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Please help solve a problem

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:50 pm
by Sakura
Hello all,

Our chow, Momo, is 11 months now. Currently we're having an issue with other dogs barking at our puppy. Momo is very friendly to other breeds, large or small, and is always happy to see them. Particularly the smaller breeds tend to bark at Momo. Today he got ganged up on by two small dogs (pomeranian and hawanese) and Momo was just happy to see them. After that, the two dogs were pulled away by their owners. We felt so bad for Momo!!! I held him tightly and encouraged him to not to lose confidence! We were all perplexed as to why those two "mini-dogs" went nuts on our innocent puppy who just wanted to play with them. Momo didn't do anything to provoke them and afterwards when he did his business his stool was kind of mushy.

Days before, there was another dog (looked kinda big in the car) barking at my dog when we stood at an intersection. That dog was in a truck and the owner was driving. That dog in the truck saw us waiting for the traffic light and all of sudden we heard barking and saw a dog in a truck was barking at my dog!
My questions are:
1. Why do you think those dogs barked at my dog?
2. Should we meet small dogs in future?
3. Are there negative effects to my dog? I guess dogs discriminate too.

Thank you very much, we appreciate any insight we can get.

Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:33 am
by chowhuskylass
Poor Momo, unfortunately in this day and age you will have many experiences like this, alot of people do not put time in to socialise and let their dogs be social, so the dog can lack the skills and canine language required to meet and greet in a proper manner.

Don't lose heart Momo is doing nothing wrong its a testament to his nature he remains happy go lucky don't change things or get to protective he will take his confidence cues from you, so you must not let these experiences get you down or this well may effect Momo in the future, remain optimistic that one day you will meet happy calm social dogs for Momo to enjoy and learn from never give up looking and never let negative experiences break your stride, each day is a new start so leave any bad experiences in the yesterday and dont carry them with you, learn from them yes, but do not let it affect your today.

Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:59 am
by ccyang
hi there....
happy to hear im not the only one who has this issue. Ever since we got Pong when he was 6 weeks old, we always socialized him with ppl/dogs either when walking on the street or playing with other dogs at the dog park. Unfortunately, sometimes, there's dogs that will either bark at him or attack him. He's now 7 months old, he never attacked anyone or any dog....even when other dogs want to attack him, he just backs off....and comes back a few minutes later to try and play with the dog again. There's was this one time, this stupid lady's dog was attacking Pong and I stopped him, and stupid lady came up to me and said what was my problem? why didn't I want to let them play? Euhhhhh.....duh!!!! I'm not gonna let my baby get bitten/attacked.....stupid ignorant lady! :-x Anyways, to finish on a good note.....Pong was so sweet this saturday. My bf was walking him and they passed in front of a husky. Pong approached him and gave him a lil kiss/lick on the mouth :D
Then, while my bf was purchasing something at a store (while Pong was outside waiting)...he saw that the husky passed in front of Pong ....and they kissed again. so cuteeeeeeee.....why can't all dogs be so sweet?

Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:55 pm
by Sakura
To Chowling1964, Chowhuskylass, and Ccyang,

Thank you very much for sharing your advice and experiences. We feel much better after reading your posts.
We won't let the bad feeling get us from now on!


Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:05 am
by Missystone
I hate to say it but i really dislike little dogs. (ankle biters, yappers, pee on your floor when they visit, nasty attitude, hyper things)

They were probably suffering from little dude syndrome, so to make themselves feel more adequate around such a big opponent, they try to
get in the first word.

My last chow would get excited to see little dogs, she would play with them and let them feel that they were he equal, then if a larger dog came around she would be a totally different dog. She would be this big black agressive crazy woman that wanted to take you out. Strange how dogs are.
But thats what makes us luv them.

Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 10:33 am
by bubbybear
Yeh I hear you about little dog sydrome. I have to be real careful were I walk Mia and Tyton. I wasns't with my girl friend the day a little black pom attacked her 2year old golden retriever. My girl friend stressed for a long time and Riley can't stan little dogs. The owner of the pom blamed Riley for defending himself. I have to watch Tyton because he loves all doges and will run up to them and want to play. This little pom will attack and I don't want Tyton in that situation. The owner still doesn't keep it leashed.

Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 7:49 pm
by Swerve
Winston since a puppy has been everywhere and also had his battles.

At about 5 months old he was bitten on the ear, had various other dogs go aggressive on him, when this happens he goes submissive on his back and normally the situation settles. He has never growled or shown one inch of aggression back.

Around other dogs he is great, never any noise, barks, aggression etc, only excitement hyena barks when you first rock up. He has never seemed daunted by other dogs aggression, even yesterday at the Million Paws Walk, he was growled and a tiny tiny bite pinhole scratch he just doesn't care. He always goes up sniffs dogs front and back and middle regions.

Find a group of dogs and get him friendly with them and keep it up. I've noticed if he is away for a while from new experiences he does pull back a little, so keep him out there meeting and greeting new people, dogs, places etc.

Re: Please help solve a problem

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:20 am
by bama
It is not uncommon for a Chow to be disliked by other breeds. Even though your chow kid is friendly, other dogs don't always read cues correctly.
Most people think that dogs understand each other at ALL times. Not true. Even dogs can get the wrong impression of another dog.
Instinctive canine behavior; when a dog is challenging another dog, his hair will stand up on end, as if to say, "look at me, I sure am big, so back off".
Animals, as well as, humans will expand their chest, flaring their arms out wide to give the impression of a larger body. This is a scare tactic.
Now, since your chow kid is friendly, it's not his intention to flare his body, however other dogs don't know that. Because, of the chow's naturally fluffy and outstretched hairs, they give the appearance of flaring, and to other dogs, that is a blatant challenge!

I hope this helps