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what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:59 pm
by jojasp5
I have a question: What causes drop ear in a chow? I've heard that it maybe related to a zinc defiecency. I've also posted on this site about how I could get the ears to become erect. Some replies suggested shaving the ears and, some taping them. Well these all failed. I'm wondering if it may be genetic in origen. :idea: However neither of the dogs parents had drop ears. I'm considering if maybe the parents are carriers for the trait. Anyway my question is what causes it? Is it genetic, environmental, a zinc defiecency, what? I would appreciate any info on this perplexing question.


Re: what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:43 pm
by Laura
Do you have a picture of the Chow? Also how old is he/she?

Re: what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:40 am
by jojasp5
Hi, no I don't have any pics. :( I don't know how to post them. :? He's a year old. I'm interested in finding out the cause for this or the mode of transmission. If you have any tips for posting pics I sure would appreciate it and, Thanks! :D

Re: what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:03 pm
by Laura
Well no one else has replied so my two cents is that at his age that is just his ears. I don't think there is anything you could or should do about it except love him just as he is. I bet it's adorable! No clue why his ears don't stand up..I would assume something in his genes. Maybe someone else will know.
In the photo gallery section there is a post at the very top about how to post pics. I use Photobucket to do mine just like the info there lists.

Re: what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:09 pm
by sit_by_the_beach
My chow Mikki is a pure bred and has drop ears. I don't know the reason, don't know her background. A few times my chow had ear mites and itchy ears. Might be that dirt, moisture gets trapped in the fold. You may want to check your chow's ears once in a while.

As for posting photos, I have used photobucket or uploaded directly by using the 'Upload attachment' feature at the bottom.

Re: what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:06 pm
by chow fancier
Teddy is a purebred with drop ears too. My vet suggests it was from a lack of proper nutrition when a puppy. I just find it endearing, one more unique trait to distinguish him.

Re: what is the possible cause of drop ears in a chow

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:34 am
by kiwani
jojasp5 I don't have any pics...
I was waiting for a photo, mostly to see the size of the ears, position/slant, etc. You might consider supplementing the diet with MSM sulfur to see if it can help. There are some archived posts about sulfur's role in helping to synthesize collagen, and maintaining structure in the body.