playing with angels

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playing with angels

Post by HemiCuda »

so this sorta creeped me out a little.......
latley we will be sitting, and hemi will be laying down then all of a sudden zeus will get up ( like he was called) walk to the middle of the empty part of the room, look up, make a funny grunting noise and put his butt up in the "play with me " position, this doesn't freak me out so much untill his ears perk up and he then runs and gets his toy brings it to the spot and drops it! :shock:
Like he is playing with somthing that isn't there, this topic is not meant to be religious but, we ( my husband and i) come from religous homes, and i was talking to my mother in law the last time this happned and she said, " oh, you must have an angel who likes to play with Zeus" :shock: ........ :D cool, but i thought the idea was sweet. just wanted to share :wink:
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Post by Dogdad »

Not to freak you out but dogs supposedly can see spirts. I take it if he is playing with it, it is a good spirit. I would be comfortable with it, He seems to be.
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Post by chris »

Been there before. I believe that just like small children, our furkids can see things "angles" that we can't. Example:

One time I was standing in the kitchen and our chow Thor at the time was looking right past me.. or maybe even through me.. it was wierd.. but he started to growl under his breath.. Not showing his teeth, but non the less.. warning someone or something behind me. I looked.. and there was nothing. :shock: And he wasn't growling at me. He did this a few times. Not in the house we are in now, it was another house. And it's wierd cuz it was like he was looking towards you.. but not AT YOU..
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Post by HemiCuda »

OMG!! chris! i have heard exactly what you and dogdad are talking about! justins says it's his imaginary friend, but what is fun to me is that when he was younger hemi was a little reluctant to play with him so we would encourage him to play with zeus by saying " Well,play with him" and if we say it to zeus he gets all excited and countinues to ask( butt in the air) well, since i am looking for a house i will just take him with me, and walk him around, then i'll know if i want to live there based on his reaction growling or playing :lol: i kinda like the idea of angels around, and think its sweet if they like my chowlings :wink:
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Last summer Cheyenne would just stand or sit in the back yard and look at the bushes for hours and just squeak or lightly bark. I posted back then that she had a whole back yard of chow angels that live in the greenery.
I am sure that they did.
I just told Cheyenne yesterday that her chow angels should be coming out of hibernation shortly!



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Post by HemiCuda »

too sweet, iswear they must know somthing we don't :lol:
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Post by Dogdad »

Ok well since we are telling our spirit stories, I want to share this one, It is true. About 6 years ago when I moved out of my old house to my new house, I came back once it was completely empty with a friend to clean the house. It has all wooden floors. While we were cleaning we both heard the sound of 3 dogs walking across the floor one had a limp sound. While I was at that house 3 of my dogs died there of old age one had a limp. We were there for around 8 hours. It happened over a period of 3 hours, I finally said, Diego, Bud and Wings, go find grandma ( my mom ) who also has passed. We heard Bud ( the limper ) once more and then for the next 5 hours nothing. I hope that mom did find them and helped them pass over. I know some of you think I am a nutcase, but I honestly believe it was them and I really do believe my mom came and got them.

Last edited by Dogdad on Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sharons Chows »

I love the way you think.

Didn't you own a has to be a bit off kilter to begin with.
You fit in just perfectly!



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Post by HemiCuda »

i am sorry for your loss :cry:
that story gave me chills!
My husbands family is related to general boagart
one of the homes ( that was in his family for ever) had this same experence, its sweet to think our chowlings and pets still play,
i dunno, its fine but when i'm alone, ..........well, its a little scary,
but hemi is very protective, so i guess it shouldn't bother me, but it still just FREAKY! :wink:
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Post by chris »

I think that is a totaly cool story David. Love it. And on another side, I am sorry for your losses.
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Post by ciaobella »

Oh, I can't wait for Judy to log on. She has a great Chow ghost story for those of you newbies who haven't heard it.

David, I think it's so cool that your spirit dogs wanted to stay with you, and very generous of you to let them pass on.

There is a small family cemetery at the park where we walk. In the cemetery is a gravestone that is embedded into the heart of a large tree that has grown around it. This is Margaret Love's grave, born 1777, died 1872.

