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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:51 am
by cheriekynb
j72 wrote:And that is great for you... I take my dogs with me whenever I can, but it doesn't mean that people should never go on vacation without them. Especially up here where we have to fly out to the rest of the United States.
I do understand your arguments. In fact I understand where people are coming from in all these posts whether I agree or not, I do understand where they are coming from, but insinuating that you should never leave your dogs with people who will take good care of them when you go out of town for a few days... come on.
Even children sometimes get left with grandparents so mom and dad can get away once in awhile.
Well said!! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:52 am
by Judy Fox
Good Grief! I have cooked, served and eaten dinner - (no marmite), fed Milly and Mabel, put out the wheelie bin for collection in the morning, put out my neighbours wheelie bin for collection in the morning, checked on my other neighbours old dog Shade, (he needs to spend a penny), washed the dishes (haven't dried them yet), popped to the supermarket to get some more Cornettos for Bethan and Joe, (they are here with me 'till Saturday), closed up the greenhouse, hauled down the flag for Fred and this is still rampaging on!
Haven't watched Eastenders - never do! Don't like Marmite!
Doesn't anybody get bored with this thread! :laughloud: 8-} :laughloud:

p.s. ...........also telephoned my sister to discuss the sale of my mother's bungalow - civilised conversation at last! :lol:
Now I am going to get another cup of tea, check the The Times and then go to bed - another day at the Crown Court tomorrow.
I will not get bored.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:56 am
by Zhuyos mom
Who the HELLL is Bob?!

UABR... AKC... CERF... Breed on people, breed on!!!


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" ... 55707f.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" ... 55707d.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
Mr. Cheeks



Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:56 am
by Jeff&Peks
cheriekynb, I have the perfect place for you, Camp Ground by the Lake (thats the name) Its in Tahoe right across the street from the lake, Showers and all. there are two kennels but the south shore one is dirty, the north shore kennels is great but the lady is kind of mean, you better be on time or you will hear about it. I walk and feed Pekoe before I drop her off and just tell them water only, no walks just leave her. then I call every 15 miniutes to check. The first time I left Pekoe there I called about Pekoe and she tells me her husband loves Pekoe so he took her to town, I had a stroke that ended my skiing for the day but its really clean and they are safe.

Summer is coming up we need to start this years Chows and camping thread.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:57 am
Red Dragon wrote:Carla, the problem here is you have no merit to discuss the "Topic" as you put it. You have not enough done enough homework to even be asking questions to a reputable breeder at this point. You say you are going to outcross only because you want to get back to the "True" type of Chow, yet you don't even know the basics about breeding in the wild apparently, packs are inbred, and only outcross when the male in the pack is challenged and defeated by a stronger male from another pack, or a male that he produced, but then you are right back at inbreeding. You should really try cracking open some books before you spew all of this crap out of your mouth.
Find and quote where I said I am outcrossing to get back to the orignals. Never said it. I did say I outcross. I am using what i call originals. I didnt say I am outcrossing to get back to the originals.

So are you saying that no one can bring something to the table if they haven't read every last blooming book on it? I didnt come here to BE the expert, I came here with some experts findings to help open the door for changes that may or may not (hmmmm) need to be made. I have chows, this concerns me, this list is for chow people, it may concern them too. To NOT bring this here would be irresponsible. You know what if it was another dog food scare...and I had personal knowledge of it from one of my dogs dying and I found an article on it, and said, hey, this could kill your dogs, or really affect them... Wouldn't that be irresponsible. Ok.. trying to make this as clear as I can... There are reports, that show that some of the drastic requirements of various breed standards mainly in those being shown to produce a "look" however pretty it is, can lead to many terrible health issues, regardless of certifications the dogs may have recieved. This is the reason for my being here. To openly say, "hey, look, there might be a problem.."
So Sam to say I am not educated enough is really pompus of you. I am very intelligent thank you. Flawed, yes, but apparently so are you.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:58 am
by j72
Want to come to AK? There are AMAZING camping spots here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:59 am
by cheriekynb
Judy Fox wrote:Good Grief! I have cooked, served and eaten dinner - (no marmite), fed Milly and Mabel, put out the wheelie bin for collection in the morning, put out my neighbours wheelie bin for collection in the morning, checked on my other neighbours old dog Shade, (he needs to spend a penny), washed the dishes (haven't dried them yet), popped to the supermarket to get some more Cornettos for Bethan and Joe, (they are here with me 'till Saturday), closed up the greenhouse, hauled down the flag for Fred and this is still rampaging on!
Haven't watched Eastenders - never do! Don't like Marmite!
Doesn't anybody get bored with this thread! :laughloud: 8-} :laughloud:

