From "sixchows" to no chows :(

Remember our beloved Chow Chows that have passed on.

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From "sixchows" to no chows :(

Post by sixchows »

Hi everyone
Haven't been around in awhile. Yeah life gets in the way sometimes. Maybe some of the long time members remember me.
So about 2 weeks we had to put down our last "baby", Xena at 13 years old due to a bleeding cancerous stomach mass that couldn't be treated. She would have been 14 this May.
She had an incredible life though. She cheated death at least 3 times that we know of. Her mom, Nala brought her to our bedside in the middle of her first night with that terrified look in her eyes for us to save her baby. we contacted a 24 hour emergency vet hospital that talked us through warming and swabbing the pup and she came around.
Fast forward 7 years and her sister KOKO suffers a ruptured uterus one Saturday morning as she jumped up to great my wife and collapsed into her arms. Knowing Xena could have the same problem we had her examined and set a date for spaying. Not one to ever be told what or when she was going to do something, she started to look like something was wrong days before her appointment. Rushed to the vet who said it was life and death and sent us to an emergency hospital for immediate surgery. few years later trouble urinating and off to the vet. This time a severe blockage from bladder stones and another emergency from the vet to the hospital for another life saving surgery. All was fine with her after that. She never acted her age. Up until 3 weeks before she got sick she would run and play like a pup. She even still did that 'chow thing" when they semi-crouch and stomp both front feet at the same time trying to initiate play. Sadly, this time she couldn't be saved. She did fight it though as long as she could.
Sadly again a year before we had to put down her brother Zeus who suffered from vestibular disease. We were treating him for awhile with meds but it got to the point that he was either knocked out from drugs or walking into everything and falling. He also lost a little vision in one eye due to a cataract so that didn't help. He was almost 13.
Year before that Xena"s mate Zim went out in a blizzard and had trouble coming back in. I helped him on the stairs and he just lied on the floor and couldn't move. We drove in a blinding blizzard in 24" of snow in the middle of the night to that same emergency hospital only to find he had a cancerous spleen that had exploded. so they stabilized him and explained there really wasn't much to offer, an extremely painful surgery with a long recovery that would allow the spreading cancer to attack other organs before he fully recovered,. at most they gave him a month or two. not wanting to see this sweet boy suffer we said our goodbyes.
The year before that OJ passed. Some here might remember OJ the stray we found running in traffic, He was a handful that changed our lives. Extremely aggressive from the streets of the Bronx. This dog had more issues than the morning paper. But we continuously worked with through all the biting and aggression even when family doctors and vets said he should be destroyed. we had him 13 years until stomach cancer took him. He must've been at least 14 maybe more as he was grown when we found him. I could write a book on this dog. Out of all of them, I think I miss him the most. Such an intelligent, crafty animal. He did some amazing things.
As I mentioned above Koko passed suddenly at 7 and a few a years before that we lost our sweet lovable Nala the girl who started our chow affair. She came into our lives as a puppy and grew up with my son who was 3 at the time. They were inseperable and she protected him better than the secret service protects the president! She passed at 10 on a routine visit to the vet who thought she might be a bit dehydrated ane took her into the back for a hydration treatment only to come back and tell us she died! Talk about devastated! My son was there with my wife
So here we are with nothing but wonderful memories and six urns on the mantle. All had private cremations that we attended included a viewing before. So now they are together wherever dog heaven is and we're here missing each and every one for the special love they brought into our lives.
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Re: From "sixchows" to no chows :(

Post by sixchows »

Here's some pics. They were in our lives for 21 years!
zeus 1.jpg (21.15 KiB) Viewed 10120 times
Xena and Zim... the "wild pair"
Xena and Zim... the "wild pair"
zim & xena.jpg (112.2 KiB) Viewed 10120 times
OJ and Nala
OJ and Nala
oj & nala 1.jpg (32.18 KiB) Viewed 10120 times
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Re: From "sixchows" to no chows :(

Post by sixchows »

and lastly Koko
koko 1.jpg (11.04 KiB) Viewed 10120 times
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Re: From "sixchows" to no chows :(

Post by maikinda »

I am so sorry for your loss. They never stay with us long enough. I can tell by your post how much you loved all your "kids". They were very lucky to have spent their lives with such a great mom.

Micah B&W.jpg
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Re: From "sixchows" to no chows :(

Post by reddog »

My deepest, heartfelt sympathy is being sent your way. As I read through your moving post of the love and loss of your beloved fur babies through the years tears trickled down my cheeks. :cry: Just losing one chow is devastating! I lost my beloved Chloe oave 3 years ago . Trying to wrap my mind around, let alone the heart break of losing 6 chows is more than I can imagine. Each and every one of them will always hold a special place in your heart and in the memory box of your mind. May if give you some comfort to know that down the road when you leave this earth that they will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Think of all the tails wagging and purple kisses you will be given. What a joyful time that will be.

You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
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