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Hi Chow Chows!!

Post by chowfrnd88 »

Hello Chow Chows!

It's been a while since we last all wrote to each other. I wondered what kinds of sillness everyone has been up to lately!

Training classes are going so well with me. Mommy and Daddy say I'm the smartest one there. I don't why. I just sit when they tell me and then I get treats! Who wouldn't go for that? Even the teacher says I do everything really quickly! We've also been working on my leash training thanks to all the posts my mommy got when she asked for advice on that. Guess what? I've decided to go ahead and give this not pulling thing a try... on a trial basis I assure you! :wink: This morning, my mommy even took me to my special place. Lots and lots of squirrels live there, like a million of them even...no not a million, more like 5 or 6 of them. They were on the ground and I only pulled a little. My mommy let me walk up to each tree that they ran up on and I looked up at those little things and told them to stay up there. Sometimes I just start walking away and then I look back as if to say "...take that, and just stay up there!" Mommy says it's "cute" when I look up, she likes my "little, short, cutest of cute noses" pointing up.

Of course, I've been playing a lot of zoomies lately and I've kind of lost interest in burying my treats for now. I just leave them on the middle of the carpet. I'm sure mommy can't see them anyhow...Other than that, this week was my second big escape... my mommy told you all about that :cry: I guess she made it pretty public how disappointed she was in all that, I don't understand...My favorite thing this week, was my mommy was trying to use the clicker to "train" me, I just bark at it and want to play with it so she put that and the bag of treats on the kitchen table. Well, I got annoyed. So I helped myself... right behind my mommy's back (or so I thought... are we sure the humans only have eyes in front???). I stretched up and grabbed the treat bag off of the table. :twisted: It was a triumphant moment...taht didn't last long. My mommy took the bag right away and I haven't done it since.I would've given it back...

Anyhow, I just wondered what you all have been up to these past few days. Milly and Mabel how's gossip in the neighborhood? Koda how are you enjoying your last few days as an only child? Darkwind, Firesong, Lily, Chi-Ching, Odessa, Chewy, Cayenne, Pekoe, Tiger, Brisco, Max-A-Million and co., everyone :D ... I'd love to hear some antics I can try out next!

Purple kisses to all!!!
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Post by Juniper »

Hi Special Dark, Sheena here. So, where are you getting your training from?

I am a Petsmart graduate in basic and advanced training. I've been drilled and drilled on the command "wait" so much so that the one time I got away [because she was carrying too much and didn't hold my leash tight enough] I just couldn't cross that street. :roll: I just stopped immediately waiting like a fool for the next command "Let's go, hurry." :? When I didn't hear that command and only heard "wait" I just turned around and sniffed some grass and before I knew it my leash was in her hand. :o

When I wait at the door, with that door open, it drives me crazy but I still wait. Her hand goes up and down in front of my face and I always get the message. :oops:

When we're in the car she hooks another leash to my harness that's attached to the car so I can only move from side to side and can't jump to the front seat. Initially I howled and howled but it didn't do any good. She would roll up the windows as punishment and I noticed that when I stopped howling the windows would roll down on both sides. Sometimes I give a short howl by her ears as she's driving. She just brushes the side of my head and says we'll be at the park soon. "Settle."

When we get to the park she lets me take her wherever I want to go, as long as it's safe. Sometimes I like to run like the dickens on the running track and then abruptly stop to sniff a bush. When I'm tired she lets me just lie down wherever I decide to. It's funny to make her stand there while I'm resting on the grass. Sometimes I will lie down by a bench so she can sit as well, 'cause I can tell when she's tired from all the walking/running/jogging I make her do.

So, Special Dark, I know it's frustrating to follow all these rules but it appears I get more love when I obey 'em. I get more dried chicken breast treats when I get home for just being a Chow! And best of all when she's happy I get to take more walks. :D
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Post by TigerTiger »

Hi Special,

Well done on your escape! I did that once when I was at your age, what a wonderful feeling! Just watch out those cars, they could really hurt us. Since than, mommy and daddy always hook me on the seatbelt and only let me off the car when they hook my leash back on the arguly thing they put around my neck and shoulder........no the collar, the other one, if you know what I mean.

