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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:11 pm
by Judy Fox
Brilliant - thank you. :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:55 pm
by PurpleKisses
Lets see, if Chi-Ching were human...

I would see him as the really smart, shy kid in class. And with his teeth missing now, he may qualify for the nerdy kid in school. He is friendly if you get to know him, but prefers to sit and just watch, he is not really wary, just not assertive. He likes to sit back and learn, he is very interested in everything that happens around him. He is eager to please if something is asked of him. He hates to fail. He likes to play and holds his friends close. They are special to him. He is always open to making new friends but it is not always an easy thing to earn. Once you do earn it though, you are in for life.

That is him. Friendly, Smart, and Social. Just not assertive.

Wanted to add, that while he may be quiet and hold back alot of times, that ONLY happens when he is not around his human kids. He is so protective of them. No one is allowed near them and he will not allow them to play in the backyard alone. He is the best big brother anyone could ask for!!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:07 pm
by Judy Fox
Excellent - thank you - and I can see him as a big brother. Lovely! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:22 pm
by Dogdad
This is really a difficult question. I see Maxwell as being one of 2 people. The first would be Maxwell as the parent, He watches over the boys and the furkids, When a little dog ran out during our walk, he put himself between the little dog and Maya my blind cocker. The other person would be a soulmate, always there to listen, never judging, just happy to be with you.


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:35 pm
by chris
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so sweet. So, he would be a phsycologist/Dad (sp?) :lol:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:49 am
by Zhuyos mom
For the newbies who did not see this thread... please join in!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:27 pm
by mikkabear
Mikka would have been a government worker. A professional position, not too high up but high enough as her intelligence would have gotten her there. And not too much work as she liked to relax. And a high enough salary so that she could enjoy the finer things (like truffle cheese and barbequed tri-tip) in life.

Lychee as a Human

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:02 pm
by Mally
Oh I love this!!!! This is soo funny :D

Well growing up Lychee was always a tom-boy. She climbed trees, played football and had more guy friends then girl - friends. She never liked her hair nicely put up and always tugged it back into a messy pony-tail. She never wore skirts or dresses and didn't like the colour pink. When she grew up she entered Police Force and soon got elected to the position of a Sheriff! She is very serious, always suspicious of strangers and quite strict about the law in her town!


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:22 pm
by Dolce Fortuna
This is delicious, one of the reasons I joined, I love the little stories. I have thought about this - hold on must give ginger some sausage - ok I'm back. She intercepted me with her brain wave demand for sausage. Ginger would be an Amazon warrior. Not the Queen - the head of the Royal Guard which is a far more powerful and dangerous position. She is the power behind the throne - in front of the throne - off to the side of the throne, in fact I don't think anyone can even see the Queen Amazon unless Ginger decides they are worthy of a peek. Which they aren't and won't be and they can't change her mind about it. --I am resisting more brain wave demands for sausage--She commands armies with an eyebrow, launches navies with the the curl of her lip, and smiles happily as she eats sausages when she's done guarding the Queendom of Fierce Lady Warriors. No seriously, she's tough even though she's a Senior now. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:23 pm
by pfordeb
Sullivan is a corporate CEO with lots of underlings
she can boss around while married to her white knight
boyfriend, who it the only one who truly understands

Gilbert belongs in a circus as a buffoon clown who can
juggle or he's an interior decorator.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:34 pm
by Lisa_D
This is a tough one!
If Bear was human I believe he would end up being ruler of the world due to his uncanny ability to "will" anyone to do anything for him. He has this unrelenting stare that just tells you exactly what he wants!


Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:00 am
by zues62
I do believe if Apollo were a human, he would be a police officer. At his young age of 6 months now, he has become very protective over the house and mom and dad. He lays over the doorway of the room I am in, and if he hears a noise he is off to investigate the problem. He has the most beautiful deep bark. He's wonderful...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:35 pm
by Judy Fox
Hello everyone, These new stories are lovely - do you think you could elaborate on them a little bit - bit longer - more detail - use your imagination and e-mail them to me.
I have been looking at the material I already have and it is looking good. I got the file out today and was reading through it so I don't really want your full stories to be read - I want them here with me so that I can collate them and start formulating the book.
What I want regarding this section of if your Chow was a human is for you to decide.
For example, Zeus wrote about Apollo - thinking he would be a policeman.
Excellent - and your reasons are splendid. I know want you to go just a little bit further and explain what sort of policeman. You mention he has a deep bark - is he a kindly policeman, is he nice with the children he meets on his beat. Does he drive a police car - is he a small town policeman or a traffic cop or a highway patrol - I want to know just a little more please!! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:15 pm
by pfordeb
Let's see, more details? Let me know if you need more.

Sullivan is a corporate CEO with lots of underlings
she can boss around while married to her white knight
boyfriend, who it the only one who truly understands

Sullivan is CEO of one of the biggest corporations in the world (don't know what it is, but let's say Microsoft), the more people she can boss around the better. She has a small circle of 10 people who report directly to her, including 3 personal assistants, but there are millions in various branches all over the world. She has a masseuse, plastic surgeon, hairdresser, and manicurist at her beck and call, but she routinely fires everyone but the masseuse. She vacations 6 months of the year, but always has her Blackberry and at least one personal assistant handy and has villas in every city where there is a corporate branch so she can swirl in, make a big show, and fire everyone who crosses her path.

Her husband, Havoc (the samoyed she is in love with in real life, but both would be human in her fantasy), also is at her beck and call. Sullivan is the only woman he has ever loved, despite many women who have thrown themselves at him (this part is also true). Despite Havoc's strong sense of self, he has put Sullivan on a pedastal. He does not have a job so he can travel with Sullivan everywhere and cater to her every whim. Even though Sullivan bosses him around, Havoc is also the only guy she has ever loved. She had many affairs before Havoc, but she remains faithful to him. Tragically, Sullivan got bone cancer after they were married only 4 years, but with Havoc's support, she has survived against all odds.

