Chow Book - What do you think your Chow would be if.........

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Post by Judy Fox »

Auddeymay - that is lovely - everybody else please PM your stories to me - don't want too much to be read prior to our book being published. :D
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Post by jerryo »

If Benny were to suddenly find himself human???

First off, he would be terribly embarassed to have sunk so low in life, but being a great Stoic philosopher, he would adjust to it, take a job as a night guard at a mattress company to keep kibble in the bowl and continue his napping.
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Post by akheila »

If dearest Kira were human......

she was born of a family of champions...but not for her quirky tail she could follow them, instead she was able to escape her destiny as cinderella. Flown many miles across the country to a loving family for her to rule, and become a champion of theirs to love.
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Post by janet »

OMG!!!! great thread. i am at work and i just burst out laughing. thanks jeff. disco diva.
i dont know, but i think my little luna would be a princess, complete with tiara and attitude. she would rule her kingdom her way, no matter what the queen (me) says.
there would be no bed time, and meal time would be whenever her subjects got hungry. there would also be as much food as anyone wanted. i could just see her sitting on her thrown now. with her confident air about her. lol.
i cant wait to read more posts!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
anyone can own a dog, it takes someone special to own a chow.Image
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Post by kingalls »

I think of your Milly and Mabel of being the Haynes sisters in the Bing Crosby movie, "White Christmas"....

sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperone, no sir,
I’m there to keep my eye on her
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from rome
She wore the dress, and i stayed home
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain and sun
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one
Those who’ve seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can
Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man
Karen, Kohana, Takoda, and our Chow Angels Nahkohe and Shiloh
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Post by Judy Fox »

That is so true Karen and they do everything together - they are just so devoted!! :D
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Post by daryl168yang »

If Richie was a human, he would an professional beggar. Have you ever seen such lovely and pathetic eyes, that melt your heart, instantly? Have your heard such pitiful cries of hunger? No one can bear to leave such a furry beggar on the streets. And so he came, as a professional beggar, into our humble abode. But, he couldn't get rid of his profession. Now, he begs at us. Regardless of whether he has had dinner, or whether he has just gone for a walkie, or whether he has licked the last of the chicken drumstick to the bones, he would still be begging for more. And that is... Richie, the professional beggar.

(Richie comes stomping)
Richie here!
I am not a beggar. I am a professional singer. Look, Lion Richie. The brother of Lionel Richie. I seldom show my prowess. Unless someone comes to the door. I sing my best song, and out of shame of their tone-deafness, these strangers go away. They seem so ashamed of themselves, they trmeble when they leave. I am a celebrity, a celebrity so famous, ET had to leave his home (again) to come take a picture with me. I am Richie the Rich 8)
"Lion" Richie Rich "ET"
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh! Oh! It is us - Milly and Mabel. We agree with you Richie and we think you are a singer. We don't think that a chow chow would stoop to beg. To ask nicely maybe!

Love from Milly and Mabel. :) :)
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Post by daryl168yang »

Yeah, Daryl thought I could be a professional beggar. How lowly can that be? At least, the King of Beggars. That sounds better, doesn't it. Anyway, I also think that I aren't a beggar. They are giving the food to me voluntarily. I simply stared at them. And they thought I was begging. How disgusting are they. Haha
"Lion" Richie Rich "ET"
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh! Oh! You are just quite right Richie and you are not a beggar - you just have manners!
Just keep staring at them!!

Love from Milly and Mabel.
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Post by Wollfie »

Wolfie would be a security guard and Zoe would be a nursing aid.
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Post by threedogjeep »

Leela would be a park ranger.

Playful with all she meets, animals and humans, she would bounce her way through college studying environmental science and forestry with a minor in biology. Well loved by friends and courted by many, Leela always would prefer the group to the singles date. Guys would be constantly enraptured by her keen wit, her sparking almond eyes, and her nimble and graceful physical presence...not to mention the cinnamon locks.

Leela would play hard, work hard, and rest hard.

Making her way around the perimeter of the current park of employment, Leela would be well aware of every creature, and know some by name. She would be able to tell a bird in distress, smell the first spark of a fire, and come to the aid of a lost hiker.

Leela, ever mindful of her "pack," would be a loving friend to all in the employ and would have friends in places near and far to follow her throughout her life .
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mr. pookieface

Post by monicaxyz »

hi, i'm new to the forum. my dog is mr. pookieface, black, 1 year 4 months old, came from a shelter, part of an abandoned litter, got him at about 5 weeks old.

i think he would be an erudite english gentleman who smokes cigars and goes to his club everyday. he would wear spats and sit in a big leather armchair and drink whiskey. he wouldn't talk much. he would be the world authority on some very obscure subject, maybe a certain plant that only exists in tasmania that he discovered as a young man on his travels.

my son wrote a "mr. pookieface rap" for me as my xmas present. i'll post it soon.

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Post by jerryo »

Welcome aboard and thanks for rescuing Mr. P! :D

As a proper English gentleman, we should probably arrange an introduction to the M & M sisters in Crewe, two very proper maiden ladies. :D They are Welsh, but may be willing to make allowances, if he's not too English. :lol:
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Post by Judy Fox »

That is wonderful Monica. I love the picture of him in his armchair. :D
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Post by LEO's mum »

If Miss Leonora were human.....

She would be in the circus. So acrobatic, so athletic. She is a natural star.