I did have a great time this past Sunday as we had a Toronto Chow Chow get together! Basically, Coco, Odessa and I were finally meet in a lovly waterfront leash free park! We really had a great time. And I am working on the pictures right now with my daddy. I will ask mommy post them for you guys/girls to see once they are done. Mommy said that she will arrange a regular meeting for us from now on and Odessa's mommy, Coco's mommy and my mommy are planning a picnic when the weather gets warmer. I can't wait! Oh, my mommy also said that any of you who is from somewhere not too far away from Toronto -- even you are, if you wanted, are all welcome to joint. That sounds so much fun!!!!!

Ok, Ok, mommy said that I should go to bed now. Will chat with you all again later.
Purple kisses from Tiger xxxxxx

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Post by ngraham »

Hi Special!
It's been a pretty quiet week here this week. My mommy has had a hard week at work, so has been kind of tired at night, but has still be giving me lots of love, especially when I jump up in her lap and get her attention. My last few days of being the only chow have been the same as always. My mom thinks I don't realize that I am about to get a little sister, but I do know. Geeze.... I have ears too. Mommy and Sissy keep telling me that things aren't going to change, I will always be their big loveable boy, but I know they are gonna change. How can they not change with a little sister around bugging you? I can see it now... I have to share the toys now (even tho I don't play with them myself) and now SHE will be out there with us when I want to play with Mom and Sissy. GIRLS! Mom is going to get her to bring her home Friday. Maybe if I pretend I am sick she won't go? You guys are going to have to think of a way to help me here. But if not, then I guess I'll be a good big brother... eventually. After all, she will be my little sister.
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Post by sweetpea »

HI! This is Gracie. I've been getting in trouble all week! I just want to play and have fun, but mom says my games are going to break every bone in her body. :roll:
You should see all the bunnies and squirrels here! I wish all my friends here could come visit me. We could have so much fun chasing them. I tried to climb a tree today. I just wanted to play with the squirrel, but mom is no fun. She wouldnt let me! That made me mad so I laid down in the middle of the road. haha, she was so embarrassed!
Yesterday in my soccer field a bunny was waiting for me to play. Mom wouldnt let me go play! I jumped, I begged her, I even cried, I threw a fit in front of everyone but she can be so mean. By the time I talked her into letting me go play, the bunny had to go home!

I'm really worried about my mom. I heard her talking to some lady about enrolling me in some classes! I dont need to go to school! Then if that isnt bad enough, yesterday I wanted to watch someone's yard, she said it's rude to just sit there and stare into people's yards like that, so I laid down in the mud puddle to watch that yard. She said now I will have to go see a groomer because I need a bath and good brushing! I dont know what's wrong with her! That is such a waste, she knows I'll just get dirty again!

Well hopefully mom wasnt serious about that, just the thought of baths and school gives me bad dreams! What do you do with a mom like this!!!!
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Post by simbasmom »

Hi Everybody
This is Coco, my mom says I have been a very good boy lately.. I have started making some friends.. On Sunday my mom took me and my non furry brother Andrew to meet Odessa and Tiger at a park. It was really nice there lots of room to run around... my mom only let me off the leash for a few minutes though, I think she is afraid that I might run away or somethin. I did manage to knock her on her butt though :lol: when she wasn't paying attention and some dog was chasing me.. my mom put a picture of us all at the bottom and Tigers dad is going to send us more pictures later...
Gracie, don't sweat that school thing ... its a peice of cake.. or biscuts or something.. treats anyway :lol: you could play along with that.. you just pretend to go along with everything they tell you to get the treats and then you don't have to listen once you get home.. that is what I did hehe
But I totally agree with you on that bath thing... what is with moms they should know that we get dirty as fast as they clean us up so why bother .

the picture is of Odessa and her mom and brother on the end, Tiger's mom and Tiger in the middle and off to the side is me with my mom.

