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Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 8:43 am
by kiwani
Jeff wrote: "I ask the oncologist about taking Pekoe to a nutritionist, she said at this time she doesn't think its necessary so I would guess that's good news. She approved of the Nutro thats what she feeds her dog."

It sounds like *wonderful* news.

Since you've decided to go ahead with the vaccines, they are designed to boost and stimulate the immune system. That's usually the role of nutrition. Further down the road, if additional boosting of the immune system is required to keep things in remission, then optimizing nutrition might be the route the team would use.

I'm keeping Pekoe in my thoughts every day, and sending best wishes.

"The strength of your immune system depends on two things:

How much high quality nutrition is available for actual use by the body

How much internal toxicity is present for the body's systems to handle."