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Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:10 pm
by Grizz204
Although I have read many posts here on this board over the years , I have never posted until now , which is
Truly the saddest day I have experienced in a long , long time .

14+ years ago we rescued a Chow Chow from a couple north of us , who , although they had a Basset Hound ,
They just had to purchase a puppy Chow Chow . Well after being regulated to the garage ( according to the Man ) ,
The Man convinced the rest of the family that if they were not going to treat both dogs the same then they needed to do what was right for the Chow , and put him up for adoption . Both My wife and I felt the desire to assist this Golden Lion . Thus We adopted 1 year old Chewbacca . Sadly after giving both of us the Joy of his companionship for the last 14+ , We had to euthanize him early this afternoon here in our home due to medical conditions arising from his age .

The Joy that Our little " Chewy " brought us will never be forgotten and He will always be missed . We knew this time was coming over these past few months , but it sure did not make it any easier . I truly believe he also knew it was time , as the vet first gave a relaxer , which Chewy did not mind . He then walked to the window and took one more look around his kingdom , then came to me and laid in my arms as if to say " O.K. " . A 50 year old Truck driver crying like a 2 year old as I held my little man .

He is now buried in his favorite spot on our 5 acre little place , so we can always watch over him and he can watch over us .

I truly hope there is a Heaven as I want to be able to reunite with my little Lion when my time comes .

Fred H.

Re: Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:26 pm
by Boogie and Linda
I am sad for you and very sorry for your loss. I do believe you two will be together again.

Re: Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:11 am
by Nita F.

A beautiful tribute to your Chewy. May he be playing with the other Chows who have been loved and passed on ahead of us.


Re: Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:28 pm
by CoraP.
As time passes, and they come to an old age, the dread of losing them becomes almost all-consuming. It's very hard to know the days are limited with our dearly beloved chows. Chewy had a great life with you, and just couldn't stay any longer. I am very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, dear Chewy. You'll all be together again.

Re: Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:07 am
by Dogdad
I am truly sorry for you loss. I am sure he loved being rescued and you gave him a great life


Re: Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:41 am
by Sirchow
So sorry for the loss of your dear Chewy. Run free Chewbacca and I am sure he will be waiting for you when that day to be reunited arrives.

Re: Chewbacca , Forever Missed , Never Forgotten

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:46 am
by jacqui
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
The saddest part of loving them is letting them go.He was a lucky boy to have found you and he had a wonderful life with you!