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HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:58 am
by Dogdad
Hi everyone,

I need your help, Maxine found a little kitten on the side of the road, it was crying and appears to be abandoned. I took Maxine home and picked up the kitten. It is now in the basement and is wobbling around. It is very young, its eyes are open and still blue. I don't want to keep it but i think when the boys wake up....... I am allergic to cats so if it does stay it will have to stay in Carlo's room. I have to call my sister in about an hour when she wakes up for kitten advice, I am so clueless and hope I don't have to feed it with a bottle. I don't want to take it to the shelter, it is a n kill shelter but we all know that means. Any advice would be appreciated.

Maxine wanted to play with it, but you know how rough chows can be, Yoshi won't see the kitten for sure


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 3:18 am
by Sirchow
If it is really tiny it may lick milk of the tip of your finger. If it is old enough a little mashed up dog food will probably keep it going for a few hours till someone can help on the spot. The important thing is to make sure it is not dehydrated so a little water or milk in what ever way you can. If you have a syringe then try to get fluids into it. I don't know how hot it is with you but they get dehydrated really easy. Keep it warm , fed and plenty of liquid for now and good luck with homing I doubt you will find that difficult to find a home for a kitten. Def don't let chows play with kittens little necks snap sooo easilly!

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:43 am
by Auddymay
Dogdad wrote:Hi everyone,

... I don't want to keep it but i think when the boys wake up....... I am allergic to cats so if it does stay it will have to stay in Carlo's room...
I never saw someone argue and lose, and the other debaters are still asleep! #-o Sometimes there are shelters you don't even know about. At Noah Project they have 90 cats that have a home as long as they need one, and they have the run of a half dozen rooms. I would try an internet search of all shelters in your area.

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 6:12 am
by Dogdad
well I ran to walmart to get kitten formula , soft kitten food and kitty litter. The poor thing ate about 20 eye droppers of kitty formula, explored a bit and then went to sleep. I am breaking out everywhere, so unless someone else can take care of it, I can't tell what she is , I will have to find a home for her. My maternal instincts kicked in and it was really nice feeding the kitten. I think I have to feed it every 4 hours, I called 2 friends with cats so hopefully I can find a home soon. I am not sure being isolated in one room is the best home for her. I am such a sucker for animals, I really wouldn't mind keeping it but I don't think it will have a great home with us. I told maxine to find a puppy next time so fingers crossed


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 6:38 am
by Dogdad
Auddymay wrote:
Dogdad wrote:Hi everyone,

... I don't want to keep it but i think when the boys wake up....... I am allergic to cats so if it does stay it will have to stay in Carlo's room...
I never saw someone argue and lose, and the other debaters are still asleep! #-o Sometimes there are shelters you don't even know about. At Noah Project they have 90 cats that have a home as long as they need one, and they have the run of a half dozen rooms. I would try an internet search of all shelters in your area.
Scary isn't it, that is why I have 5 dogs, 8 birds, 1 tortoise, tons of fish. I can't say NO. I checked on Kabuki ( better that calling it kitty ) and it was meowing so I picked it up and played with her. Then I put her back in her little bed and she went back to sleep. My eldest thinks she is cute but doesn't care on way or the other , The youngest son is still sleeping so not sure what his reaction will be , but everytime we go to petco he has to visit the cats that are there for adoption




Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:12 am
by Sirchow
Awww too cute David. Have you tried a gas mask for your alergies!!!

I know that sucker feeling - hense the two dogs, chinchilla, chipmunk, three cats, and 18 fish.

Sounds like you are doing a good job there. If it were me (well thats not a good example because I would keep it) I would get it out the house before youngest son wakes up - probably too late now! Good luck with that one. :D :D

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:21 am
by Dogdad
I am reading on abandoned cat care, I have to burb the poor thing, I am going to try wearing a medical mask I got just in case N1H1 became deadly. LOL Yeah I am wierd.
From what it sounds most shelters are equiped to hand feed kittens because of man power so Hopefully I can find a home for it that is willing to do it or else it will have to stay here until it can eat solids, I need to get a heating pad on Kabuki. My niece is driving 45 miles to tell me it's *Censored Word* and visit the cat, she loves cats but she is in University so she can't keep it

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:26 am
by sweetpea
Aw, its so cute! If only they stayed babies forever. I found my Pepper about that age. He was in the road and I nearly ran over him. His eyes were matted shut and full of fleas, the vet said he was about 4 weeks old if that. I'm not much of a cat person but he sure stole my heart quick and soon became my buddy. Sure hope you can find a home for the little thing before you get attached.

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:32 am
by Dogdad
Kabuki is eating solids but appears to be blind, perhaps that is why it was abandoned. I need to call the vet


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:12 am
by Sirchow
Poor wee soul. I hope it turns out not to blind. This is begining to sound like a forever home :lol:

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:23 am
by Dogdad
My niece is over and tells me Kabuki is a girl, she is eating but dehydrated so she has been out for a while . My niece is giving her formula and water. she is active and crawling on everyone and purring.


