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One very shy chow puppy

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:40 pm
by fergie
I have a very shy chow she is 12 weeks old we. We just got her on Saturday. She just wants to sit in my bedroom all day. Even when I take her outside she goes potty really fast and goes running for the door as soon as I open the door she beelines it to my room. What can I do to make her feel more comfortable.

Re: One very shy chow puppy

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:43 pm
by Mally
I think you should just be patient but also she will need a lot of POSITIVE socialization. Because she is so shy she will not want other people touching her but it's important for you not to "protect" her too much if she doesn't like a person petting her - you'll need to be calm, tell her "it's OK" and pick her up to the person to touch her. Shy dogs who are frightened easily are unpredictable (you will never know how they will react in a scary to them situation) - that's why its so important to try and make them more confident....there is a section on shy Chows in one of the Chow books..I can't remember which one...but I think it's the "New Owner's Guide to Chows". Good luck :D

Re: One very shy chow puppy

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:15 pm
by Loha'sDad
One year ago, before Loha was old enough to be in close contact with other dogs (hadn't finished his puppy shots), I would take him to a couple of the local dog parks and walk him around the outside perimeter. The other dogs would run up to the fence barking and carrying on and Loha would just observe---- never making a sound. Then, when old enough he started going inside the "small dog" park until graduating to the "large dog" park. And then, a couple of months ago, his protective and jealousy tendencies made me quit taking him to the dog park altogether. I believe the experiences were good for him, however, and I know they were very interesting and enlightening for me.

Loha's Dad

Re: One very shy chow puppy

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:12 pm
by Princess
Congrats on new baby!!

My chow was shy at first too she layed in the corner by the front door and refused to move... they aren't sure where they are, taken away from mom and siblings, with strange people.. she'll need a few days to adjust. Don't worry, she'll be ok. Make sure you have lots of different people over at your place so she meets lots of good new people and other dogs (if they had all their shots). Socialization is very very important, start with friends and then dogs, then pet stores, vets and parks. She'll feel comfortable with the new surroundings soon enough and your main job is the socialization!

Congrats again!