Why a Chow?

General discussions about Chow Chows.

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Why a Chow?

Post by Wollfie »

Nine years ago, a woman my age, who had two children the same age as mine, was sitting in her kitchen one afternoon painting before picking her kids up from school. She lived about five miles from me, in a very affluent, no crime town. She was brutely raped and murdered. That really scared me; still does when I think about it. That's when I decided to get a "body guard", a Chow, as I had always heard how loyal and protective they were.

That's why I chose a Chow, why did you?
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Post by tekendall »

When my boyfried and I bought a house, he moved his 14 yr old chow in with us. I fell in love with her the second I met her. She was sweet, loving, playful, fussy, grumpy and growly! After she passed and we were ready to get another dog, the only breed I wanted was a chow. They are just so different from other dogs...can't pinpoint what it is or why I feel that way...I just love em.
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Post by sweetpea »

My husband kept saying he wants another Chow. He kept telling me how wonderful Chows are. He said they were unlike any other breed you will ever meet. Then we was asked if we'd like a puppy in need of a home, a full blooded Chow but the girl wasnt getting the care she needed. When seeing her she was shy, a little black furball, looked like a chow but her ears flopped. My husband fell so in love with her, and me, I'm a sucker for puppies. I agreed he could keep her. We named her Princess and the older she got the less like a Chow she looked. She was a mix breed. BUT her attitude was different in a lot of ways.

Princess showed signs of being lonely or bored. She needed a playmate. I was dissappointed that Princess wasnt fullblooded. So we decided to get a playmate for Princess, and I wanted to experience the life with a fullblooded Chow. We picked a puppy because of having a grandbaby who was only a year old at the time. I didnt know enough about the breed to know how to rescue one that I could be sure would understand the treatment of a toddler. This is how we ended up with Gracie! AND I love this breed!!! I love that attitude. I want Gracie to age a little more, Kokomo and his mom to get their own place, then I think I will get another one to add to the home.
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Post by kingalls »

Shiloh is a Chow mix and she chose our place as a refuge. We knew nothing about Chows but after a few months of having her around, reading about the uniqueness of Chows, we decided to get her a companion. Mr. Nahkohe is full Chow. When they are not sleeping & deep in la-la land, they can be quite the guard dogs. My daughter who they both know stopped by our house during her lunch hour to use my computer. Mr. N never stopped barking at her the whole time (he had one side of his head planted against the sliding glass door - giving her the one-eyed look). ;\ He's perfectly fine with her when we are home but it's not okay if she is there without us.
Our motive for having Shiloh and Mr. N was never to have a guard dog but it just so happens they are good guard dogs.

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Post by Victory »

I got my first two when my mom passed away. But after that I fell in love with the breed, (before it was Collies), I've learned about them and yes I like their protectiveness. Where I live now is in the most crowded section of the city, there are several half-way houses around me, gang-bangers, drug dealers, prosititues. Yet I feel safe when I'm with my Chows. Darkwind has proven his protective instictints on several occasions so has Firesong.

A chow doesn't need to be "trained" to be protective, just bonded with, once you are part of their family in their minds, you are to be protected no debate, no question; and for any idiot stupid enough to challenge this, no mercy and no quarter.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
Thank you SweetPea!
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Post by Judy Fox »

Nearly six years ago our 9yr. old boxer Meggy died very suddenly - she woke me up panting and I thought she wanted to go out to spend a penny. When I let her out she walked a few steps onto the lawn and collapsed - I woke my husband and we carried her in. Half an hour later she was dead. We did not even have time to call the vet - it all happened so quickly. :(
We were all broken hearted but started to look around to find another dog.

We researched different breeds and we were very taken with the Chow Chow character. We spoke to many breeders and read up on the breed but at that time, there wasn't a chowling in the country. :(

Suddenly, we heard there was a litter in Cumbria and that is how we bought Milly. We wanted a puppy because two of our grandaughters were 10 and ll yrs. old at the time and had never had the fun of a puppy. Our eldest granddaughter was little when Megs was a pup.

Then when we heard Mabel needed a home we bought her too. :D :D

We are delighted that we decided on Chow Chows because they are like no other dogs we have ever had.
Our Danes were beautiful, so dignified, good natured and obedient. The pugs were little characters and we enjoyed them tremendously and our last Dane was lovely. Meg, as is the way with boxers, was a culture shock after Lizzie but we loved her dearly - she had a lot of brain but she just did not bother to use it.

But these Chow girls - they are just something else completely. They guard us but run their own lives just as they wish!

