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Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:27 am
by fillyok
We'll have to share the JD. :wink:

My vet only recommended the additional booster because there's been an outbreak of parvo in the area (and the vet office) lately. I think it'll be okay. Erin was given ACE the first days she was here and she was still moving but very out of it. I don't really want to risk giving her anymore and either one of us getting injured.

Her coat is looking better everyday, but those large clumps of mats are going to require a lot of attention. She panics at a brush/rake and tries to bite when I attempt anything with them. She's letting me touch her more, so she's getting more comfortable. It's just going to take more time. I put Frontline on her yesterday. I don't think she likes water...I got the hose out the past couple days to fill the bird bath and water plants and she ran away. Tod is the same way. Ping loves the water hose...go figure

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:30 am
by fillyok
Oooooh she does look like Sally. Her new do was adorable. I hope Erin turns out that cute.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:50 pm
by KathrynH
I don't know if you remember the pictures of Annie when we got her, but her coat was in horrible condition, I've never seen matts as big as the one's she had. One of them was about 7 inches across, and her back legs were all matted up. Jean (nean) came over and we were able to shave some of it, but when we took her to get spayed, they shaved all the rest of the matts off. It turned out to be the absolute best thing,and her coat has grown in beautifully.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:07 pm
by Chow Chow Mama
Holden, Hannah, and Holly donated to help Erin O:)

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:30 pm
by bama

I just now saw this post....oh my! You have been such a wonderful blessing to Erin!
In your care, she has morphed into a princess!
I think Sharon nailed it when she said you were the Mother Theresa of chowdom!
You have such a kind heart, bless you for all you do!

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:26 am
by Victory
Firesong and Dreamdancer made a donation too.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:03 pm
by fillyok
Thanks everyone!! Little Miss Erin is getting to be quite the attention hog lately. :lol: She even gave me a couple purple kisses yesterday and licked my foot this morning. I'm almost afraid to have her shaved because I can feel her spine. She's putting on weight, but it's going to take some time. I feel bad because I'm not home very much because I'm working and having to deal with the new home, but it's not like she's alone when I'm not there. It's really interesting how well she acclimated to the rest of the pack. I've been slipping a little Rescue Remedy in the drinking water downstairs but don't tell them. :wink:

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:06 pm
by CoraP.
Erin is coming along so fast! It sounds like she is doing great. Thanks so much for helping her!

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:18 pm
by Auddymay
Spiker of the punch, eh? Let bama loose with her Sheer Luck 3000 groom kit...The JD would need to come into play, though.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:09 am
by fillyok
I thought Bama drank moonshine, but I suppose JD would do in a pinch. Bama, when you coming over??? :lol:

It's amazing how Erin has changed over the past few days. She's got a great little personality, but is still afraid of sudden movements and I haven't tried grooming again. I may get brave and get her a muzzle to try the shaving myself. I never heard back from that groomer so it's either me or $edated $having. Her fur is looking much better than when she first arrived, but my floors are covered with fluff bunnies. She's even been cleaning herself.

I took a couple pics this morning...any guesses on age?

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:29 am
by CoraP.
Erin is such a pretty girl! I'm not sure about her age...she looks fairly young to me.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:21 am
by Auddymay
Yes, bama and her sheer luck. Maybe you try some new age meditation first, before you invite Jack to the party. And probably don't invite that Ace fella, either...

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:55 pm
by Dogdad
She does look s much better, see what love and good care does. Fillyok is the best.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:10 am
by fillyok
Erin has figured out how to get up on the bed. #-o She's still a mess, so that's not a good thing. She let me clip that huge mat off her back this morning, but I still think she'll be better off shaved. I'm going to attempt to bathe and shave her tomorrow...wish me luck!

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:15 am
by CoraP.
You're making progress! Good luck!

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:01 am
by Auddymay
Hope your tomorrows aren't like mine...tomorrrow, and tomorrow and tomorrrow...

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:03 pm
by Dogdad
good luck, wish I were closer I would help you


Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:07 pm
by Sharons Chows

I also wish I was closer to help you tomorrow.

Hey David....perhaps we can get our Mystical beasts to spread their wings...I know that Chows have them....and take a flight down to San Antonio.
Only problem that I might have is Cheyenne's weight...I have no idea how she would stay up in the air????

