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Post by chris »

DARNIT!... Last night when a few of our friends were leaving Steel darted out the door. I HATE it when he does that... so, for about 1.5 hours Michael and I looked for Steel... spotted him a few times and tried to follow but he is just to fast. In the weeds, down the road, accross the frozen (thank GOD) lake and so on. UUUGGGGG... finaly, he just made his way home and got himself cornered in the yard accross the street. (230am to be exact!)
Now, I'm trying to get the bugger to sit and let me brush out the mangeled mess of burs in his main, tail and behind... I should just take him in and get him shaved up but that wouldn't be good cuz its winter, plus Steel won't let a groomer touch him... much less a thing that makes noise.
I think we will put an electric fence up in the front yard.. knowing Steel the buzzing noise that the fence makes when they get so close will deter him enough. He won't go near it. He doesn't like anything out of place and doesn't like "wierd" things.
We try so hard not to creat a situtation where he can get out, but every now and then it happens. My main concearn is for him going onto the highway, that would be bad. Especialy at night. I do think he knows his way home, he came back last night from being all the way accross the other side of the lake. that darn chow of mine had me crying and pulling my hair out. :evil: When I get his booty in here to brush him out... he will get not sympathy from me =; he is in the DOG HOUSE...
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh Chris, that is so awful but thank God he came home without hurting himself.

Don't be too tough on him - he probably had a ball!! Naughty, naughty boy Steel - you should be ashamed of yourself upsetting your family like that. :(
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Post by Auddymay »

Hi Steelo, my love. I miss you. I heard about your grand adventure. Oh, how I wish I had been by your side! Don't worry about your mum making those noises of angry at you, we both know she will settle after a piece. Give her the sad eye, it does shorten the least around here! You know when you hit the mark, cuz they say sommt'in like, ...and don't give me that sorry look, it won't work! By the time you hear that, you know it is indeed, working. Oh, and the snarls, you just have to take it, I am sorry to say.

On a serious note, a friend of mum's brought over a Devil dog today, and left it by ME to deal with! Cheeky, cheeky monkey! Mum came out to save me, and just took piccies! I finally had to bare teeth, and he just was like, what for was that? Haley put me in the house. He is Eli, and he is a 9 month old Springy Spaniel...his owner says he is stuck on stupid, and I believe him! He did not listen when I told him I want to be alone, no no! Mum says here is a pic. Cute, real cute...torment the Queen of Cloverville, then laugh? OFF with their heads!




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Post by Dogdad »

Maxine here,

Steel you *Censored Word* boy, how chivalrous to try to go out and look for me. You should never do that again I am sure you scared your mommy to death, If you do it again I won't talk to you again you naughty boy. You always hold a special spot in my heart and maybe we will see eachother at chow fest.
glad you are ok Maxine
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Post by CoraP. »

Oh, thank God everything turned out alright! I am always in fear of Molly getting out, too. She only has once and I pray to God it never happens again. It doesn't matter if Dusty gets out because he stays around, but Molly ran right into the road and up to the neighbor's that day. I'm SO glad Steel got home with no problems(Except for scaring his mom half to death!).
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Post by Larry Harris »

Terrina learned a great way to get our run aways to come home. Do not chase them they think it is game. Instead lay down on the ground and whimper so they can hear you. It works wonders! Now me on the other hand spent two hours chasing one of our girls only to have her return home before me.

If they like to play also try running the other way with a treat or toy.

Thank goodness he came home safe.

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