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Moderator: chowadmin
Love this site!
I'm researching the breed and I think it's a great fit for me. Everything about them is perfect, exactly what I'm looking for in a dog. Family had some growing up, and that gives me help in knowing experienced people. I'm not a busy body, which gives me the time between stuff like work, studying to focus on my Chow. I will definitely socialize, it is crucial and essential for any dog, especially this breed. Training is a bit of an obsession of mine to read about, so I come well equipped there as well. Doing so much research it's not even funny hahah.
I understand things have to get creative with the breed, and they are stubborn. I've had a stubborn breed in the past so I'm familiar with it. This will probably be 6 months ~ 1 yr out before I make the jump to look for the perfect dog. What are some tips y'all have for a first time Chow owner? All appreciated. Thank you and God Bless