p.s. ...........also telephoned my sister to discuss the sale of my mother's bungalow - civilised conversation at last! :lol:
Now I am going to get another cup of tea, check the The Times and then go to bed - another day at the Crown Court tomorrow.
I will not get bored.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:00 pm
by Jeff&Peks
[quote="Lou"]Who the HELLL is Bob?!

Bob's Big Boy Lou, Havn't you ever had one of thier burgers.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:02 pm
by Sojourner11
sit_by_the_beach wrote:Rhene. you go to England, leave your babies with a neighbour? That would be like leaving for England and leave a bunch of 14 year old human teens behind. Surprise, when you get back, who'd be at fault? The babysitting neighbour? I looked at your website, your females are too young. Don't bother to reply, I am very opinonated and wouldn't change my mind about things,

Karin...I have 2 runs, 2 100sq ft runs with shelters. They stayed at my home, on my property in thier runs. My neighbors took Bliss out of his Run and put him in with Belle. Now go ahead... still fault me. I am sure you will.
So you stick them in 10'x10' or 5'x20' pens? And some of that is sheltered? Not very much room to run. Carla, this is the very mental picture I get when I think of people breeding dogs for whatever reason. They sound more like cattle than pets. Sure they have names and all, but what kind of existence is that for a animal you love so much?

The reason breeders are judged so harshly is that there is a raging fire, the funeral pyres of those dead Chows and every other dog whose human that brought them into the world had failed them. Many of those here actively go out of there way, with their own time, money, blood, sweat and tears to put out this fire. And when we see somebody throwing gasoline on the very fire we're fighting, and making money to boot, well it personally it pisses me off.

On top of that, we subsidize with our tax dollar, against our will, the extermination of all of these unwanted pets at my county animal control. Like that? You make money while the rest of us fund your business by getting rid of the dogs you and every other person with a pair or intact dogs who has some half-brained business plan produce.

And since your old school breed standard will be easy to recognize, when those Chows (and mixes) start showing in the shelters in or near VA, we'll know who to call to go get them.

You should take a step back and look at the big picture. Read the other forum threads dealing with Chows in need. Heck better than that, go to all your local shelters and look into the eyes of the condemned. Explain to them your theories on breeding. I'm sure they'll appreciate it as they are being dragged off, scared and alone... to their death.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:03 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Judy Fox wrote: ... Don't like Marmite! ...

Isn't Marmite Australian? I thought it was Australian because when I lived in Los Angeles, Oliva Newton-John, the singer, had a store called Koala Blue. The store specialized on Australian products and I remember Marmite and something called Vegimite as one of the main sellers. Are they one and the same? I heard it was an acquired taste because it was salty on the palate. What say you?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:06 pm
by cheriekynb
Jeff&Peks wrote:cheriekynb, I have the perfect place for you, Camp Ground by the Lake (thats the name) Its in Tahoe right across the street from the lake, Showers and all. there are two kennels but the south shore one is dirty, the north shore kennels is great but the lady is kind of mean, you better be on time or you will hear about it. I walk and feed Pekoe before I drop her off and just tell them water only, no walks just leave her. then I call every 15 miniutes to check. The first time I left Pekoe there I called about Pekoe and she tells me her husband loves Pekoe so he took her to town, I had a stroke that ended my skiing for the day but its really clean and they are safe.
Thanks Jeff, I'll look into that! And.. by the way, I would have TOTALLY freaked out and flipped a lid if someone took my Sid somewhere without me KNOWING about it! I won't even let my nephews walk my guy! OMG! OH, and at the park, on Easter, one of my cousins wanted me to check out her "truck".. (her husband is a long haul trucker).. WELL, she said "I'll hold Sid while you climb in the truck".. I actually HESITATED! How paranoid is that?? I gave her the leash and made her stick her hand through the loop. HA HA HA HA HA...
Someone taking Pekoe would be like a babysitter calling you from an amusement park to tell you that your 6 year old is on a roller-coaster!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:08 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Jeff&Peks wrote:Bob's Big Boy Lou, Havn't you ever had one of thier burgers.
Why, yes I have Jeff and it was delicious! I also bought a couple of the Bob's Big Boy plastic figurines back in the early '80's for my nieces and nephews. They must be worth a good deal of money in the world of collectibles by now.