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:59 am
by Dogdad
LOL I know what you mean, Yoshi is becoming quite the chunck


Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:23 am
by fillyok
Thanks for the offers...I could use some help. We were doing great with raking and cutting some mats out this morning. I slipped a muzzle on her and cut all the gunk from her belly and backside. Then I pulled her into the bathroom/tub...OMG!!! You'd think I was spraying her with acid. I could hear Bear barking outside the bedroom door and Erin was flipping out. I managed to knock some dirt off of her before she bailed out of the tub. She also yanked the muzzle off so I knew our grooming session was over at that point. I'll have to see how much this set our trust back later today. #-o On the plus side, we may not have to shave her afterall. She's got a beautiful coat under all that mess.

One thing I'm concerned about is she possibly has heart worms. She was laying down this morning and I could hear her breathing (wheezing). She's never coughed or anything since she's been around me. She seems pretty healthy other than her teeth/mouth. Guess we'll find out on Tuesday afternoon.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:11 am
by Scarlets Mom
She is beautiful! Did you say you are in Houston? I am in Houston as well and would be more than happy to help you any way I can. I have alot of experience with rescue and handling of sometimes challenging dogs. My Scarlet is one of my rescues. I still can't believe my luck finding her strolling down 610. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. You have done a wonderful thing saving this little one.

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:03 am
by sdasilva27
I just now saw this post. I think that what you're doing for Erin is truly awesome. I agree that she probably lost her teeth because she had to chew away from something holding her down so that she could attempt to find some food.

I was always watching an episode the other day about the vick dogs. Now I'm not saying this happened to Erin but there was one female pit that was a champion fighter. Breeding her led to $1-2k a puppy so they had a vet surgically remove every single tooth just so she couldn't bite or attack them after they bred her and took her puppies away.

I don't think the teeth will slow her down or hurt her adoption chances. Blind and deaf dogs thrive all the time; there's no reason to think that Erin shouldn't. I think you're doing great and wish you both the best of luck (health-wise, school, and with the new house)!

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:43 pm
by Sharons Chows
Well I guess Cheyenne and Yoshi are out of the loop for helping since they might just blow up from being too heavy and furry while flying! But there is no reason JR and Maxine couldn't make the run!!!!

I don't think that poor baby Erin will lose trust in you Phyllis from her 1st grooming session. JR still HATES to be bathed and still loves his Mom despite it all. I bet that you will get her slowly but surely "prettied" up. Hopefully she doesn't have the worms since it could infect the rest of your crew.

I also hope that she will not have to be adopted out after all and that Erin can become part of the pack...knowing you she has probably caught a piece of your heart already!

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:59 am
by fillyok
Well the Erin saga continues...she loves sleeping on the bed. I don't know if that's such a great idea since some people don't allow it, but that'll be addressed once we get her to an adoptable stage. Right now, we're still working on the fear thing. She still needs so much work including the leash and bath stuff which are pretty important. Other than those things, she's a super-sweet little girl. Her crazy grin makes me smile everytime.

Thanks to everyone for sending your positive thoughts to Erin (and the rest of the pack). She's come a long way in just over a week. And thanks to everyone that contributed to her fundable page. I'm going to close it out since we met and exceeded our goal. If we don't use the money for Erin's vet/grooming, it'll be given to others that need it. You guys are awesome!!! =D=

Re: Rescue advice - long

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:41 pm
by fillyok
Erin made it to the vet this afternoon. I went the safe, but uncomfortable route for both of us. She wore the muzzle and got into the crate without much fuss. I carried her and the crate to the car and off we went. Thank goodness for awesome vet techs. She helped me carry Erin inside and was so sweet to her. Erin was awfully sweet herself.

Good news: her heart and lungs are clear and she doesn't have lyme disease. She has tiny teeth on the top of her mouth.

Bad news: she's HW+ and has hookworms, but both are being treated with preventative/medication for now. We'll get another HW check in 4-6 months to check on adult HWs and go from there. It really wasn't a big surprise since she was picked up in a bad suburb of Houston. She only weighs about 33 pounds and is the same height as Sammy (she's overweight at 46 pounds). I bet Erin has put on at least 5 pounds since she got here.

Even worse news: it seems as if all her canines were pulled because they don't look broken. It's also odd that all of them are gone. I can only think that would be for dog fight bait, but I hope I'm wrong.

More news: she's got some tartar buildup on her back teeth so she must be at least 4 years old, maybe older. I almost got into trouble because the vet noticed there was no indication she'd been spayed and the shelter isn't allowed to adopt out unaltered animals. I had to do a quick tap dance and tell her she's destined for West Texas Chow Rescue. Which is true...someday.

Thanks for all your good wishes...Erin becomes more lovable everyday.