How Much Should I Feed

Topics, guidelines and tips for feeding Chow Chows.

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How Much Should I Feed

Post by mitchan14 »

My Clowie is 3 months old. Until recently, she's been content with half a cup of dog food, 3 times a day. But lately, she seems to be craving for more. How much should I feed her without her getting overweight?
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Post by Auddymay »

adding another half a cup should be okay. She is growing, and needs the extra food. As a rule, chows aren't food driven and don't tend to overeat.
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Post by Victory »

I just looked on the feeding chart for puppies on Wolf cub food bag and a 3month old should be eating between 2-4 cups of food. At her age don't worry too much about her being over weight. Feed a good quality food and enough of it. Chows rarely over eat, even as puppies, they seem to know how much they need. Indeed most of us have the problem of getting them to eat enough.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
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Post by kiwani »

Remember that at four months of age, a Chow will already be at about half of his adult weight. There is a rapid rate of growth the first six months, and a great demand for nutrients.
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Post by Princess »

My chow is 11 months and I feed her about 3 cups a day, I just put it out in the morning and she paces herself through out the day, sometimes not even finishing it by the evening.. sometimes she has a midnight snack i guess too...
but when she was little I gave her 4 cups a day and she's by no means fat (lean mean doggie machine :lol: actually..well not so much mean)

when she wouldn't eat all her daily food i got worried and went to a vet and said she eats less then recomended, he looked at me like a i was insane and said that the recomended food amount on the bag is probably too much (which was like almost 5 for her weight when she was a baby), since that way you'll go through food more, but 1.5 cups is too little
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Post by mitchan14 »

Thanks a lot for the advice, you guys. :D I give her 2.5 cups a day now. One cup in the morning, half cup for lunch, and another cup for dinner. So I guess I have to trust her to stop eating when she's full.(thank God Chow Chows don't live up to their names
) It's odd because I always give her the same amount of dog food but sometimes she finishes it, sometimes she doesn't, and sometimes she wants more.
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Re: How Much Should I Feed

Post by ZeonLau »

At three months, puppies usually have a big appetite, because they are actively growing. The main thing is to maintain a balance so that she gets enough energy, but does not gain excess weight. By the way, have you tried an automatic feeder? It controls portions and feeds on a schedule.
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Re: How Much Should I Feed

Post by Elis211 »

Only an automatic dog feeder with a feeding control mode can cope with the restless appetite of such a young and energetic dog. This device allows you to set precise portions of food and the time of feeding, which helps the dog get used to a certain regime. You can choose a device with voice recording functions so that he gets used to your voice during feeding.
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