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Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:18 pm
by Rowlee
Unfortunately we’ve had some rather devastating news. Keiko has ruptured her anterior cruciate ligament and is to have surgery on it next week.

I am so worried for my little girl. It breaks my heart that she has to have surgery at such a young age. I love her so much and just pray she will be okay. Steve and I will take the very best care of her.

Feeling very low at the moment.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:46 pm
by Laura
I am so sorry to hear this but your baby girl will be just fine! I know this is scary and horrible and I worry about it happening here all the time but she will be ok. The waiting and worrying will be awful until it's all over but we're here for you and I'll be sending all my prayers and good wishes 'down under'!! Bless her lil baby heart!!! Poor WG is going to miss playing with her too! :(

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:48 pm
by MickChick
I'm so sorry to hear about Keiko's surgery. I haven't had to have any of my dogs operated on, but Honey had parvo when I found her, and I agonized over her recovery (which was actually short and uneventful!) and I had only had her 3 days at the time. She went on to live 15 more years. I will keep you and Keiko in my thoughts and prayers and hope that her surgery is as successful and uneventful. Please keep us posted...


Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:53 pm
by Chow Chow Mama
Poor little girl. When are you scheduling the surgery? It's going to be so difficult on both her and Wilbur afterwards when they won't be able to play like normal.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:59 pm
by Mia
How terrible - she is just a baby. Although it is devestating at any age, they heal so much quicker when they are younger - but it's just so agonizing either way. I am sure she will be fine - our chow babies are a hardy breed.

She will just need a lot of your hugs and love.

We will all be praying for her and keep your spririts up.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:01 pm
by Igor
I'm sorry to hear about Keiko's injury and surgery. I fully understand how difficult this is for you and Steve.
You will give beautiful Keiko the best care and she will be fine.
We are sending the best wishes to Keiko and you. Hug her from us and say her that Mishka is sending his purple kisses.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:03 pm
by debraschow
Sending strength and love your way, so sorry, how did it happen?

Kisses Keiko from Milo

Debra and Milo

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:11 pm
by Rowlee
debraschow wrote:Sending strength and love your way, so sorry, how did it happen?

Kisses Keiko from Milo

Debra and Milo

Debra, we don't know how it happened. She was fine Friday morning when Steve let them out about 5.30am. I got up just before 6am and she was limping and not putting full weight on her back right leg. As the vet said, these things happen so very easily. We took her to the vet Saturday. She had to go back yesterday to be knocked out so they could feel the knee joint properly and take x-rays.

Rowlee our first chow ruptered his acl aged 8, he had a knee reconstruction and recovered from it very, very well.

My heart hurts. Thank you for all your good wishes and purple kisses.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:23 pm
by debraschow
Oh I so hope it turns out the same way as Rowlee. You have been thru enough.

Debra amd Milo

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:33 pm
by Rowlee
Chow Chow Mama wrote:Poor little girl. When are you scheduling the surgery? It's going to be so difficult on both her and Wilbur afterwards when they won't be able to play like normal.
She should have the surgery next week, we are hoping Tuesday or Wednesday. It is difficult for WG already, he missed her all day yesterday while she was at the vets, wouldn't eat, moped around and of course Keiko is spending a fair bit of time in her crate at the moment. Her recovery will be tough for all of us.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:42 pm
by debraschow
Oh Wilbur, you are the big brother and you have to be strong! You have to take care of Keiko when she comes home, and you must watch over Mommy and Daddy too! You have a lot on your plate but I believe you can handle it Wilbur!

Debra and Milo

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:07 pm
by CoraP.
I am so sorry about this. Surgery is certainly not what any of us want our chows to go through. Keiko will most likely come out of it with flying colors, but it will probably be awfully hard for WG not to be able to play with his sister. This too, shall pass, and hopefully time will go quickly and things will be back to normal soon. Best wishes to you all!!

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:11 pm
by Coco Chow
OH Sabina I'm so sorry, poor Keiko, that is such a bad, bad news.
It's crazy to think they can just break something on their own, alone in the garden, are our babies made of sugar??
I will keep you and Keiko in my thoughts...
Will she get the surgery from the same vet as Rowlee did?

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:54 am
by jacqui
I'm sorry to hear about poor Keiko :( shes such a young girl for that to happen.
sending you all big hugs and I know she'll do great after her surgery.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:21 am
by TJordan
Oh no, Poor Keiko. I really hope she heals quickly after her surgery. For all your sakes. W.G. is obviously missing his little sis. You and your hubby hang in there. She will amaze you at how fast she will heal and be happy once again.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:14 am
by Dogdad
Keiko get well soon

Yoshi and Maxwell

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:18 pm
by Rowlee
Coco Chow wrote:OH Sabina I'm so sorry, poor Keiko, that is such a bad, bad news.
It's crazy to think they can just break something on their own, alone in the garden, are our babies made of sugar??
I will keep you and Keiko in my thoughts...
Will she get the surgery from the same vet as Rowlee did?
Yes Elodie, our wonderful vet, Richard, who looked after Rowlee for many years, will do the surgery. I have complete trust and faith in Richard. We are lucky to have such a great vet, who does have knowledge of chows. So I know Keiko will be in the best hands possible. Doesn't stop me worrying though :(

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:25 pm
by Tippsy'smom
I'll keep y'all in my prayers.

Tippsy sends purple kisses.


Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:29 pm
by bellabear27
I'm so sorry to hear this! I'll keep you, Keiko, and WG in my thoughts.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:39 pm
by vicster605
Awwww Poor baby, I'm so sorry to hear sweet lil' Keiko needs to have surgery. I'm glad you trust your vet and she will be in good hands.....I'll say prayers for her and WG, he will miss her and not understand why she can't come and play for a while. I know you will be worried sick, the waiting is the hardest part

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:59 pm
by chowchowdaddy
Hi, Keiko...

This is Tempest. I live in Indiana and I had the same surgery several years ago. It wasn't that bad, I was surprised!!! I hopped down from atop a crate (don't ask, I thought I could fly, I guess) and, OW, there went that awful ligament thingy...

One piece of advice: milk this for all it's worth!!! Make your pet humans give you extra treats and the best food and lots of hugs and kisses. They appreciate doing those things for us. I know...

Tempest (and, Ming)

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:03 pm
by mikkabear
I hope Keiko gets better fast and that WG is a good big brother to help her get better too!
Poor baby, Natasha and Cue send purple kisses.

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:51 am
by sdasilva27
McKenzie here, sending happy thoughts your way; I know how much it helped me and my mommy get through my surgery. Mommy said trying to stay busy helped her a lot, she was very worried about me going through surgery so soon!

Keiko, tell your mommy that you'll be okay, we have to be strong for them. They try to be strong for us too so we don't walk away from them scared but we know that they're worried deep down. Also, make sure you tell your brother that he'll have to play quiet after your surgery and help out around the house a little more to make up for you! Maybe you can get him to steal some extra treats to strengthen you faster too! Try to be patient, it's so hard to lay down all day when you're used to running around outside.

And oh yeah, make sure you take your medicine! I wasn't sure about that stuff at first but it tastes really good and makes you feel better faster!

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:20 am
by Coco Chow
How is Keiko doing? It's a long wait before the surgery. Any news from the vet about which day he choose?

Do you think Wilbur knows there is something wrong with his little sister? It must be hard on all the family... :|

Re: Keiko has to have surgery

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:22 am
by TJordan
Curious as well. Wondering when she is going in??