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Re: Today is a sad day.. :(

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:36 am
by Auddymay
" I read on here quited often about not leaving a child alone with any dog, i think that that is just crazy. "

It may sound over the top to some, but consider this: When my daughter was an infant, I had a Boxer named Bud. He would do nothing to harm her, and in fact would have died for her...HOWEVER- one occasion, when Haley was just learning to stand on her own, she fell full force on Bud's hind quarters as he slept stretched out on the floor. Coming out of sleep, he swung his big head around to see what hit him, and his muzzle met with Haley's face. It lifted his lip, and a canine tooth made a one inch scratch on Haley's cheek. The next scene was of Haley laying screaming on the floor and Bud looking on confused and alarmed. I witnessed the entire 3 second event...but what if I hadn't? What if I had gone to the kitchen for a second and came back to the aftermath? Could I have ever trusted Bud again? It is as much for the animal as the child to always see what is going on between them.

I agree, my animals should be able to understand when a child is abusing them as opposed to an adult or another animal doing them harm, just like I expect my animals to know not to bite a puppy. That does not mean any of us would let a child abuse our Chows unchecked!

Re: Today is a sad day.. :(

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:58 pm
by Brisco
Out of respect for Koda's family and the heartache they are experiencing, I'm not going to continue on this subject on this topic. If someone wants to start a new topic then that's fine.

I think we all feel for Koda's family.

Re: Today is a sad day.. :(

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:02 pm
by crickle_22
I appreciate all the support and advice that you have all shown me. It's really helping me get through this and understand that I am doing the best/right thing for us and equally important Koda... I wish I could be selfish and keep him here with us and pretend that none of this happend.. but, that would make me a bad parent and my kids safety is the most important thing here.

I understand where you are coming from and I agree that your dog should be able to take ANYTHING that a child tosses it's way... it should be something you can leave alone with your kids and know that they are safe. I had a dog like that growing up and he was the best of friends... in a way.. I was really hoping Koda would be like that.
That being said... I also agree that children should always be supervised around animals... as much trust as you have in an animal you can't always be 100 percent unless you are present... Kids can push the limit and hurt the dog.
This isn't always a possible task... which is why you should be able to know that no matter what happends your dog can handle anything the kids can do and wont react... I understand both sides of this.
I'm thankful that you are so considerate to my feelings... I've been such an emotional wreck this past week... Koda has been doing awesome, seems like his happy self.. which makes this all the more difficult.


I have always valued your advice and you really helped me though Koda's issues and I appreciate that beyond words... thank you for being so considerate to a complete stranger.

Update on my KodaBear...

We are scheduled to meet a potential family for him on Monday... they are from toronto- not to far from here and they have experience with Chows (they just had to put one down a few months back... 14yrs) and seem really nice. They don't have little ones and their kids are grown... they have a nice big yard for Koda to run and enjoy and a lot of love to give him. I'm hopeful our meeting will go really well.
He even said he would email me and keep me updated on how Koda is doing and also said that in time if I wanted to see Koda he wouldn't mind us coming for a visit... (I am still on the fence with this because I don't want to confuse koda)... but the fact that he is so nice and trying to make this transition easier on us... just means the world. I believe these people have great hearts and I am hoping that Koda does well on the meeting. I believe he will!!

Ive been dealing with a lot of emotional outbursts lately... I can talk about it sometimes and I'm okay.. but out of the blue during the day I need to take a second and just cry... a simple thing as picking up his leash off the stairway just broke me out in tears. I can't look at him without my heart just completely sinking in my chest.. it comes in spurts.. for example.. I wrote this entire post without a single tear and was actually smiling with excitment for this outcome... but as I wrote about his leash.. I just lost it... I now have tears just streaming down my face.... I never imagined this to be as hard as it is...
Any advice on how to get through it?? I'm going to have to stock up on tissue.... I think the real heartache is going to be the first night he isn't here to snuggle with... God, Im really going to miss him.

Again.. thank you all so much. I know I'll be okay, and even better that Koda will be okay... so it's helping lift my spirits.

Re: Today is a sad day.. :(

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:41 am
by Zhuyos mom
crickle_22 wrote: Update on my KodaBear... We are scheduled to meet a potential family for him on Monday...
How did the meeting go? Please keep us posted.