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Little black beads - what are they

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:22 pm
by ChowFUN
Hi Everyone,

I was giving Mochi a belly rub today when I noticed he had little black specks on his testicles. At first I got scared and thought they were bugs but when I looked closely and started cleaning them off, they just look like little black beads. They feel and look like what comes out of a blackhead, bigger than just dirt and feels like a bead. I can easily cut it with a fingernail and no blood is contained inside so I don't think it's flea waste. They are not living. Does he have sweat glands down there? Are they just grime from sweat?

Re: Little black beads - what are they

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:24 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Do the specks regenerate once you've removed them? If so, you may want to give your vet a call and ask if this is common or not. Otherwise, you can test if it is flea dirt. Wet them and if any tinges of red appear, it's flea dirt (aka flea poop, sorry icky but it is what it is and it is dried blood, thus the red color when wet).

Re: Little black beads - what are they

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:12 pm
by Scarlets Mom
Scarlet gets them too, just on her belly. I know its not fleas but have never seen anything like it. Does anyone have any ideas? ChowFUN, if you find out can you let me know?