Advice needed on chow search

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Advice needed on chow search

Post by Deanna »

Hi Everyone,

It's been quite a while since I've posted or been on the site. We are not having much luck finding a chow still. It's been 3 years in June since our beautiful girl Tika passed. I keep checking on petfinder, our local shelters and it seems that breeders are not easy to find. I got Tika from a pet store and vowed would never do it again because of all of her health problems but not sure where to turn next. When we do find chows on a lot of the rescue sites but they always seem to specify no children or cats or both. We have a seven year old son and 2 cats. Tika loved our 1st cat and ignored our son. Our son finally stopped having nightmares about losing Tika and the local pet store has one of the most beautiful red male puppies I have ever seen so the temptation to just bring this little guy home with us is getting to me. Any input would be really appreciated.

Thanks and hope everyone is doing well,
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chow search

Post by Sharons Chows »

I got my 1st chow from a pet store...went to buy a 39c algea eater for the fish tank and there was my beautiful MO. They were going to send him to the pound or just put him down...he was 4 months old and I am pretty sure that he was a product of a puppy mill. How could I leave the poor baby there? I couldn't...and also knew nothing about chows. Yes, he was a tough puppy, but turned out to be a great boy. When he died at almost 5 I was a basket case...but went to the pound 2 weeks later and brought home my JR, who is going to be 9 and is such a light in my life and is the greatest ever. Alan just brought our almost 4 yr old, Cheyenne, from the pound. Yes, she has issues....but we shower our chowlets with lots of love and she has really come a long way.
I still believe that our chows are how we raise them.

I am not crazy about pet stores, but then again, I knew nothing much about my rescues. Go back to the store a couple of times and spend a bit of time with the pup. You will know!

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Post by Wollfie »

Is this the same pet store that you purchased Tika at?
You asked for input, so here is mine. If I had been searching unsuccessfully for another Chow for three years and finally found one at a local pet store, I would for sure purchase him contingent on:
1) The price
2) If the store would let me return the dog if he was not given a clean bill of health by my vet.

I would definately bring the dog to my vet right after purchasing him to avoid becoming attached.

Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

My view is if its a Chow in need its a Chow in need, regardless of its background , a pet shop Chow, a backyard breeder or the most viscous Chow at the shelter it still needs a home. If the Chow die's at a young age then at least it had some love and a home in its short life, Tika may have died young because of her breeding but because of you she had a happy and loved short life. I havn't been through it yet but its got to be hell losing your Chow no matter what the age but if you feel you should take that pet shop Chow then do it, you will give it a better life then who ever else takes it.
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pet store chow

Post by Sharons Chows »

Here I am again! I just read the other posts.

Chows are just like everything else in our guarantees!!
And I totally agree with everything else everyone wrote after me.

Go back to the store and let that beautiful little red boy enjoy the kind of home he deserves.

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Post by Brisco »

I would ask the Pet Store where the pup came from and you may be pleasantly suprised that it could possibly be from a local breeder, who knows, miracles happen. Not all pet shops are bad and run by bad people just out for a buck selling puppies from puppy farms. But probably in either case I agree with Jeff and Wolfie, if you can get a health gaurantee, one thing is for sure, the pup needs a good caring home. If they do by from puppy farms just don't support them by purchasing additional or ongoing supplies from them. And also, it is possible to take all of the precautions you can and buy from a reputable breeder and still end up with health problems, there just are no absolute's when dealing with nature. I waited 17 months for my second pup and then the female miscarried and I got very lucky and found my Dixie. I know how hard it is to wait when you have your mind set on something. Good luck and be sure to tell uswhat you name him.
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Post by ngraham »

Hi Deanne,
I don't like pet shops or BYB's either. My Koda has given me a real hard heart about both. <sigh> But.... here are my feelings on the subject. Regardless, that puppy still needs a home. I am grateful each and everday for my Koda. He brings such joy to my life and love to my heart. He had no choice in what conditions he was born into, and neither does that puppy at the pet store. And the way that I look at it is, even if my kids had made me aware of what they were doing and took me along with to look at him, even tho I wouldn't have liked the situation he was in, I still would have taken him to get him out of that. I know... put a neon sign on my head that says sucker, but at least I am being honest. These little guys have no choice, They are here now and need to be loved just as much, as any pup bred from a reputable breeder or a rescue. Sure, when you spend the money, of course you are helping to support BYB's and puppy mills and encouraging what they are doing. That's why, no matter how hard anyone fights against those things, they will never stop. But we can't toss the products of those people away like garbage. In a way, I kind of look at it as rescue. If those puppies aren't bought from a puppy store and they get too big.... what happens to them? If a rescue doesn't step in, then they are either put to sleep or sent to a pound where they are put to sleep, or sent back to the puppy mill or BYB who bred them and they are bred. That's not fair. I have gotten alot of a grief from the AOL message boards (which I rarely go to any longer) because Koda is the product of a BYB, but ya know what? That doesn't make him any less worthy of love and devotion than any other chow puppy and I can guarantee you, he has unlimited love and devotion here with me. Everyone here has supported Koda and I, knowing where Koda came from... and I am sure that's what you will get here. I say go get him out of there. Health guarantees? Yeah they are great. But... how many of us would actually take a puppy back to the pet shop or BYB if there was a problem? Just like with Tika, you have to understand that when you walk out that door with him, you are walking out that door with many unanswered questions. But you are also walking out the door with a bundle of love and devotion and fun. Go for it!
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Post by wrat »

