Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

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Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by kwadjo »

A sweet little chow (mix?) followed me and my dog home yesterday. I am searching for his owner, but judging by his condition (dirty, matted, skinny, intact) I doubt he has one. I've gotten him cleaned up and plan on bringing him to a vet, but I need help re-homing him. I'd guess he is young (about 2 yrs old), a skinny 40 lbs and really gentle. I would be happy to foster for awhile, but my dog will not leave him alone (keeps trying to dominate him). If I can't find a home soon, I will be forced to bring him to animal control. You can reach me via this board or at 678-592-6848.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by bellachow »

Thank you for trying to save this beautiful boy!
cross-posted on facebook 'chows in need' - paws crossed we can find a foster soon!
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by kwadjo »

This dog is still available. Any assistance in finding him a forever home would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

Going tomorrow to have a look at this boy. Maybe for me or my mom who lost her Chow mix in 2009. He is HW positive and needs to be neutered but sounds like a good boy so far.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by bellachow »

I am fostering Bear who is also HW +, I told my vet that I rescued him and he is giving me a reduced price. Your vet may do the same for you. I am so glad that you are not letting that deter you. The person who helped me get Bear & helps rescue chows from shelters went to see this boy and thought he was really nice.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

He looks so much bigger in these photos than real life. He a tiny little fellow, 30lbs I think the vets notes said. Very sweet and docile. He wasn't thrilled about me touching near the base of his tail but he let me know he wasn't comfortable with it so I backed off and he was fine. I really like him and think he would make a great pet. I agreed to help rehab and co-foster with his current foster. I have some travel coming up, and this guy needs to be spayed, and begin a HW treatment. He tested for "light antigen" and maybe he can get by without the full blown HW treatment.

He basically is a miniature Chow, lol. Not sure what he is mixed with but the Chow is dominant. Surprised how quiet he was too. When I gave the other dogs the attention there he came up and tried to grab my hand away gently with his mouth. His current foster has done a great job getting him groomed and vetted and his coat is in great shape. Just needs some meat on his bones and a forever home over his head.

We will have a sleepover this weekend to see how he does.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by bellachow »

Paws crossed!
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

Oh, He needs a name so let the suggestions begin!
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

He's here and getting acclimated to the pack. he needs a name so any ideas are welcome. It's just for this weekend and off and on until his rehab is done (neutered and low antigen HW) and finds a home.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Zhuyos mom »

=D= =D= =D= =D= 's Sean! He's a beautful boy and sounds like he'll fit in well at your place!

As for names, here's some to get the "party" started:

1. Since it's Superbowl weekend, if you're into football, maybe once the MVP is named, you can name your fellow after him. That way you'll always remember he came to live with you during Superbowl 2012.

2. On the ordinary but deep in meaning names:
2a) Angelo, meaning "messenger" and "angel". Why? Because maybe he was brought into your life by Solo.
2b) Erebos (call name "Boss"). Greek for sunset/evening. Also, just in case you are a Springsteen fan...

3. On the TV/Cartoon names:
3a) BooBoo Bear, the shorter side kick of Yogi Bear.
3b) Sawyer, character from the TV show "Lost"

4. Question for you: What was the first adjective that came to your mind when you saw/met him?
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

Small was the first thing I thought of when I first saw him. Tiny. Reminds me of a little black fox. He is sweet, docile, and demure. And hasn't made a single sound yet, not a peep. Here are some pix I took just a little while ago.


I was playing around with some names and have already been calling him by one, but would like to still keep it open for suggestions.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Zhuyos mom »

What a gorgeous boy! He looks like he has more blue than black on his coat. You can actually take good photos of him. With that in mind, I add "Bruiser" to the name list. What are you temporarily calling him? If he responds to it, it might be as easy as that! You might want to cross post this topic in the general section to get more ideas. Don't think many members look at this section.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by reddog »

Hi Sean

Two paws up for rescuing the poor guy. =D= I think he's a keeper! I love the picture with the close up of his face and the big smile.

I agree with Zhuyos mom if he is responding to the name you are calling him - go with it. What is the name?????

On the light side for a name how about "HAPPY" ?

Just a thought - as was already suggested maybe post about him in the "Community Discussions" forum

I wish you and him my best!
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

So his new name will be ......................Marco!

I was playing with old names and said "Polo" (Solo's old name) then said Marco right behind it and he shifted his head, gave me the double eye blink, and smiled. I started calling him that night and into the next day and seems respond to it. I told it to Nick, his rescuer and he agreed that it works for him, so he started calling him that as well.

And I want to make a point of clarity, I am just his foster, Nick the gentleman who Marco adopted while out on his walk with his dog, is the real rescuer here, not me.

He will remain up for adoption, although I want to get his heart worm treatment started right away, and then get him neutered. He should should be good to go in a few months.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by reddog »

Yea for Marco =D= I like that name. In looking at the pictures of him - it seems to fit him.

Again, 2 paws up for all that you are doing to help him out and find him a forever home. =D= Maybe a home with your mom :wink:
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Trooper »

Any update on Marco's forever home? Hopefully some good news?
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I was last here. I was looking for an early picture of Marco and remembered I had posted some of him here when he was came to live with me. He just crossed over the rainbow bridge early this morning. He was diagnosed with stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease in January and fought until the very end. So it looks like that was more than 9 years ago, he was a great dog and good friend. So for the first time in long time I don't have a Chow or Chow mix living with me. I still have Metto but the others are all gone too.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Zhuyos mom »

So sorry to hear, Sean. I’m in the same boat. Poe passed almost 2 months ago. Needless to say, no ChowChowFest this year. Take care.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Zhuyos mom »

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Sean, if you’re close to this city, Alamo GA, this fella needs a home ASAP. He’s only a year old. If you have a FB account, join the Chow Group Rejects and they have his contact info.
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Re: Chow found on streets of Atlanta. Need help in rehoming

Post by Sojourner11 »

Zhuyos mom wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:44 am So sorry to hear, Sean. I’m in the same boat. Poe passed almost 2 months ago. Needless to say, no ChowChowFest this year. Take care.
Thanks, Zhuyos Mom. Sorry to hear about Poe. I do still have one boy left, he was a case of mistaken identity that wasn't a Chow but maybe a full size Eskie(I think).

And if he was down to having another boy in the house I would take the Cream Chow in Alamo GA, hurts that I can't but Metto is so aggressive towards all other dogs it just isn't an option.

I did join that FB group though, and will monitor it and try to help out with what I can. I do follow Houston CCR and the one's in NY as well.
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