Miss Margaret is our hero. While a couple of the crypts have been violated over the years, Miss Margaret clearly will not be budged. Whenever some act of misbehavior occurs at the park, or the park officials institute some new boneheaded rule, or they tear up some pretty piece of property to put in a greenway, we just shake our heads and say, "Oh... Miss Margaret wont like that". Miss Margaret didn't like the bridge they tried to construct over the coldest swimming hole. It got tossed with the first good storm. Miss Margaret didn't like the swath of trees that were planted in a beautiful clearing... they all died an untimely death. Miss Margaret watches over her park. This was the joke among us dogwalkers, anyway, until I took these photos:

Upper right:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" ... rgaret.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Lower left:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" ... efairy.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

I think it's interesting that Soph appears to be watching the blue light in the second picture, she usually is cheesing for the camera and looking right at me.
Might be a snowflake on my lens, might not. Maybe Miss Margaret just likes Sophie. :wink:
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Post by Sharons Chows »

One more story before I retire tonight.

My only and younger sister passed away from cancer 9 years ago. I took my 1st rescue Chow, MoMo to see her grave...a week later he was hit by a car and died.
I got JR 3 weeks later and found out that he was born around Sept. 4th or 5th. Those were the days that my sister had a malignant tumor that ruptured.
She really loved MoMo and I think when she knew that we were visiting her grave that she decided that she wanted him and that she was sending me JR instead.

Maybe I believe that because it helps me cope better...maybe it is...who knows?



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Post by janet »

wow. i am both touched and spooked at the same time. seriously the hairs on my arm are standing up. great stories. they should all be in judy's book.
i never had any of these experiences with my dogs. my cats on the other hand will swat abd jump at nothing, they meow at the wall. when i look there is nothing there.weird.but then again im a chicken sh**t
anyone can own a dog, it takes someone special to own a chow.Image
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Post by Salandra »

Oh, I love all these stories! I agree with Janet these are touching stories and should be in Judys book. (Janet I always say my cats are playing with fairies when they watch and play with things we don't see. :wink: )

David, I'm sorry for your loss. I think your babies were perhaps coming to say good bye to you. I also believe your mom did come get them so they wouldn't be afraid after you moved.

Sharon :cry: I'm sorry you lost your sister and MoMo. I hope JR can fill the hole in your heart.

HemiCuda I never even thought to take Jaz with me when looking for a new place. I think if I had she would not have approved of where we are now!

Wow Ciaobella! Those pics are amazing! I think Miss Margaret really does protect her park, and she seems to like Sophie as well.

Jazzy senses 'spirits' as well. One night I was coming home late, and when we got out of the car and headed for the door, she suddenly pressed into my legs and started in with her ferocious barking. There was nothing there that I could see. She barked and growled for a bit at a point between the house and a tree, then slowly relaxed and went from the barking to her woofing and snuffling, then all was well. She went on into the house like nothing happened.

Do you think they have all gotten together and decided how best to mess with their humans minds? :twisted: :roll:
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Post by Dogdad »

Wow thanks for all the stories, they are sad with the losses yet hopeful at the sametime.

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Post by Judy Fox »

Hello - loggin on!! :lol:

And yes I do have a story - and I give you my word of honour that it is true and as a matter of fact, we have a visitor at the moment! :) (i.e. on and off the last few days)

Ever since we brought Milly home on 5th November, 2000, I have sent Milly and Mabel's breeder a current picture and a letter at Christmas time.

I always receive a letter in reply. Anyway, not last Christmas or the one before that but the one before that, (I think :roll: ) I did not get a reply - it did not concern me because I had heard on the grapevine that her husband had died and she was probably busy.

Well in the days before Christmas Fred started seeing a third Chow - he would go into the kitchen, for example, and see two chows then come back into the sitting room and find M or M asleep on their rugs!

This went on for while - in all sorts of different ways - the sightings would cease for a while then he would see the third chow again.

Anyway, one day I had the same experience - I spotted the third chow but it slowly faded into thin air. And once, when I was in the bath, a chow came in and assuming it was M or M, I put my hand out to stroke it - and it faded.

By this time of course, we were into the spring and one day I received a letter from M & M's breeder to tell me that their mother Lizzie had died on 12th December (I remember the date as it is my father's birthday). She said she did not want to ring me when she received my letter with the latest photograph before Christmas because she felt she would burst into tears. She had also lost her husband and another chow.

That solved the mystery for us as Fred had started seeing the chow before we heard the news about M & M's chow mummy, and so had I and as I said, Lizzie has been around for the last two or three days.

It is so strange 'cos for the moment she is so clear then she fades, or disappears round the shed or the greenhouse.