as usual I will supprort what seems to be an unpopular opinion NO reputable breeder will sell a puppy to a pet store NONE period !!! IF you buy a puppy from a pet store you DIRECTLY support a puppy mill PERIOD..all reupable breeders have a waiting list and screen the the applicants very well as well as the parents grandparents of the bitch and sire
if you are willing to do that go ahead BUT for the price you will probably be charged you could probably adopt one from an out of state shelter or something...good luck
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Post by Brisco »

As much as I love Chows and think that there is no other dog to compare, there are reasons for this. And some of those traits are exactly why I would never adopt an older Chow if I had a 7 year old child or probably even if I just had two cats, unless of course it was shown that the dog liked cats. I'm sure I just made a few extra enemies but that's O.K. it's just an opinion.
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Post by Victory »

Go get the puppy. Both my moms two were from pet stores, one lived to 15 the other to 10. You have a young child, who has some knowledge of chows which is good, but he'll be better with a puppy, than with a rescue. My two are rescues from WestTexas ChowChow rescue, they had a puppy last week, but I'll bet she's gone now.

I don't want to encourage BYB or puppymills either, but when you have a young child, the best is to get a puppy and that means either paying a hoppyist breeder or show breeder a fortune and wait a long time, or from a petstore. By the way does the store have just the one or the whole litter? Most puppy mills sell off the whole litter, not just one or two pups.

I know that's all a bit confusing, bottom line; go get the puppy.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
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Post by Victory »

Brisco wrote:As much as I love Chows and think that there is no other dog to compare, there are reasons for this. And some of those traits are exactly why I would never adopt an older Chow if I had a 7 year old child or probably even if I just had two cats, unless of course it was shown that the dog liked cats. I'm sure I just made a few extra enemies but that's O.K. it's just an opinion.
Well you've not made an enemy from me! I agree, some of the characteristics that make chows chows are the same ones that can make them no suited to being around young children or smaller animals.

Kids love to try and pet my Firesong, because she's little, but she's the one I don't really trust with children because she's too nervous, (she's getting better), Darkwind is the one who will tolerate kids falling on him, pulling on him etc, but he's big and makes children wary. Believe me though when I got him I watched him carefully around children until I knew how he was, but he doesn't live with them, so I could do this. Introducing an older dog of any breed into a household is introducing an unknown quanity into that house, if there are children there already, that must be the first concern.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
Thank you SweetPea!

Post by Guest »

That is why we went with a puppy, he still had issues as a pup but we worked through them and now everyone gets along great.

I am also a believer that it is still a chow that needs a home, and while you may be supporting whatever, what happens to that dog if someone "buys that cute little dog that looks like a bear" and has NO idea what a chow is? Chances are the pup will either end up at the shelter or be put to sleep because he is "not friendly". Chows ARE different, and unless you have chow experience, MOST people DON'T know that!
I would save the baby if it were me.
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "I got Tika from a pet store and vowed would never do it again because of all of her health problems but not sure where to turn next."


Whatever advice you receive, you are going to be the one left to deal with any genetic conditions and any temperament problems. It's your decision. You already know about pet shop pups. I don't know anyone who could resist a Chow pup, or anyone who doesn't feel sorry for pet shop pups. I'll just suggest that you do a search on this pet shop to see if there are health complaints listed against it by previous customers.

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Post by Deanna »

Thanks for all your input. I do agree that this little guy needs a home, and you are correct that if a family doesn't know the chow traits it could be a problem. Tika was around 11 when we had our son. She couldn't be bothered with him. She never really liked children, was very nervous around them. As you all know because of the bear-ish apperarence kids always want to touch and hug, but their lack of side vision is a problem with the quick movements of kids. When our son started walking, she would just go into the other room. If he were quiet she might give him a little kiss.

I say the health problems because of the expense. We spent thousands of dollars with Tika's health issues over the years. We probably put the vet's kid through college. She had a bone transplant because of patella luxation in her knees, hip dysplasia, thyroid problems, allergies to beef and by-products and the list goes on. But she was my first baby and a wonderful girl. I remember her little teeth smile when she was happy, or how she would just about knock me over with her body weight when I would get home, and boy did she love her kitty. We got our first cat for her because we felt so bad she was alone all day when we were at work. She would let him chew on her and would play for hours.