Their 'attitude' is so refreshing and we love living with them.
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Post by Mandy »

We have Chows because of my husband. Apparently, he was on a rock climbing trip and looked up on a cliff to see this majestic creature sitting looking down on everyone. He decided right then and there that he would own a chow someday.

I had never owned a dog and never really planned on having one. I am more a reptile girl... or should I say WAS a reptile girl. Drew would mention chows on occasion and I never took it seriously until we bought our own house. Then I started considering getting a dog. Around November of 2005 I started researching chows and realized what a great fit they would be for the two of us. I still wasn't completely convinced. So I started looking at some breeders and was very turned off by they way they all seemed like puppy mills. Then I found my breeder. I emailed her an inquiry and it was just a coincidence that she had a Pet quality puppy that she was looking for a home for.

Then she sent me this picture...


and that was it for me.

I'm so lucky my husband brought them into my life.
Mandy, Chewie, & Cayenne
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Post by ngraham »

Two of my friends had chows... one a neighbor had a male blue chow, the other a close friend of mine, had bought a cinnamon girl. Both of these beautiful creatures had an attitude I had never seen in a dog before. I fell in love with both of them and started yearning for one of my own. Right about the time we got Sasha, someone down south (towards St. Louis and the surrounding area) had been taking little girls, raping them and then murdering them. The police kept saying that he avoided capture by jumping train box cars and believed he was heading further north. I had 2, 4 or 5 year old daughters (my twins) who I had just started letting play outside by themselves in my back yard, so of course I was petrified that whoever it was, would grab one of my kids. And felt by then, it was time we had a dog for the girls to grow up with and hopefully help keep them safe. My friend who had the cinnamon chow called me to tell me that the people she had bought Cinnie from, had another litter of puppies and asked me if I was interested in one. I jumped at the chance. I got to pick between Sasha who had looked like she was going to be a blue chow and another who looked like Cinnie. I chose Sasha. She was so pretty and full of life. She grew to be such an important part of our family. As far as protecting us goes, she would if she had to. She did end up nipping my ex husband in one of his feet. He had walked up on my porch and opened up my door without being invited in. When I said something to him about it, he started mouthing me and Sasha got mad and took a bite out of his foot. Not bad enough to cause damage, but enough to let him know he'd better knock it off or the next time wouldn't be so easy. He jumped back, and said that dog bit me. I told him good... that's what I got her for. He never did walk in my house uninvited again... in fact, he never walked up to the house again after that. He stayed at the end of the driveway. LOL
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

We didn't have any reason for getting any breed of dog, we never talked about getting a dog or even wanting one. One day my wife and I were out shopping in Berkley, the Milo Foundation has adoptions there every week. We were walking down the street all of a sudden my wife says oh my god I want that dog, I look 3 blocks down the street and see this big black furry thing sitting off by itself away from the other dogs (That should have been a Clue) Nether one of us knew anything about Breeds nor what a Chow was. So for three blocks I'm saying I don't want a dog I'm the one that's going to have to take care of it (turned out to be true). We get to the Milo spot and my wife falls instantly in love and says I'm getting this dog I don't care what you say then starts filling out the paperwork, in the mean time another couple that happen to already own a Chow decide they want Pekoe so it turns into a bidding war' My wife and the other couple are arguing and trying to out bid each other while I'm standing there saying I don't want any dam dog give it to them. The Milo lady finely says I will give Pekoe to who ever picked up the paper work first, my wife hands her the paper work and says its all filled out so she is mine, I'm still standing there saying give it to the other people. So off we go walking down the street with this black furry thing that took us an hour to try and get her into the car because Pekoe wanted to sit in the front seat so I'm yelling at my wife saying see this dog is crazy it dosn't even know its supposed to sit in the back seat, give it back to those people, It was 4 days later that I found out she was Chow from a friend that said that's a Chow those dogs will kill you in your sleep, so my wife and I hide under the covers and listen to the black furry thing tip toe around the house all night that was going to come in and kill us at any miniute. I'm sure the Milo lady told my wife it was a Chow plus Pekoe had all her Papers but at the time I didn't pay attention because I didn't want a Dog anyway. So 8 years later here we are, Pekoe took over completly.
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Post by Elaina »

