Can you/would you take your chows to work?

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Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by WildThings »

USAToday had an article today showing that more and more companies where allowing dog owners (and in one instance cat/small critter owners) to bring their pets with them to work. I would love to take Fiona to work with me, I think she would love it. I think Tess would be very happy and content to go to work with my dad everyday. Fiona would be happy to lay by my desk while I worked, and I could walk her on my breaks and lunch. I have a decent sized office that could easily have a gate across the door. My organization unfortunately does not allow pets. There is a women with a seeing-eye dog a few floors down, but that of course is a completely differnet situation. She is the only person is a building with at least 100 businesses on 44 different floor that I have ever seen with an animal.

Some dogs would not be good candidates for coming to work. Most of the companies in the article had rules about aggression towards other people/dogs, excessive barking, hyper, drooling, etc., but I have met many dogs that would do great hanging out with their owner at work.

So my question is, is there anyone that can take their chow to work? If your organization had a policy that allowed pets, would your chow be a good candidate or enjoy going to work? And, would you want to take your chow to work?
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by jacqui »

I'm a hairstylist and I used to bring my Chowgirl Jade to work with me.
everyone just loved her,she was such a good girl but very timid.
she would lay in the same spot all day right by my chair and I would tell people to just step over her.
I had to stop bringing her as the shop grew unfortunetly :(
if I were able to Chyna would be a great canidate for work :D
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by Jeff&Peks »

I could and I did and so did my wife for almost 9 years Chows are no problem you just have to remember your Chow isn't going to act any differant at work then it does at home, if the Chow dosn't like being touched or people approching then you just have to take procautions and tell people hands off. Pekoe was in the field with me most of the time and in an office atmosphere with my wife, people understood and had no problem with it. Bringing a Chow to work isn't the problem its the people you work with and thier temperments.
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by Red Dragon »

I've taken my dogs to work with me for the last 16 years. It can be a problem sometimes, because they always want to go on walks. :lol: I have pics, but it won't let me attach them, says quota has been reached. I have even brought whole litters to work when they were first born, so I could keep an eye on them.

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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by Chow Chow Mama »

Hannah would be a great candidate to take to work with me. For example, I took her to Petsmart last weekend and that girl had to go up to every single person and give them kisses :roll: I didn't think we'd ever get out of there!
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by Cara&Haley »

In college a professor would bring his dog to school and I loved it. I work in a college now (public) and there is no way they would allow pets inside. They don't even let them on campus. On top of that we can't wear any kind of perfume/cologne. They claimed that some people are allergic/sensitive to strong smells. O well.

If I could I would bring Haley to work. She's awesome with people and such a good girl. Cara's a terror and she's shy with people.
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by WildThings »

I work for the State of Ohio, I think my only chance of ever having a dog at work would be to find a new job. Liability issues alone would prevent any live animal in the building, but someday, hopefully I can. My current office now would be the perfect situation, there are only 8 employees, we all have offices, no foot-traffic, very quite.
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by kingalls »

Most of the companies in the article had rules about aggression towards other people/dogs, excessive barking, hyper, drooling, etc., but I have met many dogs that would do great hanging out with their owner at work.

sounds like some of my co-workers :shock:

I could take Shiloh but Mr. N would not like it..he's really adverse to having people touch him :(
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by Judy Fox »

I am retired now so that is not a possibility but M & M would have loved to have gone into my office with me I am sure.

However, with regard to a person taking dogs to work, I know of one Roman Catholic Parish in London where there were 3 priests in residence. The Parish Priest, the Assistant Priest and an elderly retired priest who had two boxers.
The older of these two boxers hardly ever left his side and when necessary the elderly priest would say Mass if the other two were called away.
When this happend this elderly chap would walk out of the Sacristy onto the Sanctuary, closely followed by the old boxer who would then lay down and doze whilst his man said Mass then when the service was over, he would get up and follow the priest back out into the Sacristy. He never budged - just dozed during the service - except - there was a blind lady who sometimes used to attend Mass - and yes she was accompanied by her blind dog.! :roll:
When this happened, the blind dog was as good as gold and would lay in the aisle right by his mistress but the boxer would sit bolt upright and just watch. This occurred on many occasions but never a cross word or growl.
So dogs sometimes do go anywhere.
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by summer_rose03 »

Carter would get to antsy. Especially since where I work, he has to be in a kennel when I'm working. He barks like mad and goes balistic. The funny thing is that when he's in the kennels at the vet's, he doesn't make a peep.
Thanks SweetPea!
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Re: Can you/would you take your chows to work?

Post by Chloe's Mom »

Chloe has gone to work with me on occasion. She's not much of a barker either at home or when we're out so noise isn't a problem. She seems to be able to only tolerate 1/2 day in
the office then she begins to get restless.
Chloe says "Yes it is all about me."
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