The Colonel's Vet visit..Prognosis

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Post by Juniper »

Karin: Great idea about the umbilical training, wish I'd thought about that myself when I first got Sheena. And Troy? Well, he always feels like an additional appendage or extension of my own body!:laughloud:

Igor and Kiwani: Your both right about the entropion surgery. However, one has to weigh and balance the situation and how bad the entropion is. The cutting of the cornea with the eyelashes can do much damage and waiting for an increase in weight is not always a good option, especially since its been a problem for awhile.

Sheena was 15 lbs. underweight, the eye infection cleared up in 1 week, and my surgeon, not a specialist, was concerned but felt it was important to do the surgery even before the spay! The vet took into account the increase in muscle and fat that would occur in her face. He did a great job and I am happy he suggested I not wait.

Much health to the Colonel!
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Post by ngraham »

I know how it is to worry about the entropion, I went through that with Koda, especially his left eye. It was truly terrible. But my vet suggested we wait til he finished growing and give his skull time to fill out (and also gain weight) to roll the eye lashes out. I also did alot of the things that Kiwani suggested.... the B-Complex, Fish Oil capsules (both of which I swear by 100%) and tried to watch what he ate that was full of inflammitories. Between all of it, Koda did not have to have the surgery. Alot of the time, while you are waiting for him to fill out, the eye drops will help keep his eye lubricated enough that no other damage will be done. I switched back and forth between the steroid drops and the ones that were more like my artificial tears for my contact lenses. If Koda's eye got really bad, then I used the steroid drops, but for everyday, the ones like my artificial tears. Waiting may or may not do any good. With yours and Mark's great care, it won't take the Colonel long to start filling out again and then you will have a better idea of what is going on with the eyes.
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Post by Salandra »

Bama it is truly a blessing that the Colonel found you and the wonderful way Alan and Sharon helped him reach you. It's a 'Cinderella Story' and I know everything will work out well.
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Post by bama »

Thanks so much everyone! I know you are all right. The Colonel seems content all day in his one spot. When he is ready, he can discover the rest of the house.
Since he chose to lie across a pathway...he looks like a furry rug in the floor! :lol:
I know he doesn't feel well. In fact, he still has to wear the cone collar to prevent him from licking his incision (neuter). Yesterday, we decided to play it safe and put him on anti-biotics, because he has a couple of stitches that aren't healing as tightly as they should.

:shock: :shock: Input here, all you wise ones...
Colonel ate well yesterday, and drank well,
but did not/would not do his business all day.
We take him out, he sits and looks at us. :lol:
He is STILL holding it! I make sure he has food on his tummy prior to anti-biotics to help offset a tummy ache.
Any thoughts on this??
*I have seen my other chows "hold it" for two or three rainy days, because they didn't want to get wet!!! :lol:
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Post by jerryo »

It all sounds totally familiar. Benny has his favorite spot in the small hall just outside my bedroom, with an alternate on the hall bathroom marble when it's warmer. When we visited in California, he staked out a spot at the front door and wouldn't move. He does a great impersonation of a polar bear rug. :D

As for the lackapoopen, that drives me nuts, too. Mr Delicate hates to get his paws wet, and like many Chows doesn't really appreciate an audience in his private moments. I just try to remind myself that he has been poopen all his life, and fully understands the process. One thing about Chows, if they are having elimination problems, it shows up dramaticly on their furry butts. :cry:
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Post by emmapeel »

BAMA: Whenever the elimination problem comes around, I find that if you go for a nice long long walk, everything will come out alright in the end :lol: The walking distracts them from their worries and gets them focused on all the interesting things out there. Their digestive systems are very short, so it doesn't have far to travel. But moving around is usually the ticket and then they have no choice. Especially if he isn't active at this time and he's probably worried and feeling yucky anyway. When Olivia has a problem I walk her for a good while, and the problem is solved.
The Colonel's godmother Jan. (Olivia agrees)
P.S. Olivia sends a big basket of kisses to The Colonel! She misses him.
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Oh poor "baby" Colonel...I hope he feels better soon and goes poos! Give him a big hug and kiss from Auntie Sharon.

My two never seem to have a problem getting wet and fact they seem to prefer it. One look at my floors and you can tell especially with towels at every door. And it is a real mud pit in Cleveland with all of the snow meltingin our 60 degree weather...but it is supposed to snow again this weekend.

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Post by Juniper »

Ah yes, the elimination issue. Sheena is a funny one. I finally found out her preferences. If it's dirt she poops, if it's grass she pees. When she poops it must be in private along the fence line or in a corner. Grass, she hates getting her feet wet-I guess she believes wet grass means toilet! You may just need to find Colonel's preference.

Initially I needed to walk her around on a leash in the back yard in order for her to do her business and I let her lead-I guess as a rescue she felt more secure with me there. She always looked back to make sure I wasn't gone. You might try that. Even today Sheena will go on command if and only if she's on leash.

Exercise didn't matter for Sheena-she didn't poop for 48 hours when we went to the CA Chowfest! But exercise is always a good idea no matter what.