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:02 pm
by Auddymay
I thought girl when i saw her photo. She looks like she will be a tortoise shell. You named it...fool! Unless you want to be taking shots and pills, and I know you don't, change your mind-set NOW!

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:32 pm
by Victory
She's cute. I'd say she was 4-6 weeks old, (yes I once had a couple of kittens). I don't like the size of her pupils though, if that shot was taken with a flash the pupils should be smaller. If she hasn't had the proper amount of protein she could be blind. A visit to the vet is in order I think. Her fur is a bit thin too, she probably has worms, (90% of puppies and kitten have them)

I am also allergic to cats, (not the rashy allergies, the "I can't breathe" allergies) but I've noticed that if the cats are bathed regularly I don't have as much of a problem. If the vet says she's pretty healthy, try giving her a bath, (she probably needs one anyway if she's been on her own), and see if that helps your allergic reaction. Contrary to popular belief cats can be bathed, just remember that that they need to be dried very throughly and kept warm after the process. Regular grooming is good for them too, the slicker brushes work well on their fine fur.

And Auddymay is right, what were you thinking giving her a name?!

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:43 pm
by Rogansmommy
My husband is allergic to cats, always has been. That being said, our kitty - Dasher -- will be 14 in November... :wink:

There are steps you can take to avoid inducing an allergic reaction. You can pet the kitty, immediately wash your hands afterwards. Erik's ok as long as Dasher doesn't decide to sit on his pillow when he's sleeping (it happens some nights). Then as long as he washes his face really well, he's ok. Over the years, he's developed a greater immunity for the cat -- it does the same thing as shots.

Good luck - everyone else has said it all. You are doomed. =D=

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:46 pm
by chris
A CAT?... oh LORD... #-o

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:52 pm
by fillyok
She's so cute!! I love kittens. A co-worker and I found some at work last week so we took them some water and tuna. I couldn't help myself and had to pick one up to hold it. :)
If you really don't want to keep Kabuki, there are always people looking for kittens.

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 3:41 pm
by Dogdad
The vet was closed when I called but we will try to get her in on Monday, The challenge is getting her to do her business. I just took some benadryl to see if that helps, Feeding her with a dropper and playing with her doesn't help in rehoming her. The boys want her, Jeff is as he says " not opposed to keeping her" In some ways I would like to keep her too, the allergie thing is getting old, I have both the rash and breathing problem. The other problem is keeping her in one room, namely my sons. This would be both for my benefit and protect her from Maxine, Aldo and Mo are curious but Maxine foams at the mouth when he sees her. So in the long run it perhaps is better for her to go to a new home, although once she is gone, there is no guarantee that she will have a good home. Any thoughts? especially from cat lovers and cat owners


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:12 pm
by summer_rose03
Whoever ends up with the kitten, make sure they are a cat experienced home, no large dangerous dogs (not talking breed wise, but not with a dog that is iffy with cats). The cat needs kitten formula and canned food. Probably under 6 weeks old. If you are concerned about the future owner of the cat, have them sign a contract to return the cat to you if they ever are no longer to care for it. Maybe check in once and awhile.

Talk to people from work, they are people you know and there is always someone who will take a kitten!

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 6:31 pm
by Larry Harris
What goes in must come out ;-)

To help them potty mom licks them in the area... you know the privates ;-) Now for us humans we prefer to use a warm wash cloth. :lol:

When puppies or kittens are this young they need the help to go potty by stimulating the potty parts. Also to keep them warm use a hot water bottle covered in a towel. Keep stuffed toys in her bed to make her feel safe. On old alarm clock that still makes the tick tick sound will also help calm her. DD thank you for helping her.

Little back ground on Maxine, when she was with us we had a littler of feral kittens in a crate in the bedroom. One of the babies some how got out and was apparently wandering around the room. So little miss Maxine picks her up like the kitten is her own and takes her out to the kitchen. One of the other fur kids thinks TOY. Not with Maxine around, she drops the kitten so it can get behind her and Maxine proceeds to take on a Chow twice her size. From that day until the kitties went to live with our vet Maxine would guard them from all who dared approach.