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Post by Auddymay »

Well, I know from personal experience, running loose is da bomb! I was loose just today, and could've run and run til I snagged my albatross, the 50 foot line! :twisted: Not today! I had a guy to meet! My mom sees how excited I get when I see another pooch, She says ohoh and nononono! She thinks I want to scrap, but no! I want to check things out! She says she will introduce me to other folks like me, but not Aunt Pitty Pat's Malamute, cause she doesn't suffer any other females. Mom says we will have to see if I'm of a like mind (of course I'm not, does she forget our Pippy?).

Gracie, I'm in the same sorry boat as you. I took a little dip in a pond, and herself is saying I stink! Also, the laying down in Pop's tilled garden after my dip doesn't help my anti-bath stance. She says it's a done deal, and is talking the professionals, too!

Wow CoCo, you have become a wonderful example of male chowness! I knew you were going to be a big fellow from your Christmas picture, but it's quite a change from then! Odessa and Tiger look like they could be related! I'm glad everyone got along. Mom says I could meet you all if she and sis ever go back to the falls, they might bring me too, whatever the falls are!
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Post by ngraham »

Oh the Canadian outing sure looks great. How nice some of you guys got together with your mommies. My mommy and Chewie and Cay's mommy are going to try to get an "Illinois" chow thing put together sometime this summer. Think of the fun we can really have talking between ourselves and planning new escapades together! :)
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Post by Tovya »

Yo! Woof fellow Chows!

Here in north eastern Pennsylvania Spring has now fully sprung. I've been keeping up with the squirrel chasing and now a mother rabbit has made a nest in our yard. Won't those baby bunnies be cute...and so much fun to chase!
Mum has been working a lot of extra hours this week so we can have a vacation next week and go to Vermont to visit my German Shepherd friend, Sunny. She leaves bisquits hidden all around the house before she leaves though. I can hardly wait until she walks out the door every morning so I can hunt for them.
I'll write more after our vacation and tell about my adventures in Vermont.

Proud ChowMum to Chubaka & Magda

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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Hi everyone! It sounds like you all have been having a great week!

Sheena, I am also at Petsmart! This will be my third week. It sounde like you are such a good, good pup! My mommy sais she was jealous. :wink: She said, "see Special Dark, it is possible to actually wait at the curb!" She said we'll be working very hard on that... i guess if you're okay with this wait thing, I can give this a try too... Plus, you're absolutely right, it seems like when I'm good, I get more loves and longer walks, etc.

Tiger and Coco, what a wonderful Sunday you must have had!! My mommy wishes we could all meet each other, she is skeptical about me though... skeptical? What's that? Anyway, she remembers that the one and only chow I met, I was very scared of him. I kept hiding behind daddy. He was a nice guy, I don't know why I didn't want to say hi.

Koda, I'm sorry your mommy had a hard week at work. :cry: It would be simpler if they would just stay at home with us 24/7 and just walk us perpetually and give us treats all day! Hot dogs... :D I'm so sure you're going to be a great big brother!! She'll probably follow you around everywhere and look to you for advice on the important things, you know: how to get out of a bath, the art of chasing, how to score treats and all that stuff!

Gracie, you sound like you've been busy! :twisted: :D Trying to climb trees is so much fun!! Too bad that bunny ahd to go home though... Don't worry about shool, it's kind of fun and like Coco said you only ahve to do it there, when you're back home all bets are off! I'm sure you'll be the smartest in you lass too, I think all of us chow chows are! :wink:

Lily, you are so funny... your albatross! I completely understand the feeling. :D Good luck on meeting other pooches. I've been pretty good about it lately, but for some reason it's still the smaller dogs I love hanging out with. Of course, I also get so jealous when they're off the leash and I'm not. :cry: Today, I met a border collie. He was about my size and we played. That was fun, but it's always a guessing game with me. Sometimes I just want to say hi and go on about my business.

