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my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:30 am
by janet
morning all. i dont know where to begin, but i'll try. as i sit here with tears running down my face, the sun is shining brightly outside. i feel this is unfair. it should be cloudy. after reading michelle's post about jade and knowing the hell that tess's mom endured yesterday i am extremely saddened. a little piece of my heart breaks each and every time i learn of one of our chows passing and crossing the bridge. funny, but i have never met any of these members or their chows and yet i feel like they are part of my extended family. i wish i could be there and give them a hug and another shoulder to cry on. i have even become friendly with a couple of people because of this site.
phyllis sent me a magnet that says

so , just know that any of you going through rough times with your chow in sickness or in passing, please know that you will always be in my prayers.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:03 am
by jacqui
Janet,I know what you mean.I cried too when I read about Jade and Tess.
I have never met anyone here yet I feel closer to people here than some friends I have.I think because everyone here is so supportive.
I have talked to many members on the phone about different issues about my Chows and everyone is always willing to listen and give me their feels good to have such a great support system when you feel like other people don't really understand.
I always look forward to coming here and I laugh and cry about the things that happen.
some day I hope to meet some of you but until then its nice to know theres a place where everyone feels the same about their Chows as I do :wink:

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:37 am
by chris
Yup... Im right there with you. My DH thinks I'm crazy and says that I will never meet these people... bla bla bla.. (although I have met a few) I told him he wouldn't understand and its just hard to explaine. We all have ties to eachother through our chows and their stories. "extended family" like you say Janet.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:37 am
by Victory
I totally agree. It's amazing but I realised that after talking to my very best frient about the apartment disaster, this is the first place I went. Sometimes people see all the strife and arguments and think that is what we are all about; but in truth this is what we are all about, caring for each other and about ALL the chows on this site. There have been so many who have crossed the bridge in the years I've been here, and many puppies have grown up. We are all family and that means we sometimes argue but when the chips are down we are here for each other.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:15 am
by Laura
I totally agree. I had been boo-hooing over Tess and even had my Aunt crying as she read that thread and then I wake up to Jade being gone and it's just all so heart breaking. Those of us who have lost a beloved Chow know the pain and we can't help but ache for the latest person going through it. Plus we feel that we know the people and Chows on here personally even if we have never met so it's losing one of our own as well as being so upset over the grief one of our members is experiencing. It's empathy and sympathy and a shared loss all rolled into one.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:36 am
by Jeff&Peks
I know when I read about a Chow dieing I may not get all emotional over it but it bothers me for days. I have never been so strongly attached to anyone or anything as I am to Pekoe and with her getting older and her days getting numbered I keep thinking back to Dakota, Darkwind, Pumpkin, both Tess's and all the others and how bad losing them was I keep telling myself if they can get through it I guess I can to.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:01 am
by Sharons Chows
I have had a hard time reading about the loss of Jade and Tess. Condolences to you all.

My JR is getting old and his sweet little face seems to have really aged over the last few months. The last year plus of my life has been one of the most horrendous.. first with the departure of a man that I thought was the love of my life {guess he didn't even come close} and then my cancer.
Because of the love and support of some wonderful people on this site life was somewhat bearable. And from all of this I have found some wonderful new friends whom Ifeel I have known all my life and love to talk to.
Then of course there are my 2 fluffballs. They are always there to guard and take care of Mom no matter what.
My JR has spent 11 1/2 years as my faithful companion...he is the pillow for my tears and the hugging post for my joys. He knows when things are really, really bad and snuggles next to me and licks my "wounds".
My Cheyenne was added almost 3 years ago and took her time to warm up. She wasn't even really mine belonging to "that love of my life"...oh well we were all abandoned and have survived. But this round, cuddly puffball has become totally mine now.. heart and mind. She knows when I need that extra soft belly to rub and hug...she rolls and legs go up. How I love these wonderful sweet creatures.
And if it wasn't for would I have met my new chow friends?


Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:49 pm
by pfordeb
What a sweet post. I love that magnet saying. I don't know what I would have done without you all as we spent the past year watching Sullivan's decline. Chow owners often have to have alot of patience, caring, and tolerance. That is certainly reflected every day on this site.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:54 pm
by kingalls
It's really hard to read about a Chow crossing the the same time it makes me all that much more closer to my Chowdren - treasure every moment, everyone.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:55 am
by Mally
I don't just cry for all the Chows that leave us to go running at the rainbow bridge - I SOB! I sob and sob sometimes for quite some time. When I'm at home I go and hug Lychee and sob into her fur. I cannot think about the time when she may finally leave - even if it is in 10 years or so. Just writing this makes me tear up :cry: I feel so badly and so deeply sorry for all the members that have lost a Chow and I'm amazed at how strong you guys are. I'm glad I've joined this site because I feel that no-one else could understand me and Lychee like you guys! Thanks! =D=

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:31 am
by Mia
Oh Janet, you are so right.

And Jeff, like you, I have become so attached to my chow babies - like no other relationship I have ever had. Mia and Chutty are just everything to me and the most important part of my life.

Everytime I hear about a beautiful chow baby passing, I cry for them and for me. I just can't control the tears because, although I realize this will happen to all of us eventually, I know that the pain for us parents is just unbearable.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:20 pm
by ChowLady
I am the same I sob my heart out when I read about any chows passing. I really have so much of a hard time reading them because of the Loss of Catbalou on Dec 30th 2007 and then Tiara on the 8th July 08, and even now my heart still aches for them. So I do feel for everyone that looses a chow baby and know how they feel. My Tiara is getting old and is going blind and is full of arthritis and is now slow moving so all the time we have with her now I am grateful for. Even with our new addition to the family it does not ever replace the ones that have got their wings and gone before as each and every one is special in their own way.

Re: my thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:20 am
by chowkidz
thank you