Separation Anxiety :(

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Separation Anxiety :(

Post by yianno »

our family were lucky enough to get two Chow Chow puppies , Pumba and Kira and there good as gold , they were from the same litter and despite my numerous warnings to everyone that it would be twice the work we went ahead and got them . There good as gold but the obedience trainer told me i should start separating them at night and training them separately . When i separate them at night they suffer too much it takes the boy 2 hours till he calms down he seems to have extreme fits . They are 14 weeks old now and i have to take a lot of blame i should have separated them earlier. Either way i feel like there young enough for me to fix this problem , Any advice??
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Re: Separation Anxiety :(

Post by Laura »

My advice is don't separate them. I have read that getting two pups the same age at the same time inhibits their bonding with you because they bond more with each other. (It's too late to change that now) Also something about sleeping with them separately increases bonding. That is why I waited a few months in between my two. I even slept alone with the youngest briefly when I got her because I worried about it, and hubby slept with the other. I don't think it changed anything. At this point is there a problem? Are they bonded with you?
You might try some individual activities with them and training but honestly I wouldn't be able to stand having them upset over sleeping arrangements, especially if you didn't start it from day one. They don't understand. Just my two cents. Love them, socialize them, use only positive training, and cherish the puppy time because it flies by.
Oh and just FYI, my Chloe had her first heat at 5 mos so be careful. :)
Chloe (left) Shuggy (right)
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Re: Separation Anxiety :(

Post by Rory's Dad »

Laura's last sentence is the most important. IF they are not fixed, you will need to make certain that they are able to be apart once your female comes into season.

That issue aside, you do want them to have their own space. Whatever bond they develop is not going to be damaged by having a gate between them when unsupervised. 14 Weeks is definitely not too late to change the routines.

You just don't want to favor one over the other. Don't have one in your room at night with the other somewhere else.
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Re: Separation Anxiety :(

Post by yianno »

A week on and its seems slightly better although Pumba the male does not like to be alone but he wimpers for me when i leave even when i leave them together , its just a lot lot worse when he's totally alone something i have to work on. Other than that they are doing great I'm worried about adolescence because at the moment they are so so eager to learn not what i expected after reading up on the breed , never realised what i was getting my self into raising two puppies has been hard but so so so worth it I'm lucky to have them .

Thanks for your advice
i will get them fixed but the vet said i have to wait for her to come in season first
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