Gilbert belongs in a circus as a buffoon clown who can
juggle or he's an interior decorator.

Going from foster home to foster home as a child, Gilbert is a restless soul who only felt comfortable living the vagabond circus life. So he learned a few tricks to earn his pay, while studying interior design via a wi-fi computer in his down time. One night, after he successfully redesigns the tent and all the trailers and cages, a beautiful woman in the audience catches his eye. She discovers that not only is he a talented circus performer, but he has also designed every building in the circus. Needing a new decorator, she hires him immediately. Gilbert leaves the circus to be continually harassed by the beautiful woman who barks orders at him day and night. Although she is married, and he is unsure of his own *Censored Word* orientation, he still carries a torch for her and tries to find ways to sabatoge her marriage. When the woman becomes ill, Gilbert is beside himself and deliberately re-decorates the woman's family room with his own filth, hoping he will be fired, so he will not have to be present for her decline. Sullivan just rolls her eyes but keeps Gilbert on the payroll, because she secretly likes the way he grooms her when no one is looking.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:01 am
by Coco Chow
I think Coco would be one of those child the mother has put in a tiny
model agency.:D
She would do pictures for commercials (she constantly has her picture
taken in real life! :biggergrin:) and everybody would think what a
beautiful little girl she is, everybody would know her face, wordwide
of course! **==
As her mother, I would be worried that growing up, she would do less
job because she wouldn't be as cute, and that she could end up a
drug addict, alone with no job because sometimes the children
actor/model growing up loose the success they had in their childhood
and get depressed...
But it's not knowing Coco well! 8)
Growing up it will be her choice to stop working and with all her
money she will buy a big house in the country where she will have
geese and other animals (like when she was a baby as a chow!) and
she will only do work for charities, because, well she has a big heart.

This would be Coco's story.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:40 am
by pfordeb
Is that a new picture of Coco? How cute. She
would make a beautiful model.

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:40 pm
by Zhuyos mom

Please stay on topic or Jude will have my head for bumping it up and adding little value. :oops:

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:49 pm
by janet
thanks for bumpin this lou. WE CAN ALL USE SOME CHEER AROUND HERE THESE DAYS. i just went back and read all of the posts and got a good laugh.
judy i hope this finds you feeling well. please give those adorable chow chicas a hug from us.

well lets see.... i already said that luna would definatley be a princess. that has not changed.
mr bigz hmmmmmmm .... i'd have to say varmint(sp) his title would be, MR. BIGZ :THE CHOWMINATOR. you got squirrels in the attick??? no problem. cats in the backyard urinating on your veggies??? no problem. oppossum??? i wuv um.
he wouldnt even charge a fee. all the catches would be his compensation.
i could just picture him with the hat on his head with the flashlight on it. too funny.
and btw, he would not share any of his "earnings" with his sister.

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:52 pm
by ChowLady
Hope your well Judy and give Milly and Mabel a hug. Look forward to seeing you back and posting again. A lot of us have missed you.

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:44 am
by chowchowdaddy
If Emperor Ming and Tempest were human (first off, I thought they were...)...

Ming is a lover, cannot get enough attention, so he would be one of those really needy guys that finds someone and practically smothers them with attention, then doesn't understand why they won't reciprocate. Poor guy, destined to constantly be seeking lonely hearts clubs and dating websites...

Tempest, on the other hand, is a tremendous diva (with a capital D-I-V-A). As a retired champion, she would be in show business, bossing everyone around, demanding attention and always insisting that she be the center of the universe. I can definitely see her as either a major Broadway actress with those adoring throngs of people at her feet for every evening's performance or a Hollywood star with an entourage to follow her around slavishly, a wandering troupe of sycophants. Yes, that would suit her admirably...

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:57 pm
by newguy18
In short i think Jersey would be like Forest Gump... :D :D

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:18 pm
by amy_gavin
Ollie would be the ultimate diva...I'm thinking Cher. She definitely has the same hairdo!! I can see her relaxing by the pool in a two piece while the cute pool boy brings her a cosmo. She has some serious attitude!

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:31 am
by carolyn dewrance
YOu have my story about my chows, just nice to see you back and how is the book going.
Keep well my friend

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:48 am
by Piff Poff
It came to me the other night when I was dusting in the house. Henry would be a museum caretaker as he goes round checking everything is in it's right place and also he checks out new stuff pretty carefully too! :lol:

Re: Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:38 pm
by debraschow
Milo would be a male model. He knows he is very good looking and is trying to figure out a way to maintain his life style which includes high end meals of steak 3 times a day, prefers bottled water over tap, and loves being professionally groomed.He loves strutting his stuff and getting ooohs and ahhhs, can recognize any kind of camera and assumes that cameras only exist because of him and the way he can pose before a camera, and tries to fulfill all of his fans needs. Now Milo being a smart dog, doesn't really want to be a male model, but he is really good at it and realizes that if he works really hard at it he can earn enough money to acheive his lifestyle. So he will probably work very hard at it and make a lot of money at it so that he can have steak 24/7, he also would like salmon sometimes, as long as it is very fresh like the 16 pounder mommy caught the other day, and she took off all of the skin for daddy and Milo, and boy was that good. Milo probably won't have a love life, because he is too self indulged and there is really no one of his equal, but he will probably have flings. I could see him as a Hugh Hefner dude and just looking at all the babes and smiling but thinking that none of them are good enough for him. He would then live the rest of his life chasing the occasional rabbit, munching on steak, keeping an eye on the world and living quite comfortably.