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Nelly's nail cutting DEASASTER !!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:06 am
by valerierichard27
Ho boy, today i went to get Nelly's nails done............ after 45 mins we were only able to cut them (not file them) and the lady whos been doing my dogs for the passed 10 years told me she doesn't want nelly to go back :( she said shes tooooo dominant, as for me well ive tried to file them when i got home, she let me do the back one but the front she didnt want, does anyone have that probleme here ??

Re: Nelly's nail cutting DEASASTER !!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:54 am
by Mia
Yes, I have one who squeals like I am pulling her heart out through her throat, LOL!
I swear she screams like I am abusing her and goes berserk. She yelps and twists and howls and goes nuts.
I get about a second on each nail. I use a grinder.

Now I get someone to hold her and feed her really good bits of chicken while I use the grinder at a really slow speed. Now I get about 3 seconds on each nail.

It's a nightmare.

Re: Nelly's nail cutting DEASASTER !!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:15 am
by Sirchow
I dont know if Bramble has very soft nails or if most people take their chows on softer ground, but I never need to cut or file her nails. She does about 15mins each day walking on road surface. Does everyone else need to cut their chows nails? This is a question I have been meaning to ask.

I am no help with the original post as the only time I tried to cut Bramble's nails I cut the quick too because she struggled so much. :( I had the sticks that are supposed to stop the bleeding but they were useless and I ended up having to stick her foot in a bag of flour to stop it bleedin! :shock: Thank goodness we no longer need to do that.

Re: Nelly's nail cutting DEASASTER !!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:13 pm
by kingalls
Nahkohe's groomer said the running/walking on the sidewalks have kept their nails in check. The one and only time Nahkohe had his nails trimmed was during a vet visit to check if he had a broken toe. It turned out to be just a broken nail but the vet said that since he was already trimmin the one nail, he would do them all. To trim the broken nail back far enough to not get it caught on anything, the vet had to cut deeper and used the nail quick powder to stop the bleeding....Nahkohe did not like it at all since he does not like being touched by a non-family person so I had to bear-hug him while the vet was trimming.

Re: Nelly's nail cutting DEASASTER !!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:48 pm
by Coco Chow
Coco never got her nails clipped as she walks a lot in the city and her nails are always short.
I'm happy about it as i wouldn't like to clip them myself, I'd be too affraid they'd bleed and I think I would ask her vet to do it for me.

Re: Nelly's nail cutting DEASASTER !!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:43 pm
by Clockman
Emma gets her nails done whenever I think they look too long. She did not like it at first, but I won the battle. I sat on the ground, laid her on her back in my lap, wrapped one leg over her belly and sat there until she stopped flailing. Then, I touched the nail with the clippers, waited for the flailing to stop and nipped the end. I did each one this way and finally got all paws done. Now, she doesn't give me nearly as much problem.

Nails are misery with almost every breed; it's not a natural thing. They should wear down from travel over the land as they do in wild dogs, but since we've domesticated them, they don't all wear like they should. That's why horses, goats, etc. also need their hooves cut and filed.

Mia, since you're using a grinder, have you considered that you may be staying in one place on the nail too long, causing a "burn" if the friction of the grinder and nail heats up? Just a possibility.