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Frisco's 14th Birthday

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:59 pm
by summer_rose03
Frisco's 14th birthday would be coming up on Valentine's Day. Last year for his 13th, my mom and I took the day off and took him out for a day of fun. We went to PetSmart and the D.O.G. Bakery to get his free birthday "pupcake". We took some birthday pictures and such. We didn't know it would be his last, but we still wanted it to be special.

I guess we should have known something was wrong. He was moving very slow, panting even though it was winter. But he was older, mostly outside, inside made him pant. He had arthritis and hip dysplacia. We just put it off as old age.

Here are some of his Birthday pictures. Frisco, we miss you and we would have made this birthday the best of them all. Please know we still and always will love and miss you. Carter is not your replacement, only a new friend for us to love.

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Re: Frisco's 14th Birthday

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:08 pm
by debraschow
If I remember right Frisco is what brought you to this site in the first place. Frisco we love you, and I hope you are across the Rainbow Bridge. God bless Frisco.

Re: Frisco's 14th Birthday

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:38 pm
by jacqui
very sweet pictures of your baby boy :D
he was a handsome guy!

Re: Frisco's 14th Birthday

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:44 pm
by CoraP.
Happy birthday, Frisco. I hope you'll have a big party there with all our beloved chows and chowmixes that have already gone over the rainbow bridge!

Re: Frisco's 14th Birthday

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:08 pm
by summer_rose03
Yes, Frisco is what brought me to the site originally. If it wasn't for Frisco I am not sure I would have the love of Chows that I now do. I also wouldn't have Carter. I know they say everything happens for a reason. If we had still had Frisco, we certainly wouldn't have been able to get Carter. So, Frisco, in turn ended up most likely being the reason that Carter is alive today.