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Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:28 pm
by Auddymay
Lily cracks me up. She does not like anyone coming in her house. I can calm her down, but she will start up if people move around once settled. Much of the time she wags her tail while giving a guest what for. Haley's boyfriend thinks she is nuts...I cannot refute this. She is fine with him, as long as he does not look at her. If she barks at him, all he need do is turn his back on her, and she stops. Treats are accepted from him, as long as he reaches out his hand, and turns his head

Lily has started gaurding me against Haley, of sorts. If I am on the computer and Haley comes back to talk to me, Lily rushes ahead of her and gets as close to the chair as she can. She then sits and watches Haley, her back to my leg. No barking or anything, just staring at Haley. As soon as the conversation is over, she leaves when Haley does. I never noticed this, but Haley is quite offended.

Lily has installed springs. If I come outside, she can hear the first of 3 doors open. She hides around the side of the house, and literally springs onto the walkway after she hears me come out. It looks very cartoonish. I keep waiting for her to say, BOO!

I was making some pizza egg rolls one evening, and dropped one on the floor. Before I picked it up, I got a phone call, and went into the livingroom to answer it. Next thing I saw, Lily walked into the livingroom with her frozen prize. Now this is a Chow that poohpooh's about half the treats offered to her. That little dickens sat there and ate the entire thing!

I told Haley I wanted to video her greeting from both Pip and Lily when she gets home from school....she is less than thrilled! But it is so cute!

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:55 pm
by Judy Fox
Lily is quite a character isn't she? :lol: Poor Haley. I just love the chow chow funny ways - unlike any others. What would we do without them. :D

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:43 pm
by bama
I wonder what is going through her mind when she takes a treat from "boyfriend" but doesn't want eye contact? Too funny,
feed me, but you must not look at me. I love it!
Poor Haley, it hurts not being the, "chosen" one!
In the beginning, Colonel chose Mark and it hurt my feelings, too!

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:18 pm
by Auddymay
Haley made her own bed a long time ago, by 1. Insisting on holding Lily as though she was a lap dog, and not a dignified Chow, and 2. refusing to open and serve sardines.

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:20 am
by Mia
"Refusing to open and serve sardines?"
Haley had some nerver - Jeez - no wonder Lily is mad at her.
PS: No need to mention sardines to Chutters or Mia - they don't know what they are, LOL!

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:37 pm
by TJordan
LOL Lilly you are just particular. What's the big deal huh? Butters shares the no eye contact rule, quite funny that is!

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:40 pm
by Sirchow
I love the fact that BF can feed her but is not allowed to look \:D/ She's a chow princess. I'm surprised she doesn't require him to prostrate himself on the floor when she comes in the room. :laughloud:

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:13 pm
by Auddymay
She does require bowing...We are working on her being if not friendlier, at least more accepting. It is a hard struggle. She is okay if she walks behind Matt, but no face to face stuff.

Re: Lily-isms

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:30 am
by sweetpea
My son-in-law lived with us when we first got Gracie. She will be six in March and to this day she tolerates him only. I think they have reached an agreement, she will let him in the house, he can even stay here when they visit, just keep the hands off of her, don't even look at her and she agrees to stay away from him and to allow him to visit only.