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Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:44 am
by TJordan
Monday night Butters was out laying on the back porch about 11:00P.M, sometimes he gets a little barky, mostly at cats other dogs etc. But Monday he let out a "I will kill you bark" that scared the crap outta me. I shot up outta my chair and ran to the back door, only to see a flashlight running down the alley (I have no idea who was holding the flashlight). I went outside and Butters was on serious Peeved Off high alert. It took forever to get him back inside. Since I didn't know who was out there I of course couldn't leave Butters out there alone. So when he did finally come inside with me he laid at my feet facing the direction of the back door and sounded on every noise he heard. I swear it took hours to calm him down. But I know he scared the crap outta someone that night! He is an exceptional guard chow!

Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:50 am
by nean007
That is one chow I would NOT want barking at me. Yikes!

Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:24 am
by chowpups
I know what you mean about the difference in barks.. Nikki is such a good alert dog.. She really knows who belongs around our house and who doesn't.. She really has a different bark for those not welcome..

Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:41 am
by myboys
Neither of mine barked very much for the first six months or so....
Now Butch barks whenever he sees or hears anything out of the ordinary.
Sundance.......very seldom barks but boy oh boy.....when he barks I pay attention!
He has "that bark" as described by the original poster that would definitely scare someone "intruding".
Great Guard dog! Great dogs period :)


Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:18 am
by ilovemysmoothie!
Great work Butters!!!!!

Little Bear has her "tough girl" bark. She doesn't do it often, but when she does I pay attention... chows are the best guard dogs, and are great readers of who is good and who is bad... Example: LB didn't bark at the little girl who came to the door selling raffle tickets the other day, but did at the carpet cleaner guy...

Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:46 pm
by myboys
I had to call 911 the other day at the dog park.....a man was yelling obsenities at me and I was all alone in the park with Butch and Sundance. It was around 9:30 a.m. I felt truly helpless and called 911. Sundance (my more fierce looking one) walked right up to this man and kept wagging his tail. He knew there were other dogs in the man's vehicle and he was anxious for them to come out and play....wasn't going to happen. The man was not taking his itty bitty dogs in the park while my chows were there!! Of course, Sundance didn't know the man was upsetting me but I kept thinking "where's that scary bark now"?
Maybe it's all for the best that he didn't though because once the police and the animal control officer came they kept remarking how well behaved and social my dogs were....oh well, another day in the life.

Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:20 pm
by vicster605
Good Boy Butters!!! There's no telling what the flashlight guy was up too, I'm glad Butters ran him off and hopefully he won't be back :twisted: Anyone walking around someone else's yard with a flashlight at night probably isn't up to anything good

Re: Scary Bark

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:45 pm
by TJordan
Jean that stinks about the dog park incident. I am happy yours were well behaved because Mr. Butters would have let that man know a few things, although I probably would have as well. Once we were out walking and this strange man in a pick up was driving around the park, He stopped and yelled something as some people and I assumed they probably knew him. The he stopped and yelled at some teenage girls playing tennis, then I realized he was just being a jerk. When he drove our direction, Butters beared down and started dragging me with all his might to the center of the park away from the streets. He then stood and stared at the truck with that low growl (not that the guy could hear it over that truck). But Butters wouldn't budge from the center of the park for another 15 minutes or so, til he knew the coast was clear.

Vicki, I agree anyone with a flashlight in the alley is up to no good. Probably some kid on spring break (fingers crossed)