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Weather stories

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:30 am
by KathrynH
We have a storm blowing in, and as is normal, they are very gusty. Usually Buddha enjoys a little wind, and the coolness of the air...I guess "little" is the operative word here. I went to let him out before I came back to work, and he went outside. I left the door open because I was going to put his water outside with him. While i had my back turned, he snuck inside (I have wood floors, usually he clicks on them. I didnt' here a sound this time!) and ran upstairs :roll: Of course he can stay inside, but I needed to close my bedroom door, because he tends to get into things. I went upstairs and he was just wagging his tail like crazy and looking at me like he was saying, "Please don't make me go outside!" I just laughed at him and got him into the hallway. Usually he'll come downstairs with me, but he absolutely refused to follow me downstairs, and kind of lurked at the landing, watching me to make sure he wasn't going to be forced outside :lol: Crazy Buddha! LOL
So, I was wondering if anyone else's chowdren try that hard to get out of going outside? LOL

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:37 am
by CoraP.
Molly does when it's raining! She hates it when it's wet outside.

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:19 pm
by bellabear27
Bella and Bruin got to enjoy about 20 inches of snow fall on the first day of spring here. it snowed pretty heavy for about a day or so and now all the snow that was starting to melt is deeper then ever. The chowlings could not be happier of course!!

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:50 pm
by bubbybear
They sure like the snow . Mia's snow piles are getting smaller every day. She likes to roll in it every chance she gets. It has been sunny hear but cool at night. Great sap weather. Still hope it warms up soon lol.

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:04 pm
by Auddymay
Lily likes all weather, except hard rain. However, when she wants to stay awau from me, she also stands on the landing, watching me for any fast

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:41 pm
by Coco Chow
No, I have to say, Coco is always happy to go outsides, whatever the weather... That animal of mine doesn't mind being wet at all! :roll:

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:31 am
by Rowlee
Keiko Loves the rain the little *Censored Word*! Wilbur doesn't care about it one way or the other but stays a lot drier than Missy Keiko. Rowlee used to lay in it until he was soaked, this was usually at night, when it was bedtime and then we had to dry him :roll:

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:53 am
by vicster605
Kearra & Kyra don't mind the rain......I'm not crazy about wet Chows, go figure :roll: Miss Kyra thinks shes gettin' extra lovin' when she sees me coming with a towel and absolutely LOVES gettting dryed off, she even lifts her paws so I can dry those too :lol:

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:25 am
by TJordan
Butters doesn't mind most weather. He doesn't care for Thunder or heavy rain. But he will sit outside and get nice and wet and wet dog smelly!! However, you turn on a sprinkler anywhere near him and he runs inside as if you have hurt him :roll:

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:46 am
by Buddha4me
All of my Chows have hated to get their feet wet. Buddha will go around the puddles, and doesn't like to go out in the rain at all. He loves the snow, that's how he torn his ACL was playing in the snow! He loves windy days, sunny days, cloudy days, just no rain. If he's already outside he never barks to come in, but forget about getting him to out in the rain.

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:30 pm
by Judy Fox
Milly and Mabel hate the rain and they also hate wet grass.
However, they will love a romp in the snow.
Funny girls. :lol:

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:03 pm
by bubbybear
Sheba hated the rain. but would dance if she thought she was going for a walk and it wouldn't matter if it was pouring down.

Re: Weather stories

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:14 pm
by CHowgal
Tippsy is absolutely refusing to go outside right now. We've only got a light drizzle going on. She gets like this EVERY time it rains.

Jasper on the other hand absolutely LOVES the rain and ANY water he can play in. So he's trying to stay outside right now, but he can't(no fence around the backyard as of yesterday).

They are crazy though. :lol: