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Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:36 am
by mrstu
I know that i have seen topics on this before but that Cesar Milan NEVER has a chow in his pack or on is show. I can imagine if he came over and tried to work with Sophia and she did her "I am a chow and I can hear you but I am pretending to be deaf" behavior. She would bite his ankles if whe tried his "chst" sound with her.

On the other hand, on Nat Geo, there is a show called Dog Town and I think that place looks so wonderful. They did have an old Chow Chow on there that appeared to be deaf and blind only to find out that it was so dirty that once the cleared his ears and eyes, he did have some function. The vet on that show seemed to really take to that furry little thing but unfortunately it passed on to the rainbow bridge but it was given such loving care until it did.

Anyone know anything about that Dog Town in real life?

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:44 am
by tabitha
Best Friends Animal Society runs the nation's largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals.

I only know about what I've read online and what I read in their newletters.

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:00 am
by ac13
I was thinking the same thing. You never see a Chow on Cesares show. If Avery got into one of his moods all of the "cst-ing" in the world wont move him.

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:10 am
by Mia
Dogtown is great.

I am going there to volunteer for two weeks. I am so excited. I have done a bunch of research, and it seems like an amazing place. I will let you all know how it is - because if it's as nice as I think it is - I may try to get a job there and move the kids and me out there.

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:06 am
by CoraP.
That is exciting! They sound like a wonderful organization!

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:32 pm
by fillyok
I've been to DogTown and loved it! I spent about a week on the Best Friends grounds (rented a cabin) and volunteered everyday. I worked with the dogs everyday and the cats and horses on one day each. I was allowed to work with some of the "more difficult" dogs since I told them I have Chows. :wink: It's such an awesome place because all the people WANT to be there.

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:51 pm
by bama
I saw the same episodes of Dog Town, when the vet brought the sad old chow home with him.
It broke my heart to see the chow in such sad shape. However, I felt it was beautiful the way
the old boy stole the heart of the vet. If I'm not mistaken, the old chow had brain damage or
severe senility, something wrong with his mind that caused him to be put down?

Re: Nat Geo and chows

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:43 am
by mrstu
You are right Bama, that is the chow. He was the same color as yours... the vet did really take to him and gave him a lot of love even when he did not look so great. I think he passed on knowing love and that is what is important. The trainer also took to him as well and he was the one crying at his memorial service. They also do a really nice at the memorial services too.

Does anyone know how you go about volunteering at DogTown? Now that is a vacation that I would love to take, nevermind the beach.... I would LOVE that to be able to go out and volunteer there.