Chubaka, have a great great time in Vermont!! I bet that will be so much fun. I'm sure there will be so many critters to chase there!

Guess what everyone!! My mommy and daddy are off from work today and so went to my favorite park and I met a turtle!!! My mommy took pictures of me smelling him, so we'll try to post those later, if they turned out okay! He was crossing the trail and I smelled him a lot, I even managed to touch his little foot with my nose but mommy and daddy told me not to touch him and then I cried because I really, really, really, really wanted to play with him. Turtles are odd, not at all like a squirrel or bunny! :D
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Post by Elaina »

Hi Special Dark! This is Max-A-Million. Mahayana, and Mei-Mei are here too. We are so glad your training is going well.

Well, its been kinda slow around here. But Mei-Mei almost got into a bit of a pickle. Yesterday mommy let us out in the back yard to play. As we burst out the back door, there was a little kitty walking through our backyard. How dare that little brat come into our yard! Who did the stupid cat think it was!!? Mahayana, Mei-Mei and I chased the critter, but Mei-Mei caught it in her mouth. Oh my goodness!!! You should have heard that cat screech! :shock: It stopped Maha and I in our tracks. Screeching and little tiny legs flailing all over! We just knew mommy was gonna really mad this time! All of a sudden we heard mommy yell, "Mei-Mei....drop it NOW!" There is poor Mei-Mei, still just standing there holding this cat in her mouth and its screeching and legs going everywhere. Mommy yelled again, "Little girl, you just better drop it! Do you hear me, RIGHT NOW.....DROP!!!" Mei-Mei looked at mommy and then as mommy started down the porch steps, Mei-Mei spit the cat out of her mouth. The stupid kitty, quick as a flash, climbed a nearby tree in a neighbor's yard. It happened so fast, Maha and I couldn't catch it! Mei-Mei looked at mommy as if to say, "What...that darn thing was in my yard!" Mommy was really mad. She said we were all lucky that the cat wasn't hurt. She walked over to the tree and told the cat to go home 'cause nobody was going to bother her. The cat jumped from the tree, ran to the opposite side of the neighbor's yard and disappeared. After mommy went back in the house to tell daddy, Maha and I told Mei-Mei what a good job she did. We let her know we appreciated her and we thanked her for helping us keep our yard free from vermin and pests. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why we can't catch oppossums, rabbits, squirrels, cats, or even chase the deer that come through the alley. Hey, didn't we get shots for this kinda thing? Pooh!!! Well...anyway Mei-Mei got back into mommy's good graces, and all is now good in the universe.

Chubaka, you going to Vermont? My mommy and daddy love Vermont...something about a sap?

And Gracie...Mahayana thinks you are really cool. Laying down does embarrass our parents, doesn't it. And we are with you, "We don't need no stinkin' classes....or leads....or baths....or....er....uh...gotta go! :D :D :D
Peace and Blessings
Elaina, Max-A-Million, Mei-Mei, Mikko and our Queen...Mahayana
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Hi Chow Chows!

Post by pannw1267 »

Hey, it's Miah. I'm one of the new kids around here. Mom has told me all about my chow pawpals. She even bought me chicken strips (yum) and a Hide A Squirrel toy. Now, we're checking out those rolled leather collars. She won't ever let me off my leash because I am already 3 and don't respond too well to treats. I also try so hard to get bunnies and squirrels! You should see how high I can jump when I see a squirrel climb up the tree!
I'm still uncomfortable with my new 2 legged brother. Some days he's OK and other days I growl and bark at him. He's really tall, though (6'8") and I want him to think I may be short but I am mighty. Mom worries I am too tough on him.
That's Max my stepbrother's tail in the 2nd picture. I like to grab his legs and try to make him chase me. But, he's 8 yrs old and was an only chow so he gets impatient with me.Image
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Post by Odessa's mum »

