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BuhBhy Bubba

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:57 am
by KasperKisses
Sweet Bubba....well you were sweet to us but you were definitely a one family chow. Your owner surrendered you when you were an old guy, we're not sure how anyone can do that but I guess we're pretty lucky they did. You had almost 3 great years with us and we enjoyed you immensely. You were head chow in our house and always kept everyone in line. We will miss having to go around you, because your place on the floor was wherever you decided to lay down.

Bubba came into our rescue very depressed. His saviour was Robbi. Wherever Robbi went, Bubba followed. Luckily Bubba was deaf because whenever the band was playing... there was Bubba, laying right next to Robbi's keyboards....sound asleep!!! And he just loved to walk...when we moved to El Dorado he had acres to explore and he did. Towards the end he could only walk to the deck outside and in the house but he kept it up. I came in the other nite and stepped over him as always and sat down with the TV for the nite. Kimo went up to Bubba and was pulling at his leg and whining. Then he started licking his face and kept looking up at me and whining. When I layed down next to Bubba it appeared that he was just asleep as always...I noticed that his breathing was very shallow, again I thought he was just sleeping. After a short time his breathing just stopped....I'm sure he was dreaming of walking around in a field of daisy's and decided to go there, where his legs didn't hurt anymore and he could see and hear again. But I'm sure he's still laying next to some keyboards somewhere:) Bye sweet Bubba...we will miss you.

Re: BuhBhy Bubba

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:01 pm
by Dogdad
I am so sorry, It is always a shock and a heartache. Although you only had bubba for 3 years, for him it was a lifetime of happiness


Re: BuhBhy Bubba

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:56 pm
by CoraP.
I am so sorry. Bubba is running free now, young again. It hurts so much to let them go though!

Re: BuhBhy Bubba

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:26 am
by jacqui
its sounds like you loves Bubba very much.
I'm so sorry, my deepest sympathies to you.

Re: BuhBhy Bubba

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:26 am
by Judy Fox
I am so very sorry. But what a lovely peaceful way to go and he is in no more pain.
Run free in the daisies Bubba. You were much loved. :)