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 6:52 pm
by kingalls
Kittens are just so darned cute!! Maybe that's why I have had so many rescued kittens #-o - now mature cats . Kabuki is looks very young - judging from the eyes*, she can probably do okay without being bottle fed. I fostered a litter of 5 that were about that age and they were okay with soft food and water. Have you contacted a local cat rescue? Thus far, I have kept my Chowdren and cats separate. If you think that is not possible and Yoshi's or Maxine's prey drive would be a problem, then it would be best to rehome Kabuki. Kittens are so much easier to adopt than older cats.
Technically, I am allergic to cats and for the most part, my allergies aren't bad around my cats....yet when I am other people's cats - I'm a sneezing mess. During the spring with pollen, etc., I have a hard time around my cats but I take OTC allergy medicene to help with that - especially since my upstairs cats think I am their personal pillow at night.
*Is there a reason why you think she might be blind? I think her eyes are blue because of her young age. The vet will advise. I have a blind cat - she was born without eyes. My DH rescued her from a place where he was working. She tried to run away from him and ran into a fence post. She was probably around 4 weeks old (now she is about 8 years old now). We thought she just had a really bad eye infection but the vet confirmed that she was born without eyes. He said she was probably from a feral cat litter because if the mother cat had been vaccinated, the chance of being born without eyes would be extremely low. If Kabuki is actually blind, there should be no worries if she lives indoors. My girl, Orbi (short for Orbison (Roy Orbison :wink: )) adapts to changes really fast. She learned how to "fly" down a flight of stairs and turn before hitting the wall. When she gets into a "situation", she has specific meow which means - help me.
Cats and Chows are similar in so many ways.

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:29 pm
by Dogdad

Thanks for the insight on Miss Maxini, She wanted so badly to get the kitty, that I thought she wanted to kill it, maybe just protect it. I have been rubbing her private place with a warm moist cloth all day and she is going pee but not poo. Her tummy is rounder and hard. I gave her a little fish oil tonight in hopes of softing her stool so it will be easier for her to go. She is still active but she has to go. We called almost all of our cat friends, no one is interested. We have 3 more calls to make tomorrow. She has a little box with a blanket and when she is tired she goes in it. Just before bed time I turned on a heating pad in her box to warm up things but I unplugged it when she went to bed. The vet is the first place we are going on Monday, I will drop her off on my way to school and pick her up after school. I will bring her blankie and some food, hopefully they can get her to poo if I don't and give her a check up. We are discussing if we can give her a good home, the Benedryl is helping with itch, eyes and breathing so maybe in time I can deal with the allergies .We have figured out that with the doggie gate and a closed she can stay in my youngest sons room. She has a window : Yoshi's watch window and a place for her food , water, litter box and a bed, I am sure Carlos would rearrange it so she could have a kitty tower. Yoshi can still be in the house but never in Carlos room, with the gate and the door I am sure she will be safe. It is not run of the house but better than a crate or being feral.


there aren't any cat rescues around here, I hate the idea of taking her to a shelter, I don't think I could do it actually. I do agree that kittens are much more adoptable than cats, just like dogs and puppies. I don't think she is blind, we used a pen light and she reacted, I think she was just unsteady on her legs and was bupping into things. We shall see what tomorrow brings, I hate to admit it, but I am getting attached to her, I am not a cat person in the least. I caught Jeff doing baby talk to her like he does for the furkids, He denied it of course,


Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:54 pm
by summer_rose03
As I have learned from my local rescue, young kittens can't digest their food when they are cold, so make sure she stays warm. Once she is warm and stays that way, it should help her digestion. This is very important or it could be very serious.

Also, the round hard belly ( if she has had it since you found her), could be worms, in which case she will need to be wormed at the vet monday, and then again every couple weeks for 2x after that.

Here are some orphan kitten links: ... tens.shtml

Good luck!

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:00 pm
by kingalls
Dogdad, if the kitten can stay in Carlos' room, that would be okay. I have 5 cats that own our large master bedroom and master bathroom. From personal experience, if you name them, you have adopted them :| ...
I wouldn't take to Kabuki to a shelter =; - only a rescue. Cats/kittens are put down really fast because there are so many :cry: What about local pet stores? Can you post adopt a kitten with them?
...ah, just as a possible option - is school out yet? take Kabuki to school and see if any of the kids could check with their parents about fostering or adopting?

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:19 pm
by Dogdad
thanks I have been reading sites all day, I think I am doing everything right.. I did notice it said not to panic if the kitten doesn't have a bm in the first 48 hours so I am glad. I looked at the local shelter for cats, some have been in for over a year and there are tons. I didn't look at the dogs. They are similar to puppies in some way so I have some experience.

Re: HELP - maxine found a kitten

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:06 pm
by bama
David, you are so sweet and such a push over...I think that is why I adore you so much!!!
I think everything has been covered and yes you are doing a great job with Kabuki!
I too, am allergic to cats, both breathing and burning eyes, however I have managed
to keep my cat, Mojo in one room... the laundry. She has her own cat door, but the only
thing she goes outside for is to do her business. (she doesn't use a litter box)
She is an old girl and doesn't care to wander about.
If Kabuki is never exposed to a great big world, then she won't know one exists.
She can do just fine being confined to one room.
I have a coupon for Benedryl, do you want it? :lol:
Good luck!!