Hi all my Chow pals

My mum took me to the day care on Wednesday to pick up my non-fur brother. I wanted my walk and cried when she said she was going to get my brother home and would take me later for a walk so she caved :oops: and took me along.
But I was good and mum was very proud of me. I even allowed the nice day care lady to hold my leash while mum read something she had to sign and then I allowed one of the other kids dad's to pet me. I did not bark at all the little non-furs who were calling me and stayed very well. But mum did not let the kids to come out of the playground to play with me as she said I did not know them well enough :wink:
Then we got to take the long route home so that my brother and I could play for a while in the park before going home. Miah I can understand how you feel as these non-fur siblings can be difficult at times, I somtimes just hide in the basement when he makes too much noise. Glad you showed him who is boss :lol:
Ok, mum says she has to work now and if I am good (like I'm ever not :roll: ) she will take me to the leash free park when she gets back from work. It's fun there as I get to run and play and not have to drag mum along :P at the other end of the leash.

Kisses and woofs to all

Her Highness Odessa

PS: I love the title Tiger has given and and have decided to use it from now on :D
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Hurray for all the new chow news!!

Max-A-Million, Mahayana, and Mei-Mei, what a fantastic story!! Oh, how I wish I could have been there to see that!!! You all must have been so very excited!! You're so right Max-A-Million, we do get shots for those things! It must be one of the conspira-thingies... why get the shots if you can't hassle the little (or big in the case of deer or Candian geese in my case!) fuzzies?

Miah, you are so right!!! We may be short but we are mighty!! :D :D I really liked the pictures too!! How do you like your Hide-A Squirrel? My mom still has to go get me chicken strips, she said she'd do it yesterday but then she said I tired out on our hike so we went home. :cry: Then she gave me carrots and I played with them. Then she moved them to my food bowl... uh, hello... duh mommy...that doesn't go in there, that orange thing is now food. It's just for play! Mommies! :roll:

Odessa, I like all of your nicknames too. They fit very well! It sound like you were very good on Wednesday. I also love how you used excellent crying technique! :wink: I don't think they're strong enough to resist the cry and the face that goes with the cry!
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Post by pannw1267 »

So Mom's all excited 'cause she bought me a Hide A Squirrel and a couple other toys she really liked. :roll: (Mom likes to shop.) She followed the directions to put her scent on the toys. I gave her a wag in appreciation, pulled one squirrel out so she wouldn't feel bad and decided to take a nap. I-)
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Oh Miah!!! :D :D Too funny! You know my mommy got the Hide-A-Squirrel as gifts for some of my non-chow pup friends and they didn't get it as quickly as us chows do! I think it's too basic for us!! :lol: By the way, I also got the hide-a-bird and I don't like that one nearly as much as the squirrels (which I think look much more like chipmunks...)
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Post by ngraham »

Hello chow friends...
My name is Molly and I guess I am the newest chow on the block for now. I just came to my mom servant's home yesterday and I am already showing her how I expect things to be. I'm so cute I have both my mom and my sissy wrapped around my little paw. My big brother Koda doesn't act like he likes me too well... but he did start to play chase with me for a little while this afternoon. He chases me, but when I turn around and bark at him, he runs the other way. My biggest brother Sam seems to like me ok. He acts like my protecter. I kept walking to the edge of my sissy's bed and Sam kept pushing me back with his paw so I wouldn't fall off. I told him I had things under control, but he didn't trust me.
I do find I like the food here better than where I was staying. I'll have to make sure my mom keeps buying that food. I got to go to work with my mom today, I slept through most of it. All these humans wanted to hold and pet me and Mom pretty well kept them away from me. Do humans know how to say anything but Oh Look how cute? Geeze. I know I'm cute, I don't need humans to tell me that. My sissy bought me a pink collar. UGH. What was she thinking? I hope she doesn't think I am going to be this little thing for long. And pink? Do you guys have to suffer indignities like this too? Then there is the camera. All I seem to be seeing is the flash of the camera? Why do humans do this to us? My big brother Koda told me I may as well get used to it. When mom gets in the mood, she goes camera crazy.
But all in all, life is not going to be too bad here I think. My humans say they love me and I do get to sleep with my mommy, which is nice. Plenty of food, water and loving, so I guess it isn't too bad at all. :)
Well I'm tired now, so it's time for a power nap. Talk to you all later!
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Post by Brisco »

