Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by kingalls »

I won't put my two in any questionable situation because in the end, it will be my Chowdren's fault vs everyone else. We are able to put them out in the yard or the garage when need be. I have to say that they don't appreciate many visitors. :roll:
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by WeLoveLeRoy »

willowchow wrote:
I have to also be honest with you in that you've let this go on for much too long. The first bite and he should of been separated from company. I love my dog too, but I don't let that blind me to the fact that she could/would be very dangerous around the wrong people, in the wrong situation. These attacks sound severe and they will only get worse if he's allowed to "practice" them.

Anyway, I hope this isn't too harsh. I'm just trying to explain this in an honest way. Good luck with Leroy, I'm sure with some different rules in place and some NILIF things will be just fine.

no offence taken what so ever...i suppose i was just praying for him to get USED to people coming around. I thought Leroy would eventually get used to it..and he had until last weekend. So now I won't be taking any chances at all. Leash by the front door...check.
I will be looking into nilif, hopefully its not too late, Leroy turned two last march 26th, so he is 2 and a half now. Either way, he will be put upstairs in my room when anyone comes over, so i hope this never happens again. But like i said earlier, i understand Leroy's character and his own ways, it really was never his fault. Except maybe when the friend and i huggged...that i just didnt get. Thanks again everyone
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by mrstu »

These are my thoughts... with my chow, I always tell everyone when they come in my house to IGNORE the dog until she is ready to come over to you. If she does not want to come over, leave her alone. I always take precautions because I know that they are capable of snapping and biting. I do not want to put my chow in the situation where something bad can happen. The bottom line is a dog should not bite a human. I had an experience once with a chow that would go into psycho mode for no apparent reason, he would growl and snap at me, would lunge at family members and go to bite and there was nothing that prompted this type of behavior. CHows are big strong dogs and we as humans must take precautions not to put them in a situation that could end badly. We can all say that the chow will not bite or it does not sound like it is the chows fault but if it has not gotten to the serious point yet, it will. If Leroy cannot be trusted around people, then do not have him around people. My experience has been that they will do a snap and a bite (can draw blood) but not go bite crazy. I have never seen that in any of the chows that I have had. Just my thoughts. Recently i have seen more posts about chows that did not usually bite go to bite someone -- there must be three or four posts about this now, maybe it is the weather?
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by willowchow »

It's definately not too late to start NILIF with him. I didn't get Willow until she was about two also. And, it worked wonders for us. She had serious aggression issues even with me at first and I don't know what I would have done if someone hadn't pointed this method out to me. It worked wonders for her and I'm sure Leroy will pick right up on it and you'll see an improvement with him too.
Good luck!!
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by Jeff&Peks »

Just do what your doing your Chow will be fine.

The reason I take these Chow bites, snaps, and growls so lightly is 3 years ago when my grandson moved in, at the time he was 4 years old, my Chow would snap and growl at him every time he moved even if they were in separate rooms my Chow would growl and bark if he just walked past a closed door even if she couldn't see him, Pekoe wasn't use to having kids around and didn't like him at all so when I posted the problem I didn't get one piece of advice on how to cure the problem all I got was a mile long list of over reaction responses of rehoming or putting my Chow down such as, Pekoe is going to kill him, Pekoe is a dangerous beast and should be put down, that behavior wouldn't be tolerated in my house the Chow would have to go, every response I got was blaming Pekoe and telling me to get rid of her. 3 years later no bites, no attacks, they are good friends now and Conner never did get attacked, bitten or killed. Over reacting will only cause more problems... The only problem I have now and its really not a problem its actually funny but as well as they do get along Pekoe refuse's to let Conner walk her, If I hand the leash to Conner Pekoe well turn around and look to see who has the end of the leash If Conner has it she will lay down and refuse to walk until I take the leash back, I guess Pekoe doesn't trust Conner to be holding the leash.

Now I have kids running in and out of the house all day with kids stepping over her and stepping on her along with tripping over her because Pekoe lays in front of the front door, all Pekoe does is lay there and is most likely thinking, don't these kids have a home but never a peep from her growling or snapping at kids any more. So when I hear all this over reactions to what your Chow is doing I have to respond and disagree that there is nothing wrong with your Chow and its not a wild killer beast, just take a few precautions and a few NOOO's after awhile your Chow will be fine and everyone will live happily ever after.
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by willowchow »

Leroy's mom-I certainly didn't want you to think that I thought your dog was vicious or should be put down. Hopefully, my advice was helping to you if you aren't comfortable with this behavior and want to change it. I don't think anyone is to blame at all.
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by WeLoveLeRoy »

willowchow wrote:Leroy's mom-I certainly didn't want you to think that I thought your dog was vicious or should be put down. Hopefully, my advice was helping to you if you aren't comfortable with this behavior and want to change it. I don't think anyone is to blame at all.
Never even crossed my mind....because putting any dog down doesnt go down in my books. :) I at least know what precautions I need to take, and with that everything will be fine. I feel like Im his mom and this is my job anyhow. :)
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Re: Leroy Is Getting Sooooo Bad....Im Worried :(

Post by chow fancier »

It is never too late for NILIF. Cinder was at least four when she came to me and convinced that she was the boss of me, not the other way around. NILIF took care of that within a couple of weeks. It's really easy for the human too. Just remember that anything the chow wants he has to work for and a simple sit will do. Chow wants food, make him sit first, then give him dinner. (Oh, and the chow's meal time is always after the human's). Chow wants to go out, sit first. Don't let the chow on the furniture until he understands he has to ask for permission and sit first. And so on.... Chows are smart; it won't take long before Leroy is sitting pretty as he asks for something. And it will show him that all the humans are above him in the pack order.
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