I believe the pet store has a warranty against genetic problems which is what we used with Tika. It is a different store but they gave me a full refund because of Tika's problems. I hate to promote the puppy mills but like several of you said, this little boy already exists and should not go to a home that won't understand him or his characteristics.

We had 14 blessed years with Tika and the house is just not the same without her or a dog in the house. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.


ps- I called the store and they still have the puppy. We'll see about going tonight.
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Post by Zhuyos mom »

I think someone else has mentioned this. I know at our local pet store that sells animals. The dogs have the name of the kennel posted right next to them. If that is the case with your pet store, perhaps you can do an online search and see if they have a web site or any blogs posted. Any little bit will help you in the long run. I'm glad you're getting a new little chowling to love. You were tugging on my heart when you shared some of Tika's memories on your last post -her teeth smile and how her body weight would knock you over. Also, all that you spent on her, just swells me up because I've done that through the years with my boy, Zhu. So I hope your new chowling will bring you more happy blessings and give us stories you will share.
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Puppy mills are going to be around regardless if she adopts the puppy or not, The shop owner is just the bottom of the barrel so not buying a puppy from a store does nothing. If you want to put a stop to puppy mills find the mill and go after them make the public aware of them and write the politicians to put an end to it or start a petition in your town to get rid of them if all else fails shoot the people. (kidding, don't go buy a gun) Some state's and cities don't allow pet stores to sell puppies one of them must be San Francisco I think or I just haven't seen any. I'm always surprised when I hear post that stores are selling puppies I haven't seen a pet store in along time that sells pets except for a fish or mouse. I thought pet-smart did but those are rescue's.
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Post by ngraham »

Glad to hear it Deanne. You're not going into this blind... you know the risks, and if you're still willing to love that little boy and give him the home he needs, I think that's great. I hope all goes well... keep us informed.
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Chow search

Post by chowpuppies »

I have to agree with all that said
i breed chows i would never sell them to a pet shop but the truth is that lots of good puppies from wonderful kennels are at pet shops too
so with that said
do what you feel is right you know that you may not
find one else where for a while
good breeders are out there but even good breeders have puppies with small problems And yes i we do try not too but things happen.
Good Luck :!: :!: :!:
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Post by Brisco »

So, what's the verdict? Did you miss out, decide not to or just trying to choose a name? Sorry to be so nosey, but you started it. If you missed out, I'm very sorry, if you decided not to, then you have much more will power than I do and if you need help with names just ask and you'll be overwhelmed with choices I'm sure.
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Post by Shane »

The link above is Inside the web site is a list of breeders. on your left hand side.

You can also go inside the champion ghallery and go to a particular country. Then on the dog's indiviual page is the breeder's and or owners listing of that particular dog.

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Post by Lily Griffin »

I bought both my Chows at a pet shop - in fact the same pet shop, but a year apart. They are not registered, although appear to be purebred (I was assured they are). I have had very little health problems with them - mostly a hot spot with Phoenix. She is 3 now and has a wonderful, smiley, friendly nature. Tosh, the male, is 2 and is very lovable and gentle, has no noticeable health problems, but is not as friendly to strangers. We have quite a lot of people in and out, but don't take the dogs out much.
The pet shops here in South Africa sell a lot of various animals, dogs, cats, pot bellied pigs, monkeys, ferrets, rabbits, snakes, birds, fish etc. There are quite a lot of pet shops and you learn by word of mouth which are the more reputable ones.
You can tell a lot about how they are - whether they are clean, what sort of people run them etc.
I'm sure a lot of them do have perhaps not so healthy and dubious animals, but a lot depends on where you get them.
I'm just waiting for my celphone upgrade and will take photos of the dogs - it'll be about a month and rather that than buy a digital camera, then you can judge for yourselves.
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Post by Deanna »

Unfortunately things did not work out. We did go back and get him that night but had to bring him back a couple of days later. Our older cat Shadow was making himself sick. I posted the whole story in another post called "update" but sadly I don't think another chow is in our near future. Our other cat Cassie that is almost 2 was a little freaked out but I think she would have adapted but Shadow is not willing to share us at this point in his life. He was getting sick, not eating, drinking, etc. He is fine now.

To make matters worse we think the puppy might be sick as well. The store did not seem to believe me when I brought him back and told them what had been going on. I'm going to call the store and see how he is doing. Hopefully he has already been taken to a forever home. He really deserves it. He would follow us from room to room, if you even moved on the couch he would adjust himself so he would have full view of us and loved to play with our son.

Thanks so much for everyone's advice.

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