My best friend's mother was a professional dog handler. One weekend during my 15th year, my parents allowed me to attend a dog show where my best friend's mom was handling several dogs. It was the first time that I saw so many dogs in one place. It was simply amazing. What stood out was this furry and aristocratic looking dog. There were about 15 of them....red, creme, black....and OMG blue! They all seem to have that attitude that stated how important they were to the world. Whatever this dog was...I wanted it. "What is that?", I asked. A groomer turned to me and said, "Young Miss, this is a Chow Chow. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?" "No, sir!" I answered. I couldn't help it....most of my time was spent watching this wonderful creature. The walk, the movement, the fur, that precious face....I so fell in love. But I knew it would be impossible to ever own such a wonder...we lived in an apartment building that didn't allow dogs. When I married and had the boys, it was GSDs, Siberian Huskys, etc. Now the boys are grown with their own families and my husband and I wanted another dog. "Honey", I said, "What about a blue Chow Chow?......
Peace and Blessings
Elaina, Max-A-Million, Mei-Mei, Mikko and our Queen...Mahayana
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Post by SWANCIN »

This is a great thread. I've really enjoyed reading the replies. We adopted our chow/gsd mix from the HSSV 5 days after our akita/gsd Shadie's passing. We'd been adopted by a neighbors cat about 6 months prior, so I have to say that after observing Kodi's personality and 'odd' (for a dog) behaviors and reading up on Chows alot more, that having had a cat around almost 24/7 really helped wean us to Kodi's "chowness". They are quite cat-like, aren't they? There's nothing like a chow!

Gotta love 'em! :wink:
Cindy & Kodi

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Post by Victory »

Jeff&Peks wrote:... I'm sure the Milo lady told my wife it was a Chow plus Pekoe had all her Papers but at the time I didn't pay attention because I didn't want a Dog anyway. So 8 years later here we are, Pekoe took over completly.

I knew your relationship with Pekoe was unique but that's the funniest thing I've read in a long while! Especially considering how you feel about her now.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
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Post by Auddymay »

I've had several different breeds over the years, and I loved them all. When I decided to get a dog this past summer, I wanted to make certain it would be a good fit for our family. In contention for my choice were the Pomeranian (cute, but a bit yappy), the Cairn Terrier (reknown diggers, I'm told- not condusive to gardening), the Boxer (my boy Bud was a great dog), and of course, the Chow. I can't say for sure why I chose to get a Chow. Maybe it was that Pip was half and I thought they would be similar in activity level. I'm glad I chose Lily. Willfulness is a double edged sword, I'm willing to give up some obedience for the intelligence and independence they give in return.
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Post by ngraham »

Jeff&Peks wrote: My wife and the other couple are arguing and trying to out bid each other while I'm standing there saying I don't want any dam dog give it to them. The Milo lady finely says I will give Pekoe to who ever picked up the paper work first, my wife hands her the paper work and says its all filled out so she is mine, I'm still standing there saying give it to the other people.
All the stories are wonderful... thanks for starting the thread, Wolfie. But I have to agree with Victory... Jeff's story is very funny when you consider the way Jeff is with Pekoe now. It makes ya wonder who exactly is the chow in Jeff and Pekoe's relationship. LOL If there was ever any 2 who were made for each other, it was Jeff and Pekoe. I can just see Jeff saying "I don't want any damn dog" then, and see him saying now "Let's see you try to mess with my damn dog." I can hear them in Petco and Petsmart saying, here comes that nutcase and his chow again. LOL Jeff, you and Pekoe are priceless and one the many great pairs that make up this message board. Thank you for sharing your story with us... again, you 2 are priceless. [:D]
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Post by meex18 »

Around eight years ago, I was on my way home from school when I saw a chow wandering off our street. He was huge and he was either shaved off by his owners or was a smooth-coated chow. I couldn't tell for sure because I was not familiar with the breed at that time. At first I ignored it because for all I know he was the neighbor's dog and he just went out for a walk and would return to his house after he's done (We have a huge neighborhood and most of the time, I'd see a dog running loose). But then as I opened the gate to my house, he just walked in even before I could get in myself. And I was like, "Okaaaay.... Sure... Come in.. Make yourself comfy.." And that he did. He wandered in our front lawn where the other dogs are and ignored everyone. He just started inspecting the place. I was afraid he'd attack my other dogs so I let all my dogs inside the house while he went and look for whatever he was looking for. I gave him some water and food. And after he's done eating, He just slumped on the middle of the lawn and slept. It was funny how everyone of my family would come home that day, see a huge dog sleeping next to where the door is, and then scream. lol! Unfortunately, the owners came by the next day and took him back. Eversince then, I've decided I would own a chow someday.

Five months ago, my brother introduced me to Bruiser. :)
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Why a Chow?

