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throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:37 am
by runningstream

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or remedies for a chow puppy that throws up in the car. So far her car rides have been limited to the ride home, which she didn't throw up than but I don't think she had eaten for a long time, whenever I've taken her for her vaccinations she throws up.

Next time i take her it will be an early apt. and no food, will this pass, has anyone else ever had this problem; she is only 4 months old.

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:56 am
by Mia
Yes, my Mia gets car sick - poor thing hates it.
They have natural remedies that help - like a calming paste and things like that.
Look up Drs. Foster and Smith web site - they have some stuff which soothes their stomachs.

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:39 am
by chowpups
I had a chow that got car sick too as a pup. She was fine for about a month then she got sick every time. The vet said, no food before riding and start her again slowly. Just sitting in the car no motion. Then a short drive and a small treat when she got out and praise good job. She finally did okay and later loved long rides even 3 hrs to the beach and 3 hrs problem even she could eat and ride. but when she was a pup you could see her ears go down and start salivating in the car and you knew she was going to get sick.. It was such a shame. It took awhile before she came around but she did .

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:46 am
by onthemove
Our first chow got car sick early on, but he got better over time. We travel a lot, and our chows go with us. He started out getting sick in just a few miles, then he could go longer and longer without getting sick. He rarely got sick after he got used to it. Occasionally, a really curvy road would get to him.

I started our new pup out on very short trips to get him used to travel. I also wanted to teach him to sit nicely in the car, so he has a special harness and seat. We went every day for just a few minutes at first, then longer and longer as he got used to it. Now he is a champion traveler at 5 mos. of age.

We do not feed him the morning of a trip. We take food with us for him to eat on the way, but he usually doesn't eat much til we get to our destination. He always has water available.

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:53 am
by chow fancier
When my Tasha was a pup she vomit within a minute of being in the car. It was horrible.

Finally, we decided she was just afraid of the car. So we set about making the car a source of good things. On day one she and I got in the car sitting on the back seat and I gave her freshly cooked bacon. She took it tentatively, ate it and then we got out of the car. On day two I parked the car a block away and we walked to it (she loved walking), got in and she got another yummy treat, then we got out and went on the rest of our walk. On day three we got in the car, she got a yummy treat and DH drove us I block. Then we got out and walked. When we were done with our walk, back in the car, a yummy treat and ride home one block. Just kept at it until we made it to the park in the car: lots and lots of squirrels, smells, rabbits there to chase/investigate. Got to the point she was disappointed when we went out for a walk and didn't get in the car. Took time and patience but she never got carsick again.

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:56 am
by Sharons Chows
My JR was only 8 months when I brought him home from the pound.
He threw up all the way home, yet I still proceeded to take him for short car rides and even though he still threw up it got less and less. Within a month he was longer throwing up and seemed to really start enjoying his rides.

My JR is now 13 years old and we have taken lots of really long trips over the years. And........guess what JR's favorite thing to do over the last 12 years got it...............riding in the car!!!

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:05 am
by rougedriner
My new pup Bo got car sick on the way home from she breeder, it was a three hour drive. I got my Honey Bear from a lady in the same area and she has never been car sick and she rode with me from the time she was six weeks old. I drove a truck over the road and she has been in 48 states :D hopefully they outgrow the problem.

Re: throwing up in the car

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:35 am
by runningstream

Thankyou all for your feedback, will see how she does on her next car trip; will be more prepared with towels and things and make sure her tummy is empty.

She seems quite happy in the car, she was licking my daughter's arm when she threw-up so I don't think she is nervous it must be the motion.

Wish me luck on my next car trip.