And please believe me, it is true. We are not cranks or the sort of people who can work up a drama.

Also, I had a black cat who died of old age about 12 yrs. ago and she used to come into the kitchen through the back door for several years after she died - have not seen her for a good while though.
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Post by Dogdad »

Judy, what a neat story, how do your chows react, do they see the ghost chow too.

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Post by Judy Fox »

We don't know David!
We have not noticed any real reaction - sometimes we think they are aware but we are very cautious not to try to glamourise the situation. Sometimes they will stand very still with an intense look - but being completely honest - I just do not know!
They are certainly not disturbed. :)
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Post by dchernandez »

My turn. We have a large entertainment center and on the left of it there is a tall standing lamp in a little corner. My husband and I could be sitting down watching tv and all of a sudden Riley will come around the corner behind the couch trotting along like we just called him and will sit in front of the he does when we give him a treat. There are times when he stands up and leans against the wall. For the most part he will sit there and stare up.

At first we thought it was a bug or something but he does this at least once a week :shock: .....or maybe he just has this thing for tall standing lamps next to entertainment centers... :lol:
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Post by ciaobella »

Hee hee! Right on cue... thanks, Judy! I just love hearing about Lizzie.

Salandra, I was about to dump these photos from my hard drive during spring cleaning, didn't think they were all that great, but was tickled when I took a closer look....
BTW, I managed to get one pic of Miss Margaret's grave before my relatively new battery died, had it ready to load into Photobucket, and it mysteriously disappeared from the folder it was in! She's shy.

Thanks Hemi and Zeus' Mom for starting this fun thread. Guess the veil between here and the beyond is a little bit thinner for our chows!
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Post by HemiCuda »

awww, thanks i love cutesey threads like this, wow i had no idea how common this happens! :shock: I am with janet on being chicken, but man oh man if my DH is not around! YIKES!!!
I think this supports davids idea of animals seeing spirits! maybe one of our fur kins will make believers out of some of us! :roll: :wink:
But i have heard ( don;t jump me for this now, as i have no idea how much truth is in it :wink: )
That because animals only see in 2d, and black and white that they do see spirits! And being that hemi is such a little protector, when they see things they don't like they will growl and try to warn it off!

okay, this is getting long so i will try and give a short version of this story ( wish me luck!)
one night my DH fell asleep before i did, and i still get a little creeped out at night by myself, and zeus was in front of the door/ bed and i kept hearing things out in the living room! :shock: ( my minds tricks! oh they get me every time! :lol: ) and i think hemi could " smell my fear" and he got up pushed zeus out of his spot, and down the line so he could lay betwwen the door and me, as i looked down at him he liked my hand as to say " don't be scared momma, i'm right here watching",
needless to say i felt so safe i fell asleep right away! a little off topis but with all of the fear talk and spooky stories it just seemed right, i love my fluffy babies! :postit-rolleyes: :wink:
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Post by Dogdad »

That is so neat the way chows seem so un affectionate yet will try to calm fears and protect.

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Post by HemiCuda »

hemi is sweet, ( shhhhhhhh :shifty: ......he's a momma's boy), i just love this breed!
but, i think they must sense things on a spirital and mental level.
Well, zeus hasn't played with any of his "friends" today, but man has he been playfull!
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Post by chowchowdaddy »

[quote="Alan and Sharon"]David,
I love the way you think.

Didn't you own a has to be a bit off kilter to begin with.
You fit in just perfectly!


I'm not sure if you start out off kilter, but you definitely end up off kilter. People are right, you don't own chows, they own you... :D
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Post by bama »

These are great stories! Thanks for sharing them.
I don't have any stories personally, but my brother has a weird story!
About 30 years ago, he and his wife lived in an older home with their Irish Setter. Upon several occasions, they would each feel the strong presence of someone or something in the house. At the same time, their Irish Setter would bark, holding his head down low, nipping into the air, as if following someone and nipping at their heels. Finally, the Irish Setter stopped in front of a chair and barked profusely as if someone was sitting there. This sort of thing happened frequently, each time the Irish Setter cornering the unknown element. There were other things that happened in that house, but I won't go into them, lest I sound crazy. Anyway, it was freaky enough, that they moved out of that house because of it.
They are not spiritual freaks or anything, it's just something that happened that one time in their lives.
Weird, huh?
**Photo by Sweet Pea.
She has a photogenic memory...really!
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