short bike rides.

Re: Vet day

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:58 pm
by ilovemysmoothie!
Whew what a day!

Re: Vet day

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:02 pm
by Boogie and Linda
Wow, you were very ambitious taking them all on the same day. It sounded stressful for everyone. I am glad to hear that Whiskey is still hanging in there.

Re: Vet day

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:15 am
by Judy Fox
You did have a busy day.

What a mardy boy - Milly and Mabel loved going to the vet - Mabel still does.

Milly especially loved one of our vets and would lick him under his chin whilst he was examining her. It always made him smile.

Don't know about "The Squirts" yet - they have not been often enough yet to make a decision whether they like them or not. :lol:

Re: Vet day

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:14 pm
by Lisa_D sure did have a full day and I am glad everyone is doing well!