Hi Special and my other friends,
Dixie here. Brisco, my brother and me have been up at Margaritaville. That's our fully fenced in 6 acre playground up in the hills northeast of the city. We have lots of fun up there as usual. This time we met some sheep that seemed to think that we were related in some way, they were very curious of me with my fluffy puppy fur but were a bit more suspicious of Brisco. We had a few Kangaroos try to sneak through the property but Brisco and I saw them and when we ran over to say hi they wanted to play, Catch us if you can, we couldn't, but it was fun trying. I got so hot and tired that I got into the Kiddie pool and it was 10:30 at night and about 50 degrees out. Even Brisco thought that I was a bit nuts. We can't wait till next february when we get to move up there permenantly.?sp That's about it for now. We'll keep in touch.
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Oh Molly!!! WELCOME!! :D I bet your mommy is so happy...you know why? Because you are cute and you know you are cute, and best of all... she can call you cute!!!!!! My mommy says she is envious, but I don't think that matters at all because she'll go on calling me cute forever whether I like it or not. Maybe Koda will catch a break now and he can upgraded to just handsome. :D :D It sounds like you and Sam are having so much together!! Koda will come around, I bet he is keeping his love a secret! You can't expect us "handsome" guys to just act like we love babies! It sounds like you've had a busy first few days! I can't wait to read about more of your adventures... oh yeah, and we'd like to see this pink collar of yours!! :D

Wow Dixie!! You and Brisco sound like you have such a lovely place to run around in!! 6 acres!! That's soooooooo big! And sheep and kangaroos!! Oh I'd love to see some pics of you guys hanging out with them! I also wanted to ask you how you managed to get used to the kiddie pool. My mommy got me one about two weeks ago and I just keep barking at it, It seems to me they probably want to wash me in there. Although mommy says that she just got it so I could enjoy myself in there on warm days. I just bark and wag my tail at it. It's blue and I like blue, but I just don't trust it... :wink:
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Post by Murphy »

Hi, it's the Murph's here!

I got to meet Sheena in the park and she showed me all these new places to walk and drag mommy. Sheena is so pretty and funny, I think I have a crush on her. :oops: She plops on the ground to lie down all of a sudden making her mommy stand there and I try and try to get her to play.

I'm a big boy. 8) I'm going to be 5 this Thursday and Mommy got me a hide-a-squirrel. I sneaked and saw it but she thinks she's hiding it from me. She did give me my waterproof octopus to play outside with. I humored her for 2 tosses and now am letting it bake in the sun.

I am a petsmart grad and then drop out. I got bored of the class and mommy got busy. Then I ran out of the garage one day and scared mommy so she introduced me to Kevin the dog prodigy. He is such an awesome trainer. I trained with him and know all my commands. Now it is mommy's turn because she is too gentle with me and I think I can get away with things. Kevin said I was the most stubborn in his class and I know I just looked at him and said "make me, just make me" whenever he gave me a command. But I am more content and mommy feels that I am safer and spending much more training time with me now that I show her how it is done. It is nice to train mommy.

Anyways, I like this site because I met my new friend Sheena and got a new collar and the toys and maybe some new food too from you cousin's recommendations. Woof woof!
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Oh Murphy! That is so cool that you got to meet Sheena!! I hope you enjoy your b-day gifts!! Wow!! 5 years old! Hurray for you!!My mommy got me a new squeaky chipmunk and I sneaked and saw it too. They think we don't see these things! I was thinking how cool about your octopus and then I read on and laughed and laughed about how it's now baking in the sun. I have a squeaky garlic that's baking in the sun. Why did they get me a garlic? I can't really grip it and tear at it anywhere. :cry: Congratulations on all your training! :D
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