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My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:06 pm
by Juniper
Haven’t been around for a while...I’m immersed in both chowdren and reptile health problems.

Poor Troy only 3 yrs and 7 mos old living all his life with itching now living 24/7 in an e-collar again to avoid him from biting himself to death. I sometimes need to put a muzzle on him to prevent him from eating grass, dirt, poop, rocks, weeds, when he goes outside to do his business. From arthritis on a left hind leg from a fracture as a pup, IBD the day I got him to acute pancreatitis last year and all his allergies...after 5 vets, I finally found a dermatologist that will put him down if we are not successful. Don't really know how much more I can spend though...the cost last year was 9,000...I'm already into it this year for 1900. It's heartbreaking for me...after all Troy de Bad Boy did win the Purple Kisses Contest at the No CA Chowfest '08!

Sheena had pneumonia last August '08, coughing and spitting since then, x-rays show no trachea collapse, vet suggested a bronchodilator...but Sheena will just need to learn not to get excited or she'll have to just cough and spit.

My Columbian rainbow boa keeps refusing food since January 1st and has a respiratory infection but looks totally healthy...I'm on my second series of antibiotic injections...he just gets better and then gets worse. He's only 6 1/4 years out of his 30 yr lifespan.

What a life...Troy is neurotic, stepped on Sheena at 3 a.m. last Thursday and injured her left hind leg, she yelped awfully loud. Luckily I had some Duralactin from Troy (who was allergic to it) and was able to give it to Sheena...she's improving thank goodness.

They've laid off workers at my job, I'll find out if I get bumped by the end of June due to seniority rights...I only have 3.75 years here, not vested yet, so will get no retirement benefits...if that happens I won't have any worries...give up all animals, foreclose on my house, sell everything and move to N.Y.C. with my sister who may be laid off herself. At 60 yrs. come June...this is a depressing thought. Just needed to vent. Thanks for reading this. Somehow this has got to work out for the better. Silly me, I'm still hoping. #-o

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:30 pm
by CoraP.
These are trying times, aren't they. I hope things will turn around for you and start looking up. It seems they have to sometime! One of our horses is having a problem which may run into more money then we'd like to spend and the husband is being a real pain in the @3& about it. I hope things get better for all of us!

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:42 pm
by kingalls
I'm so sorry to hear that Troy is still having so many issues :cry: ...Sounds like Sheena is hanging in there despite the pneumonia.
The possibility of becoming unemployed is hanging over a lot of people's head these days. Even though I have been at my job for a very long time,
I don't expect that senority to be a deciding factor if we have another RIF.
Hang in there Jennifer!
Hugs to Troy and Sheena...

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:18 pm
by LEO's mum
Troy was looking so well last year at the CF. Poor, poor good boy. And Sheena, the resparatory disease takes a long time to heal properly..... And oh Snakey-poo, I hope he gets his appetite back.
Vent all you want, Jennifer. Take a deep breath and then you'll be ready to fight for another day. Take one day at a time as they come.
Biggest hugs to you and the furry and non-furry ones.

Leonora & mum

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:01 pm
by chowpups
I feel your pains, try to hang in there.. We went through a tough time too with a sharpei/pug that had many skin issues and thousands of dollars later no answers.. Very tough..

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:52 am
by TJordan
I really hate to hear that Troy has been bad again. I know you have been through a lot. When it rains it pours doesn't it. I hope everything will work out. You sent me some great suggestions when Butters was a mess, sadly I have advice to offer, just know we are thinking about you.

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:26 pm
by Trooper
Hello; I havn't been on the site for a while either. My chow Trooper is now almost 11 months old. Same ailments from birth was itching, skin problems, crusts and open sores that wouldn't heal. Slipped on ice and limped around for a while and reinjured easily until the weather improved here (Canada). Anyways the short of this is....since I investigated on my own and thru the help received on this site (thankyou!)...I am happy to report problems are under control. I changed his food to 'Natures Variety Holistic Pet Foods - namely Prairie Lamb - meal oatmeal medley - nutritional levels recognized by AAFCO - (my vet was impressed) then... A semi-retired vet advised me to get the following: 'The Missing Link - Plus' with joint support - a supplement sprinkled onto Troopers food.
'Omega 3 superfood supplement with glucosamine additive. 'Supports healthy joints, skin & coat, energy levels, digestive, normal weight & less shedding'
Since Trooper eats only dry food - the 'sprinkle of 1-2 teaspoons' daily on his food is boring soooooo to make sure he eats his supplement and food for that matter, I take the 1-2 teaspoons and mix it with 'Benny Bully's liver' treats which are only dried liver snacks without additives or preservatives. (I grind some up & leave in a covered dish) mix very little into the supplement with a little water and drop it/bury it into his dry kibble. Since Chows are not big eaters can do this sprinkle every 2 days (I just add more supplement) so he doesn't get too spoiled and still will eat his dry kibble without anything put on top. I feel good to know he eats and gets his supplement. For any little breakouts he may get now (not often) I wash with Sea Salt and then rub in Aloe Vera gel. Even his leg joints. O:) The results have been amazing! Not overnight so give it a month or more. I wish you much luck - I was overwhelmed until I did the above.
Sincerely, Brenda & 'Trooper'

