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Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:52 am
by carolyn dewrance
I know they have had a lot of snow, but I have had no answer to my emails, and I was wondering if any of you know how she is doing, and did she get her new puppy. Please let me know.

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:54 am
by Sirchow
Judy has some personal stuff going on at the moment that is making life difficult.

Matilda is doing great. :D

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:04 am
by carolyn dewrance
Thank you, I was getting very worried about her. Please if you contact her give her my regards.

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:26 am
by Sirchow
I will do. :D

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:36 am
by Judy Fox
Hello everyone - I am still here. Had a very nasty massive flare-up of arthritis before Christmas which left me more or less incapable of carrying out the most basic everyday tasks. Could not put toothepaste on my toothebrush, turn on a tap, butter bread etc. etc. I saw the specialist on 30th Dec. and he changed my medication. I see him again in a couple of weeks. Good news is, even though I hit rock bottom before Christmas, I can do things now I could not do a month ago and have started to claw my way up. :)
Sad bit is I have not been able to do the things I want with Matilda but Fred is being wonderful, bless him. However, I did get up this morning and yesterday and the day before and got her breakfast and a cup of tea for Fred so I am concentrating on what I can do not what I cannot do. \:D/
To morrow I will have a crack at giving the update on the beautiful Miss Silly Tilly Fox. she is an absolute scream and really cracks us up with her antics.
This taken over the Christmas Holiday - she was 3 months old at the time.
Taken about a week ago - little baggage climbed up and pinched my funny Red Dragon off the back of the chair - it is MINE not hers but she thinks otherwise!! :roll:

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:42 am
by chowpups
Oh, Judy
I do feel for you as I have had some flare ups just during the holidays too.. They are getting better but my knees are my worst.. I hope you get some relief soon and Miss silly tilly fox is a cutie.. and looks like she can pull your chain too.. hope you are enjoying her antics.. LOL Darn this arthritis crap.. Oh, Matilda looks like shes loving every minute with you all..

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:43 am
by Tippsy'smom
I'm sorry to hear of the severe flare up. I'm glad to hear that you're doing better though. :) I've been thinking of you a lot lately and was about to ask about you as well.

I'm glad Miss Matilda is getting on well. :) She's such a doll. :inlove: Also such a character. :lol:

Take care! :)

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:18 am
by carolyn dewrance
JUdy so nice to hear from you again, sorry to hear that you were not well, it's not funny not being able to get up in the morning and bounce around like we use to do. Matilda is stunning, how is she getting on with Mable? Keep well dear friend, am always thinking of you.

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:00 pm
by kingalls
Judy - good to hear from you again sorry the arthritis is such a problem (and glad you weren't coming back with the pirate ship flag :lol: - as I thought your absence was due to a forum issue)....thank you for posting pictures of your sweet Chowling....hope you are feeling better every day.

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:08 pm
by Judy Fox
Thank you all - it has been a horrible time but as I said I am on the way up now - I hope! :roll:
Look at this picture - the only cuddle I got over the christmas period. Little Bertie Bear crept up so gently when I invited him and just lay with me. "Bag-Pup" would clamber up with a little help from Fred but whilst her back legs were finishing the clamber, the front legs were already on the way down the other side - when you are a chow pup, you cannot waste time cuddling, for goodness sake, there is too much mischief to find. \:D/

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:11 pm
by CoraP.
I'm glad you're feeling better, Judy. Matilda is cute as ever!

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:51 pm
by Sharons Chows
Judy....glad that you are starting to feel better. Arthritis is no picnic.

Matilda is about as cute as she can be....oh so squishy!
Is Mabel enjoying her new sister?

Re: Anyone know where Judy Fox is

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:36 am
by dannyoconnor430
Hello Judy, so glad you are okay. They do say laughter is the best medicine so having a new Chow ruling your life you'll not be in short supply! I was discussing my pair with my girlfriend the other night. She has never had dogs before and although it's alien for me to think that way, it can be a bit nervy for people who are not used to them. She was asking (taboo) about what I would do when eventually they pass away, namely would I have another one. And have to say it was a very hard question. On the one hand I get utterley frustrated with their continual bad attitudes, they do nothing for "Team O'Connor" and generally live in their own little bubble, with each of them being equally weird in polar opposite ways. But, I don't know what it is with them, with the exceptions of Max's health issues over the past 18 months or so - they are easy. It sounds a contradiction but think its a case of "I wont try and please you so please don't try and please me - it won't work!". So I've been reminiscing over past dogs and in general I have always had German Shepherds, again all very different and loved them all. First one was Bes (AKA Wily Coyote), a real bag of fur that never seemed to end, but really gentle dog just went about her business of patrolling after 3 boystrous boys and never once let us out of her site. Was in the early 80's lived on a council estate so dogs roaming was the norm, she used to sit in the porch outside the house and watch us all. Her defining moment was when I got attacked by my neighbours dog, was a terrier type X. We were all playing football, trying to kick the ball away whilst the dog chased it. Anyway, ball went from end of my foot, foot still moving, teeth in foot and subsequent rag doll of me. Didn't really know what happened but apparantly the old girl came sprinting out the garden and subsequently delivered a mothers pasting of the other dog. I came away with a few stitches, other dog disappeared back into its back garden for a while, and old Bes decided to go back and have another siesta. Great dog. Don't remember much these days but always remember the day the vet came to take her away - she was allowed in the living room for the first time so I knew something was afoot! We then had Tara, another GSD. She had some strange health issues early on - namely her girl bits were all the wrong way round. But she was the "all action" dog. Typical GSD, and we had her from when I was about 12yrs old so we were best friends, took her everywhere. Absolutely horrible with people initially (she was a big dog and knew exactly how to intimidate) but then she would wrestle with them (generally my friends) and that would be that - all ok for future visits. She had her moment when the whole family were away but my 16yr old brother stayed at home. He was in the living room one night, heard a load of scrathcing from near the patio door, went in and dog was sat watchinf intently. Opened the blinds and someone was there in a balaclava with a screwdriver. not knowing what else to do, he told the person to go or he would let the dog out (at which point Tara was in full flow). The guy laughed and carried on prying the door!!!! So rather than call the police, he went and got the key for the door. On seeing this the guy stepped back, door was opened and a 2 second chase ensued across the field behind the house. She came back with his sleeve in her mouth ha ha ha. That' was her mment, and when i joined the Navy I was in Glasgow one night and got a call from my Dad that he was rushing her into the vets. Tried to get home in time to see her off, but made it as far as Carlisle services and got the call I didnt want. Was brokedn by it. sat in car in the services and cried my eyes out. So back to these pair, they havent really had moments like that and I never want them to, but on a daily basis they provide me with much humour and I think I would one day have another Chow - how can I not! Looking at your pup Judy reminds me so much of Max, looks exactly the same!! Just got me thinking about my life with dogs in generaly - I'd never be without them.