Post by Brisco »

My wife is a cat person and had no intentions of ever having a dog. I was born into a family of "dog" people and something had to give. I had a chow about 25 years ago and finally convinced my wife that a "Chow" is not just another dog. I told her that we probably wouldn't have to house break him, he will only bark when there is a good reason, he will not be distructive or damage her garden, won't be under foot, even, or especially when we have company and will most definitely, he WILL win her heart. Of course she didn't believe a word of it, and I got one anyway, you'll see I said. When Brisco was almost 2, Helen, my wife suggested that maybe we should get him a friend and maybe even breed them. Now we have Brisco and Dixie our 10 month female. Helen just said the other day, "I'm so glad that you talked me into getting a dog, I can't imagine life without them, I said, Not a dog, a Chow Chow.
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what great stories

Post by Sharons Chows »

What a chuckle Alan and I have had with your stories.
Everyone one of them reminds me of getting my 1st chow....and my 2nd chow and now our 3rd chow.
I can't imagine life without chow chow antics and chow chow love!
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Post by simbasmom »

About 4 years ago my son was begging me to get him a pet... He wanted a cat but I am not much of a cat person, so I was thinking about maybe getting a dog. My sister in law (who hasn't spoken to me since then) told me about a dog, a lab mix that really needed a new home. We went and met with the owner and the lovely dog, and thought everything would work out ok... BIG HUGH MISTAKE... the dog was a DEMON.. we were home on vacation for a few days and she seemed that she was going to fit in great..WRONG .. I was told she was crate trained and until she got used to being with us to put her in the crate while we were out... 1st day back to work when we got home we found that she had somehow escaped the crate and had had a few accidents on the floor and got into the trash... overall not a great day, but I did expect an adjustment period.. :?
So the next day, I came home to check on her at lunch time....... she had escaped again ........ got into the garbage again, broke the window, tore down the blinds, cut her paws so I can home to find blood, pee, poop and garbage all over the floor, on the kitchen counter, on the table, streaked down the walls, and in the beds... I tried to take her outside so I could begin to clean up the horrid mess the house was in.. slipped in a pool of blood, fell through the screen door landed on the concrete, bruised all my ribs, dislocated my shoulder and badly sprained my arm trying to break my fall.. :_| I called the lady and begged her to come and get the dog...

My son was heart broken and after a couple of months we decided to try again.. and one of the girls from my office told me about Simba.. a lovely black chow that need a home.. his owner had died and her husband's new girlfriend did not like dogs.. they had gone away on vacation for 3 months and had left Simba alone. The man's daughter went to the house once a day for a few minutes a day to feed Simba, but she was getting tired of looking after him. I was a little sceptical about getting a chow and was not even going to go meet him, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to just go and meet the lady and Simba.. \:D/ It was love at first sight, poor Simba was so starved for attention he latched right on to us and tried to follow us home, we talked the girl into letting us take Simba home with us right away, and we never looked back.. he was our devoted, loyal companion until the day he passed away in October. Now I could not imagine being owned by anything but a chow :lol:
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Post by Shane »

Well for me I actually had no choice, I never even knew I was getting a dog let alone a chow. Krillan was a early birthday gift

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Post by willowchow »

I actually didn't want her BECAUSE she was a chow. But, my husband couldn't leave her in the situation she was in so he took her anyway. Now, I know I'll get another some day.
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Post by Debbie »

I love reading all your stories of why a chow! Each is so interesting and different. Here is mine:

When I was 16 my parents, brother and I went to visit some relatives in Germany. I was invited to the home of my Aunt in law's sister without my family. I spoke very little german and my aunt and her sister and family spoke no english. After a short while my aunt took me upstairs to an attic room where there were 4 or 5 small children playing with a big dog. I was admiring how well the dog was playing and listening to my aunt and her sister saying to me "Der Hund hat ein blaue zunge" Of course, I didn't understand but using gestures and getting the dog to show off his beautiful, unique feature I realized that they were telling me about the Chow's blue tongue!! I knew at that moment I would get a chow when I grew up. Fast forward to my first home with my husband in 1991; we moved in Feb 27 and drove to a neighboring city (where we had found a breeder of chows) 3 hours away (Edmonton where Roxanna and Dakota live!) and picked up our new puppy we named Samson T. Bear! Since then Bear has passed away, but we got his 2nd cousin Bones 5 years ago. I couldn't imagine my life without my Blaue Zunge dogs!

Debbie and Bones :inlove:
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