The Colonel's Vet visit..Prognosis

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The Colonel's Vet visit..Prognosis

Post by bama »

Hello chowfriends,

Today, we took Colonel in to our vet.
He was a sweetie and stole their hearts!!! (of course!)

To no surprise he is underweight by about 10 lbs, he only weighs 40lbs. His back is a bit boney and he's a bit ribby.
But, we're feeding him a fortified diet to get him back to a healthy weight for his frame.

the tops are broken off the two lower canines, but no pain and not a problem. Otherwise, teeth look good.

His coat is good and full, but could use more luster and shine. Shedding coat like crazy!!!!!!! :lol:

Hips: appear good, no CHD

He has entropian and has had it for a good little while.
One eye has some scratch, but otherwise he's good.
We have scheduled eye surgery for him with a specialist on March 27th. We could get surgery done earlier and cheaper by using our regular vet, but Mark and I decided to use the surgeon instead.
In the meantime, we've been trying to keep his eyes comfortable with antibiotic eye ointment 4-5 times per day.

His overall condition is very good. His neck shows appearance of wearing a collar too tight, just as Alan had observed during his time with Colonel. You are right, Alan! :wink:

Final prognosis; a happy and healthy chowlife!!
Last edited by bama on Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dchernandez »

So glad he's doing just fine and besides his eyes all the Colonel needs is some little love, some yummy food and lots of treats and toys...thanks for the update :D
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Post by threedogjeep »

Awesome story. With a truly wonderful ending. It will be great in the chow book.

Leela just asked me if he will be wearing sunglasses while his eyes heal? She loves sunglasses, as you can see in my avatar
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Post by bama »

I love the sunglasses!
Leela is such a rock star!!
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Post by Igor »

Glad that he is OK. I kept checking the forum many times to hear how he is doing. His story is so touching.
I think you are right, specialist is more important than speed in his case. Ointment should keep him fine before surgery. With our Mishka, when he was a puppy, we were afraid that he would develop entropian. To keep his safe we use ointment twice a day and later only once. Later he fortunately overgrew the problem.
I’m sure Colonel now would have more reasons each day for his irresistible happy smile.
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Post by Judy Fox »

I am so glad that the news is good. The Colonel sounds a sweety and I am so happy for you all.

:lol: :lol:
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Post by Dogdad »

I am so glad to hear that it can be corrected with surgery, I am sure he will be so happy once his eyes are better.

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Post by Juniper »

I am so happy that the Colonel is with you Bama. My Sheena had entropion for at least 1.25 years before I rescued her with a scratch and cloudiness in one eye which has never gone away even after surgery. However, she's OK today and entropion free. :D
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Post by Sharons Chows »

Alan and I and the furkids are very pleased with The Colonel's check up and prognosis! :D His eye will be fine.
Once he fattens up he will be even more beautiful!
I bet the vet's office went nuts over him!

Give him big kisses and hugs from all of us!

Auntie Sharon, Uncle Alan, Cousins JR and Cheyenne


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Post by chris »

thats so awsome... Now lets get that pup up to a right ol weight of 55 lbs... what do ya say... :wink: :lol:

bye the way... what does the caption under colonels mean? LOL.. call it a blonde moment if you must.
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Post by jerryo »

Great News, General Bama and The Colonel! :D

Benny was about the same amount of underweight when we first met. He went from 38 to 49 pounds in a month on one bag of puppy food, so The Colonel should be back to his fighting weight real soon.
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Post by ngraham »

That's wonderful news Bama and Mark. Colonel looks so happy and content. He just needs some of that "southern cooking" dog food and his surgery and I bet within 6 to 8 weeks, he won't look like the same chow. Alan and Sharon... thanks for helping bring this family together.
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Post by janet »

bama that is great news that he is doing so well . sorry though to hear the colonel needs surgery. he will be fine. you definately made the right decision with the specialist.
he is so lucky to have you and mark. im sure he has no problem earing lol.
has he warmed up to you more, yet???
hugz and licks from luna, mr bigz and jake, too.
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "He has entropian and has had it for a good little while."