The closest Bob's Big Boy in our part of town is close to the Nevada border, well at least it was when I was up that way in the mid '90's.

But I don't think the Bob that was mentioned a few times is the same Bob. My friend's late father was the CFO of the chain and she never told me he owned a chow.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:08 pm
by Jeff&Peks
j72 wrote:Want to come to AK? There are AMAZING camping spots here!
Thats a given, Alaska would be camping at its best, there couldn't be any better camping then Alaska but us poor city folk have to take what we can get.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:09 pm
by cheriekynb
Jeff&Peks wrote:
j72 wrote:Want to come to AK? There are AMAZING camping spots here!
Thats a given, Alaska would be camping at its best, there couldn't be any better camping then Alaska but us poor city folk have to take what we can get.

Alaska WOULD be an AMAZING trip!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:14 pm
by kitcatak
YOu can just camp in my front yard. The moose and bears will come to you! I will tell you, chows like moose. A LOT!! Leo gets pretty frisky when I bring him in because there is a moose outside. Not happy with me at all for not letting him go hunting!


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:15 pm
by j72
Bring your bug spray, I'll show you the spots! Of course, I can't stay with you out there... An eagle will carry the shih tzu off, the shepherd hates sleeping anywhere but my daughter's bed, and Simon gets things stuck in his hair and tries to hide under the bed (very unsuccessful) when he hears the bath start up to get it all out... LOL!


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:17 pm
by sit_by_the_beach
Judy I like to watch the east enders. They talk fast though,

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:17 pm
by Zhuyos mom
Hey, there are three of you in Alaska. You should organize a ChowFest Alaska!!! What amazing photos you could share with us!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:19 pm
by cheriekynb
j72 wrote:Bring your bug spray, I'll show you the spots! Of course, I can't stay with you out there... An eagle will carry the shih tzu off, the shepherd hates sleeping anywhere but my daughter's bed, and Simon gets things stuck in his hair and tries to hide under the bed (very unsuccessful) when he hears the bath start up to get it all out... LOL!
:lol: the Sights, the wildlife AND entertainment! What more could one ask for??

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:19 pm
by kitcatak
We have talked to Melanie about that. The problem is Melanie is so busy in the summertime and she lives about 4 hours from both of us. We will do it someday though, I hope!


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:19 pm
by sit_by_the_beach
Holland America has amazing cruises to Alaska. They don't allow dogs on cruise ships, I don't go,

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:20 pm
by Jeff&Peks
The only problem with me and camping in Alaska or camping period is i'm one of thos OCD guy's that can't live with out a shower with in 10 ft of me or I go crazy, I tried it once and noway, the next mourning I couldnt last more then an hour and had to go find a hotel just for a shower. thats why I only talk about camp ground by the lake, they have showers.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:25 pm
by Zhuyos mom
But I'm sure if you camp in front of Tracy's yard, she'll let you in to her home to use a shower... perhaps... then again, we've only seen pictures of your left hand!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:27 pm
by j72
Simon says you could take his shower Jeff... he is willing to make that sacrifice for you....

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:29 pm
by bama

I would have had a stroke if one of my furkids was taken ANYWHERE without my expressed permission. :-x

However, on the other hand, Pekoe probably had a great time! :D