I'm sure the Colonel will go...eventually. Enjoy the cleanup. :lol:
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "Colonel ate well yesterday, and drank well, but did not/would not do his business all day. We take him out, he sits and looks at us.He is STILL holding it!"

I would relate that symptom to the muscle fatigue symptom (laying in one area), and the slower stitch healing symptom, as low zinc reserves due to muscle loss. Most of the zinc reserve is stored in muscle and bone. Peristalsis depends on strong intestinal muscles, and zinc is involved with muscle contraction as well. It may be more an issue of slow transit time, due to weak muscle tone. Beef is rich in zinc.

The retinas may be depleted by lower zinc reserves as well. Med use can further lower zinc.
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Hi Bama

the walk is a big help
We all know that as you walk the intestine and the muscles will contract and expand help him to want to go. It also moves the compacted junk along. It also produces internal heat helping to break down poop in the bowels.
Use pure aloe gell on the incision area after washing it.
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Post by bama »

Thanks you guys! I know you are right, walking helps the overall metabolism. We went walking the first 2 days, that was Saturday and Sunday. Monday, we went to the vet and discovered his stitches were not in the best condition, walking was making it worse. I hesitate to say his incision is a bit sloppy, but it is what it is. Walking became uncomfortable, but I would think holding all that poo is too. :lol: :lol:
I feel so badly, maybe having to walk too much, but we didn't realize until the vet visit that a couple of stitches were bordering on redoing. We are addressing his pain, (gotta make him sleepy).

Kiwani, you are always so wise with your assessments...
I believe you are right with this one too.
I am fortifying his diet with organic beef...muscle meat, organ meat (calf liver), egg/with the shell, Cod liver oil, Alfalfa, and a sprinkle of Kelp. Am I missing anything?

If it's grass The Colonel wants, well he's out of luck, because we don't have any! We have nothing but trees, and shade gardens. Colonel has already let me know how much he loves Japanese Acuba!!!! :lol: :lol:
Have you supplimented with Zinc over and above the meats?
I appreciate being able to visit with you about this.

Auntie Sharon,
You give good advice! We have an aloe vera plant just for those nasty little cuts and scrapes!
I'm thinking I will pick up some aloe vera juice today and give 1/2 a spoonful of it to Colonel. I drink it sometimes....YUCK! But, it's good for ya, huh? :lol:
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Post by janet »

awww the poor colonel. im sorry to hear hes not feeling well. it will pass. hes got a good mommy and daddy to take care of him. :)
maybe it will hurt his stitches, for him to move his bowels??? ok, ok, i know its not in the same area, but you never know. i know with humans, any surgery below the belt :wink: makes it uncomfortable. just a thought.

plllease, talk about picking a spot. we spent almost 3 hours in the park today, and luna didnt do her business once!!! when we got on my street, she went. strange dogs these chows.lmao. she did get told how beautiful she is about a dozen times, though. :D
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "I am fortifying his diet with organic beef...muscle meat, organ meat (calf liver), egg/with the shell, Cod liver oil, Alfalfa, and a sprinkle of Kelp. Am I missing anything?"

I would substitute the alfalfa with raw pulverized parsley greens for its glutamine value, working in tandem with the animal proteins to build muscle. Stress/surgery depletes so much of the glutamine in muscle, and it's especially important to the digestive tract muscles. The diuretic effect would also help the bladder during this protein enriched diet phase. FYI, there are some archived threads on glutamine (body-builder whey supplement) explaining its role in the digestive tract. I'm not saying that you need to add whey now, just that the info is there to review.

I wouldn't use the cod liver oil long term, and would switch to omega-3 fish body oil.

As for the weak peristalsis, what often works in geriatric dogs is stimulating muscle contractions in the colon with either a suppository, an oiled q-tip, or a oiled thermometer gently inserted about half an inch. Hope it works for him.
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Post by bama »

Finally, Colonel did his business outside! Yeah!!

He had been holding it for almost two days!!!!! :lol:

He's still wearing his plastic cone collar, but hopefully his stitches will be such that the cone collar can come off tomorrow or the next day.
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Hurray for the Colonel!!! It's such a relief isn't it?

I'm sorry but I have to laugh that the topic of happiness of a chow doing number 2 has come up at least three times in the last month, mostly because one of those posts was about Special. :wink: :D
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Post by jerryo »

Congratulations to Bama and The Colonel! =D=

It must be something that's going around in the Chow World. Benny has been pretty "*Censored Word* retentive" the last few days, too. :D I thought it was because its been raining and he can't get his delicate #12 paws damp.
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Post by bama »

These chowkids are too funny about how particular they are where they do their business!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

No where, but here, could I report on my chow kid doing #2 and he get so much support!!!

We all must be "off kilter" as Sharon put it so well!!! :lol: :lol:
But, ain't is great????? :wink:
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Post by janet »

off kilter. lol. im the head of off kilter.
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Post by Judy Fox »

Oh bless him - it is going to take time isn't it! :D Just love him and talk to him and whisper in his ear and he will decide to look round the house.

Purple kisses from M & M and give him a hug from us. :)
(Thank you Sweetpea for my new banner.)
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