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Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:17 pm
by Lisa_D
I just wanted to let you know that Bear will be living on a farm very soon! We should be in within the next month. I can't wait until I see how Bear reacts when he gets there. I didn't get to take the boys over yet but they will be able to have a blast there. I only got one pic so far but I hope to get more if it ever stops raining here!

Here is a pic of part of the farm.
27790_121230407888356_100000041912743_295842_163251_n.jpg (31.68 KiB) Viewed 4162 times

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:32 pm
by Hugo
He will love it. Looks lovely.

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:22 pm
by chowpups
Iam sure the boys will just love it. .Looks beautiful and if they don't like it I'll send Nikki up to romp around and chase a few ground hogs.. LOL
And I know what you mean about the rain..I think we're all looking for that ray of sunshine around the corner ...Hope all is well with you and yours.. are you still in the same area?

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:02 pm
by Lisa_D
Thanks! Yes, I am in the same area. This is only about 15 miles from my current home. Yes! You and NikKi will have to make a road trip!!!! We are all doing OK here. Bear is great but Bluto still has problems. He is better with behavior but still having seizures. The vet doesn't want to treat him for the seizures because of his liver problems so it is like a vicious cycle. I think Bear will love it at the farm. Just got to work on teaching him his boundaries there now. I hope all is well with you guys also and let me know if you ever want a to come up and let Nikki run!!!

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:59 pm
by chowpups
Thanks Lisa, Nikki would love to run and run and run.. she knows no boundries even with a fence she has sometimes managed to get out.. (or should I say under). We call her the Forrest Gump of chows.. She just keeps running once she starts.. nothing can sway her to come back home.. Its an all out neighborhood possy to rope her back. .LOL But we are very careful with her since we know she's a runner and a digger. She has constant eyes on her when we let her in the backyard and we first check to make sure no critters are around the outside of the fence to entice her to dig. (thats usually the only time she tries). I hope the boys have a great time on the farm.. keep me posted.

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:42 am
by CoraP. looks like a beautiful place!!

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:24 am
by TJordan
OH it looks nice and peaceful, I am sure Bear will love it!

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:13 am
by Judy Fox
How lovely. :D
I am sure Bear will love it - it looks so peaceful.
Good Luck and I hope you will all be very happy. :D

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:57 pm
by Auddymay
Both your babies will love it. Mine love to go with me to my mom's. Yesterday, we had a turkey cross the road in front of us, and Lily decided that was her new prey animal. Of course, she was not with me the day at my mom's when 20 descended on the back garden plot, looking for goodies. There was a massive Tom, several Jakes, a bunch of females and some undefinables just finishing their first year. They are rather large birds up close. Hopefully, Bear and Bluto will get to meet some...from a distance!

Re: Bear will be a farm Chow soon

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:52 pm
by Lisa_D
Auddy.....I did see turkeys the last several evenings. The picture above is towards the back but we have a stretch across the road up into the mountain. The turkeys come off of the mountain in the evening. They are fairly far away from the house but I am sure they will spike Bear's interest so I will have to keep a good eye on him. I could see there was definitely one Tom for sure.
The people before left behind some chickens, a cat & a Beagle. They came & got the Beagle when we weren't there on Sunday. I was really hoping they didn't get him because he was definitely sick and had a cough. I am sure they won't take him to a vet either. They left him there since April 1 st so if they didn't care enough to take him with them then, I am sure they won't take him to a vet.
But, I plan to get more pics and I hope to get the boys over to visit this weekend. There is alot of cleanup to do over there and I want to get as much done as possible before getting in there.