New diet life changing for my chow

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Mireille Samaha
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New diet life changing for my chow

Post by Mireille Samaha »

I got my chow chou Junior when he was 2 months...till the age of 18 months a lot of visits to the vet..all kind of problems...eventhougb I was giving him the most expensive dog food Royal canin...after a lot of reading and analysing I decided to change his diet to the following main food:Raw meat,raw chicken wings,cooked brown sugar,raw eggs,fruits,cooked sweet potato..occasionally pasta and whatever i cooked at home...
Beside that I only gave him bath each few months with hot kind of shampoo

Junior now is 4 years and a half...he has the most healthy skin,hair and visit needed ever to the vomiting ,yellow teeth and skin problems..he smells amazing..Once per month I brush his hair just for fun cause it's always like silk...before I brushed him everyday...

Never forget they are wolves originally...
Mireille Samaha
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Re: New diet life changing for my chow

Post by Mireille Samaha »

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Re: New diet life changing for my chow

Post by Lou987 »


Wow, that photo!! Your baby looks exactly like mine! I did a double take and thought oh my goodness this person stole my dog haha! My girl even has those same dimples when she’s in that position!
Thanks for the advice. My Amora has so many food allergies that it’s quite stressful. I cook for her mince meat, rice, sweet potato, peas and carrot.
Now she’s lost so much fur that I’m worried although I’m not sure if it’s just normal moulting or if it’s more serious.
I’d love to be able to show you a picture so you can see how similar she is to yours.

Would like to stay in touch,
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Re: New diet life changing for my chow

Post by Krista »

I switched to a homemade diet because my chow was not thriving. My pom was also greying, my black chow was rusting. both had runny stools, and stinky gas. I was feeding Costco dry and wet dog food and would add chicken. My prior chows had skin issues, hot spots, greasy coat, etc. that I felt could be related to food after hearing about recalls.

We did a ton of research and trial and error with our food prep. The basic recipe is elaborate and time consuming, but both dogs are doing well and have great stools. The diet is a cooked diet that consists of: Beef heart, beef kidney, ground turkey or chicken breast, beef or chicken liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, beet greens, beets, pumpkin, squash, quinoa, brown rice, lentils, and oatmeal, ground flax seed, ground chia seed, ground chicken bones, ground eggshells, eggs, whole greek yogurt, cottage cheese, ground turmeric, ground ginger, herbs, and blueberries. We also add oils: coconut, avocado, and olive. We par boil the vegetables to soften and then grind in the food processor. The meat is ground and then added with the veggies, eggs, and other ingredients and then bake it into a meatloaf at 350 until 180-190 internal temp. We then package it and freeze in approx 2 lb packages so we can defrost a package every few days. We will sometimes serve with bone broth, yogurt and fish oil (we never add fish oil before cooking). We do supplement with kibble and treats.

If I have an extra odd amount, I will dehydrate to make 'dognola". We also slice up chicken and dehydrate for dog treats. Because we do not add preservatives we freeze for storage.

Because the process is very time consuming, we have broken up the tasks. We ground up about 20 lbs of meat today, mixed it, packed it up and then froze it. We will probably do veggies tomorrow. Will always make the grains fresh. This should make the process easier on prep day where we use two busing trays to mix the food.

This is my first chow that has had no eye, skin, or coat issues. The rusting is gone and my friends call my chow Elvis because his fur is like black velvet. Plus, really great stools, and no Cheeto paws.

I believe that some commercial dog foods are toxic and a source of health issues for dogs. My husband and I would never eat a diet of processed foods ourselves, and couldn't wrap our minds around feeding processed foods designed for shelf stability to our fur babies just because we were told that home diets were not balanced and could lead to health problems. While there are some very good foods out there, a similar quality commercial dog food would cost us hundreds per month. I do hear a lot about homemade diets being unbalanced, but I question any source that makes feeding a real, whole food diet seem too complicated.

I would love to find a commercial kitchen coop where dog owners were able to work together to feed their fur babies.
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Re: New diet life changing for my chow

Post by Kinnessa60 »

Thx for such a useful info!
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