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:30 pm
by Layla
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that Troy is still having so man issues. I can offer no advice really, just wanted to know we're thinking of ya, xx

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:37 pm
by Juniper
Thanks all for your well wishes and advice. Unfortunately, Troy has been through the gamut. On holistic and healthy foods, vitamin therapy including omega 3's and homeopathy since I got him. The last diet he had was on Primal Raw Duck for 5 months he didn't itch and then he had the acute pancreatitis in Mar '08. Troy's itching has always returned no matter what diet he was on and the homeopathy just stopped working. Blood tests show nothing. After the acute bout w/pancreatitis he started on Hill's Z/D canned 3.5% protein and 2.5% fat. Amazingly, Troy's 54.3 lbs right now-still at his normal weight. Other foods are now too high in protein and fat for his pancreas. Troy's been on Z/D for a year now, didn't itch at all, no meds, nothing while on the Z/D. Then Troy began itching again worse than ever and smelling like baker's yeast again. Right now it's back to weekly baths (instead of monthly) w/pyoben shampoo and relief oatmeal rinse.

Troy is presently on meds for yeast infections, parasites etc. The fungus med just made him vomit and he's stopped eating from 2 cans of food/day to one. We'll be re-introducing the fungus med again later when he stabilizes and finishes the antibiotic. He's on an antihistamine so he can get some sleep at night and in the day (sometimes I only give him 1/day) and we had to give both Sheena and Troy the flea med Revolution (even though I know it's not fleas) I'm concerned because Troy appears to have many allergies to many meds and flea meds was one of 'em in the past and he appears to itch more on the stuff. Plus both Sheena and Troy can't seem to get rid of these roundworms and have both gone through 2 series of meds this year alone! They must be getting re-infected from bird feces that drop in our yard since they haven't even seen a dog or gone to a park for over 6 months!

It's crazy-Sheena is UTI prone and has gotten pneumonia in the summertime, never itches,has plenty of oils in her skin, is strong as an ox, has sturdy legs, has recovered totally in one week from Troy injuring her, and the cranberry tabs have been successful at preventing her UTI's. Sheena is a leave me alone kind of chow and hardly plays. Then there's Troy, arthritic hind lft leg, medial meniscus problem with rt hind leg, allergic to almost everything and who knows what anymore, has extremely dry skin, smells like a yeast factory, and is a very itchy boy. Regardless, Troy's stubborn, defiant, and manages to do zoomies every morning in the yard when I ask him to come in-he suddenly has a memory lapse of what the word "In" means just when I'm late to work-he wants to play.

Well, that's why I say it's my last resort to help Troy. Troy must have had some really sick parents and was probably the runt of the litter when Sac City Shelter found him wandering in the streets at 7 months young.

I'm hoping everyone will be healthy come September. In February, when everyone was doing pretty OK, crazy me reserved a camping spot for 5 days, Sept 5-9 at Grover Hot Springs, in Markleeville, CA (near Tahoe).

Thanks again all for your positive thoughts and thanks Brenda for the info. I hope Trooper continues to do well.

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:38 pm
by Auddymay
Jennifer, I am sorry Troy has been so unhealthy. I know I have been extremely lucky health wise with mine. Just this week, Lily started weeping in both eyes, and they were clearly swollen. My heart sank. She has had no trouble in 4 years. I think she has an allergy, but it is puzzling, since she has never had problems before. I bought some Benedryl, and they improved, but she is not completely past it, and for the first time in her life, she has tear stains...yet, compared to all you have been through it is nothing by comparrison. I wish you all the best with your job situation, and of course with all your animals.

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:08 pm
by Juniper
Thanks Auddymay. I hope Lily clears up totally from tearing. She's such a beautiful girl!

CoraP, it's tough not to help even if the money is short. Hope you found a solution and your horse is on its way to recovery. My positive thoughts are with you.

Re: My Last resort to help Troy

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:51 pm
by kiwani
Juniper wrote:Blood tests show nothing.

Have they ever tested for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency with
Juniper wrote:Troy's been on Z/D for a year now, didn't itch at all, no meds, nothing while on the Z/D. Then Troy began itching again worse than ever and smelling like baker's yeast again.
The Z/D is highly digestible, and that would help keep yeasts in check. Yeasts thrive when there is a problem with digestion. The Z/D formula is not meant for long term use though, so that may have contributed to affecting his digestion again, and that would cause the yeast populations to thrive.
Juniper wrote:Right now it's back to weekly baths (instead of monthly) w/pyoben shampoo and relief oatmeal rinse.
Have you tried DermaPet's vinegar-based yeast fighting shampoos?

Juniper wrote:The fungus med just made him vomit and he's stopped eating from 2 cans of food/day to one.
The fungus med might cause a 'herx reaction', since yeast die-off releases toxins.

Juniper wrote:Then there's Troy,...allergic to almost everything and who knows what anymore, has extremely dry skin, smells like a yeast factory, and is a very itchy boy.
Extremely dry skin is linked with EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) because the body struggles to assimilate fat soluble vitamins, etc. The body can also lose zinc, and zinc helps regulate histamine/allergic response. Pica is also linked with EPI.