However, she cannot perform anymore due to her problem elbows... But, she is still a silly, happy girl, a pierrot, who makes everyone smile & happy....
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Post by Judy Fox »

Leo's Mum, write it up - be creative and tell me about it - sounds lovely. :lol: (Pleeeeeeze)
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mr. pookieface rap

Post by monicaxyz »

Mr. Pookie Face
dedicated to Mr.pookie face

Poker face, in place
makes you do a double take
Pookies walking down the street
on a pair of soft and padded feet.
Make way for the P double OKIE
put a mister on the front and we're ready.
Bobbing up and down the block
heads turning
don't stop
don't need to work it to show you what he got
Black coat with a streak of gray
his outfit works for night and day
small paws, pink jaws, always looks a little cross.
velvet nose, sad eyes
cuff links, bow tie
perked ears, whiskers
make way for the mister
Pookie Face...(repeat as desired)
here he is
and he's talking
yes he's talking while he's walking
as spectators are gawking
pookies look is new and shocking

"some might say I'm narcissistic,
but come on babe, lets be realistic
do i have to show you a statistic i tell you the number of my ladies,
your shore to go ballistic
poodles corgis
both adore me, Labradors have a thing for me
the ladies love me, oh poor me
every block got ladies waiting for me
but heres the skinny,
got this pup named gwinny
and she really sends me for a spinny
she's a mutt, but she has a pure bread strut
and like a horse she neighs and whinnies"

Pookie lounges under tables, on couches and on chairs
It doesn't matter were he is:he finds hidey holes everywhere
when it comes time for walks he gets over stim
and dashes down the stairs
gwinny follows close behind, but pookies stride is beyond compare
but when he has calmed, and he's lying on mom
his pinhole eyes do shut
mother try's her best in the eternal conquest of removing diarrhea from his butt.
then he reclines to his bubu hut
and collapses with a sigh that says "oh woe is me"
for you see, pookie if filled with melancholy
he is not the cookie cutter dog, the Labrador or border collie
but this is not his folly
you see we love bubu as he is, however grumpy
and don't think of him as dull or frumpy
his glassy eyes are not exactly filled with deep thought or contemplation
some say he has no purpose and is lame
but the smart ones among us know its safe to say
that being bubu is his one and only occupation.

by burke b.
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Post by Judy Fox »

Brilliant!! :lol:
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If my chows were human

Post by Chowsrule »

If Asti was a human, she'd be the new Greta Garbo. During the day, she "vants to be alone". She might also be a manic-depressive artist or poet because she'll sit in the chair with her chin on the arm and look as though she's pondering her next work of art or poem and is depressed because she just knows that it won't be as good as her last. She'll suddenly let out a deep sigh and wander into the bedroom to be alone and sneak in a beauty nap.

AWOL would be the court jester. He loves to be loved and will do anything for attention. He'd dance and juggle (if only he could get the hang of those opposable thumbs!) He'd make funny faces and do acrobatic tricks and if that didn't get a response, he'd start giving kisses in the hopes of getting at least a little smile.

Asa would be a bartender at the post popular club in town. Of course, it's the most popular club in town because he's there! He would try to meet everybody at the door and show them how interested he is in everything about them. He'd listen to their sad stories and comfort them or laugh with them at their funny jokes. When they were ready to leave, he'd walk them to the door and give them a hearty embrace before sending them on their way.
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Post by Judy Fox »

That is lovely!! Thank you. :D
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Post by Judy Fox »

Just Bumping this one up for everybody to have another think about what their chow would be if he/she were a human.

I am going to actually start writing that particular chapter soon and I don't really have enough little stories yet - Please help everybody who has not written something in this thread yet. :D
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Post by Ghengis Khan »

Hi everyone! My name is Tracy, I LOVE your "if my chow was a human" section. I have my first chow puppy ever and I LOVE him.
Ghengis Khan is a Grey Cinamon 9 week old male chow chow who has the personality of a momma's boy and a bad boy.

He is very very very protective of me, and at the same time if he hurts himself, gets scared, or my husband scolds him, he's automatically in my lap with his head on my shoulder.. :lol:

He carries around a little stuffed elephant named "murphy" and a chinese stress ball that makes noise. When he wants to go outside he grabs my german shepherd's collar and leads her to the door. ha ha ..... :lol:

If Ghengis was human he would be Ray Ramano's brother, the police officer. I forgot his name... :roll: He guards his house and his mommy, and yet he has the stomach the size of a cow. If I do not feed him in time he grabs my pants leg and growls. He gets mad if I pet my German Shepherd and grabs her collar trying to lead her away from me. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen. If you play with a squeaky toy he howls like a wolf until you stop. If He wants a treat he brings me his bowl and barks at me...spoiled? YES!!! He looks like a Teddy Bear!

I wish I could download a picture of Ghengis, but I am not sure how.... He is cute and cuddly until you stick your hand through his fence and in his yard, then your fair game.. :twisted:

I would like to have another chow chow puppy, or more "chowdren" They are not like normal dogs, I am impressed 100% with his intelligence and protectiveness as a puppy.
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Post by Tippsy'smom »

I think if Tippsy was human she would be a cowgirl. She loves to be outside and around horses, cows, chickens and things like that. The only time she is ready to come in the house is for bed and when it's time to eat other than that she wants to be out.She's in most ways just like me. :lol: :D :wink:
Last edited by Tippsy'smom on Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
R.I.P. Cinder~1992-1994, Tippsy~9/00-4/11, Jasper~10/08-10/14, Todd~2/11-7/15
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