His eyes may be sunken at present, the musculature around the sockets weakened by stress. Once the face fills out again with muscle and fat, the eyes replenished with omega-3's, the lids may begin to start rolling outward. There are various causes of entropion, (some research in the archives) and it's always better to reshape lids when the face is fully muscled.
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Post by emmapeel »

I'm so glad to hear about the Colonel's much-needed vet vist and that he'll be getting the surgery that he needs. When I was with him I saw his collar problem right away and thought that he was loose because someone had let him free from a too-tight collar, and that it was probably merciful on someone's part. I told the guy who was overseeing his pick-up by the kennel, to make sure they didn't hurt his neck. But when I asked if he had a collar-related injury at the Cuy. Co. kennel, they said that he seemed fine. So I thought I must have been wrong, and it must have been dirt. But I wasn't wrong. Well anyway, thank goodness that will all be behind him. Thank you for taking such good care of him. I couldn't ask for a better place for him or for better people to be with. He is in his perfect place. God bless all of you.
Jan - the Colonel's godmother, and Olivia - guarduan angel Basset Hound.
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Post by emmapeel »

BAMA: I'm reflecting on both your vet's report and my initial impressions of The Colonel. I remember my very first thoughts were that someone left him tethered to his house or yard...unknown reasons. And that a sympathetic neighbor just decided that rather letting him starve to death, it would be better to just undo his collar and let him take his chances on the street. I thought that it was rather recent, because the indentation from the collar - all around his fur - seemed pronounced. I am now also convinced that the report of someone on another street in the village was feeding him, based on a report that someone had an "old" chow that came around and that they were feeding. At any rate, I really miss him and hope one day to see him again.
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Post by bama »


I didn't go into details earlier about his teeth and neck, but the vet said his teeth look consistant with chewing on a chain or metal object. True, his neck looks as though he was tethered with a chain collar, since there is an indentation of skin, hair is pulled out and very matted around the neck. His behavior is interesting...he does not venture out at all. He hasn't even tried to see the rest of the house.
We have 7 rooms downstairs, yet given the freedom to inspect his surroundings, he does not. When we brought him into the downstairs den, that is where he has stayed, all day and all evening. Only when we go to bed, does he leave the den.
No, we are not in the den with him at all times. His eyes are always on Mark, watching where Mark goes, but not following him. Colonel won't go in the back yard, we have to take him out on the leash to do his thing.
Now, we had to use a leash to get him to go to the bedroom or venture away from the one spot in the den where he stays.
He won't go anywhere without being tugged on. He does not come when called, no matter what we say or entice him with treats.
At first, it occured to me that maybe he was sad and moping. But, he dearly loves Mark, so I don't think that is it.
Vet feels he must have been tethered on chain, in an area where other dogs had access to him, that's why he's so dog friendly. Also, if he was tethered in a small area all his life, then he doesn't know any better than to stay in one spot. His sweetness that we felt must have come from someone who loved him very much, may come from having a broken spirit and desiring love so much. My vet seems to think all the conclusive evidence supports this.
So, that blows a hole in my first impression that he was well taken care of. But, who really knows, huh?
There is no way to know what happened, but he definitely needs some love and he's getting more love than he knows what to do with!!!
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Post by Juniper »

I am so glad the Colonel has found a forever home with your family.

It will take some time for him to realize it's safe to venture out into the rest of the house. Just like some fighting betta fishes I had (male or female) it took months before they felt safe enough to venture in a tank that was 4 feet long and not 4 inches in diameter! They initially went around in 4 inch circles, then 5 inch, 6 inch...eventually they utilized the entire tank. The fish books and stores like to convince you they like small spaces-it was a lie. :twisted:

Old habits die hard as the saying goes but give it some time and the Colonel will become more and more secure every day. It took Sheena 2 years to really be who she wanted to be all along-a truly happy secure chow. I enjoyed the progress Sheena, my bettas and all my rescues made every day. The more love ya give the more secure they get. Ain't it grand! :x
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Post by bama »


Thanks for rooting for The Colonel! He says, whoof-whoof!
He seems happy and accepting of his new family. He is full of purple kisses for everyone, except Mojo the cat. He just looks at her as she lets him know that she ain't changing a thing to accomodate him! Fortunately, he could care less!
How lucky we are to be loved by him!

The Colonel is cool and oh so mysterious in her shades!
I better not let him see her picture, he loves mysterious gals! :lol:

I'm so glad you have joined us here on the forum. Isn't it a great place to share with other chow enthusiasts?
Since, I'm home all day, I can keep ointment in his eyes every few hours. It's only a couple of weeks til he gets his eyes fixed.

