Adding topics to the Best of...

An archive of the best and most helpful grooming related topics.
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Adding topics to the Best of...

Post by chowadmin »

The best of sub forums are meant to be a collection of the best and most valuable topics from within the forum archives. This will allow for the very helpful topics filled with great information and advice to be centrally located and easily accessible for everyone. You can not create a topic in any of the best of categories, only moderators can move or copy a topic into the best of categories. However you can post and reply within topics. If you there is a topic that you feel should be within the "Best of" category, then please submit a request in the Request to Add Topic to "Best of" Category with the topic URL, or send a PM to me or the moderators. We'll then review the topic and see if it provides valuable information and advice that is appropriate for the section to qualify for a "Best of" topic.
Best regards, Administrator

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