Thanks for your support!
I know you and Mandy are looking for stories. You are welcome to share The Colonel's story in your book. However, there is one correction I must make...
I gave the wrong name for Jan's basset hound who lured The Colonel to the highrise pool area. Her name is Olivia!
Originally, I reported it was Miss Emma Peel, but she is Jan's (rescuer-god mother) first basset hound, who has passed over the bridge.

I think you are a pretty darn cool guy! You are always so encouraging to everyone...thank you.
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Post by Igor »

I tend to agree with kiwani. Our eye specialist also told that it is better to do surgery, when face is full grown just to know correct amount to cut. It looks like colonel is going now through the stage of growing again, not his bones but his muscles tone will change after he gets correct nutrition. What your specialist thinks about that?
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Post by Sharons Chows »

I second what Juniper posted.

Time overcomes habbit Tying up a dog in one place as terible as it is was the negative training that the Colonel got, He is not broken in internal spirit, He proved that by surviving on the street and in his prior life that he escaped from.
He will need training as well as love You need to reverse what he thinks he knows Broaden his experiences a little slower then what has alread occured The move and all new people are overwhelming. Take him to the edge of the stream but on a leash so he feels like the past in a way as you introduce him to a larger yard This stage may take a while Then take the leash off and sit with him at the same points in the yard and talk and do grooming ect so he feels that this largey yard is still his shelter..
You know that after 16 months chyeane still wont come up stairs except to steal a bone from JR.

She just like 2 rooms but loves to go to the park. We know she was in a cage for a lot of her life small world
But her spirit is full bloom she just likes small areas.

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Post by chowfrnd88 »

I agree with Alan and Juniper, it will take time, he's only been with you for a few days. For all he knows he could just be with you guys temporarily. It took Special a while to get comfortable and to form that bond to follow us everywhere, as for "come" :D , uh yeah, that took a couple of months before he felt we were worthy of that one. :D Snuggles to the Colonel.
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Post by sit_by_the_beach »

My first dog Luna had also been tied up, for close to two years.

I was the new parent. I live in a three story house. She'd be at the front door at all times.

My trainer suggested the umbilical cord training. The dog is on a leash which is attached to your belt loop or belt. After one week of doing the dishes together, cooking, making dinner, watching TV together, Luna slowly warmed up to me.

You may want to try this with the colonel. The umbilical cord training also taught Luna to heel. We'd be walking down the street without a leash. I haven't seen any other chow do that.
Hope this helps, Karin
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Post by emmapeel »

BAMA: Sherill, based on what I've seen with Olivia, it's going to take a while for The Colonel to understand what's going on and see that day by day, you are there with him and that he can develop that crucial bond.He probably isn't even feeling that great yet considering his condition and how deprived he's been of the basics. Healing takes time. I shared with you about Oliva, how she was emaciated, dehydrated and very sick when I got her from the rescue a little over a year ago. It took a couple of months for her to even fill out so you couldn't see her spine and rib cage and until her hind legs weren't quivering from weakness when she would squat to have a pee. She was so sick she could barely bark. She would stand and stare at me and just shake all over. It broke my heart. Now she is a beautiful, muscular, shiny-coated young miss with a real spring in her step and a smike on her muzzle. I can see that she has been well-bred and her temperment and carriage indicates very good Basset Hound lineage. But then she is still shaking when she gets on the bed with me at night. She didn't do it for two nights in a row now and I'm very hopeful, but won't be surprised if she still does it. Whatever it is I will never know until I meet my maker. I am always looking for clues about her past and noticed that she is very alert to the sound of closing doors on a big pickup type truck. I see that she is looking and waiting for somneone. It's all the link I have to her past. But she is the sweetest most popular girl in the condo and has many friends and admirers. We're happy. It's been almost 1 year and 2 months. Give The Colonel time to regain his health and strength. His outlook will brighten then.

Hey, what is this book thing all about :?:
Jan - (The Colonel's godmother)
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Post by jerryo »

Benny and The Colonel seem to have a lot of background in common -- strays, underweight, chain marks on the neck, extreamly gentle and quiet. You got a big bonus with the kissey part. Mr Benny don't go that way!

It was a couple of weeks before Benny felt comfortable enough to bark. He still rarely comes into my room, and then only when he REALLY wants me to do something. It has been almost a year, and if I didn't know him better I'd think he didn't like me much. But occasionally he slips up and lets me know he loves me, and that makes the rest all worthwhile. Just give The Colonel time (I know you were going to do that anyway). He'll be adjusted before you know it.

BTW--if he disappears, don't look for him around here. I'll have him well hidden. :lol:
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