my chow inactive at home

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my chow inactive at home

Post by trry »

The little guy is going to be 6 months soon and he is so well behaved inside in a sense does nothing but sleep, eat and look outside. I had him almost little over 2months. He would just bark or cry if he wants to go out. I assumed it was still do to the honeymoon phase but is it or my chow is just lazy? How long does the honey moon phase suppose to end? He also has a box full of various toys from squeaking and chew items and shows no interest. A stick in backyard was more entertaining.

I try to take him to dog park every week and he shows more personality there 1 day than he has at home. Weird or this is common? I also plan to stop taking him to dog park as much since some dogs are pretty aggressive to my chow.

I kinda want to see him do the chow dance. Lol but I haven't seen him do it.

common in shows? If not how do I make my chow more comfortable around.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Victory »

This is one reason that I wish they would be removed from the "non-working/non-sporting breeds" catagory. Chows need mental stimulation, it is not unusual for them to be couch potatoes at home. If they are comfortable and secure, they do tend to lay around and sleep. This is normal for a lot of breeds. Taking them out on walks, going different places where there are new things to smell, see, hear etc is the way to see how they really are and to keep those minds of theirs active. Except for occasional zoomies in the house or barking at the squirrels, birds and other critters in the window, my two are quiet inside too, all of mine have been pretty quiet inside, it's normal. Outside they are excited and eager to explore that is normal as well.

Many, many chows never play with toys. Of the six I've had only two actually played with toys, my current girl and my first black boy LiChi. My current boy Dreamdancer played with toys until he was about 6 months old and then stopped, he chews on his nyla bone once in a while, but play isn't something he does. It is very normal for chows not to play that way.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Rory's Dad »

Lot of question, but not so much info to go on a pic, that may help with possible health issues...

Chows vary quite a bit with their interests in toys. Some love them, others just dont care to be bothered at all. At 6 months, the outside world is full of wonder. Not really a surprise that he shows interest in a stick. Wait for a leaf blowing in the wind, then you should see some interest.

I would not, repeat not, stop with the dog park. He needs to be socialized with other dogs. He is still pretty young, and chows naturally draw attention from other dogs just because of their 'no nonsense' stance. Both he and you need to understand this. It is perfectly acceptable for him to take his stance, but he can't turn this into either aggressiveness or submissiveness. Other dogs should be allowed to approach with the usual 'hey, nice to meet you' doggy stuff. Same will follow with people and children.

Sounds like you are waiting for your chow to entertain you with his 'dance'. Not sure what you are looking for there, but if he is showing more personality at the park, it sounds like he is enjoying it.

What type of training are you doing with him? You need to make sure he is mentally challenged. He could easily become bored or feel ignored at home if he's just left to sit around. Not really sure what you mean with honey moon period. Generally i would think that would mean your infatuation period with a cute puppy, and not what your puppy thinks of his new home.

Repost with some additional info and I am sure we can offer some assistance.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by trry »

Thank you for the replies. I will try to clarify since I have a real keyboard in front of me now.
I did not know that. I guess no more toys just treats for this little guy.

Rory's Dad:
I trained him to give me his paw which is good at now but I can't see him to master his name. I went to trainers and it didn't quite help. Unless, he is just ignoring us. Any good suggestions on training my chow he is good with sit and paws but everything else is hard.
Honeymoon phase = as the puppy is still getting use to his new home.

The chow dance well before getting this little guy I've seen so many chow's do their dance when they get excited. I was hoping my chow would do that =] that is all =]

oh yeah pic of him almost 6months in here..
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Victory »

First he is adorable. I love that stage between 5 and 6 months when their faces have such strong masks.
Second, in the picture he is looking right at you, with his little smilely face on. I think I know what you mean about the "dance" some chows do it when they are ubber excited. Some never do it, no matter how excited they get, they do other things to show their excitment. My current girl does it, shes a little pingpong she dances and twirls when she's excited. My current boy does not, he just trots in front of me and then he'll do all his behaviors at once in a stream, sit, give paw, shake, lay down, roll over. it's hilarious.

What do you mean he doesn't know his name yet? You said he's almost 6 months but you've only had him for two, did you change his name? That will take more work on your part to let him learn it. Address him by it all the time. Also think of him as it--I know that sounds nuts, but I started calling my adobted ones whose names I changed by the name I was going to call them, the minute I knew they were coming to live with me, and it seemed to help. Maybe it was just my attitude about it, I thought of Darkwind as Darkwind, not Eugene soon to be Darkwind, but Darkwind! I also used it for everything, Darkwind, come eat. Darkwind sit. Darkwind, let's go for a walk. Darkwind, here's a treat. Good boy, Darkwind. Sometimes I just said his name to make him look at me, when he did, I reinforced it, "good boy, Darkwind."

I also agree with continuing to take him to the dog park. Never allow another dog to attack him, but he does need to constantly interract with other dogs to maintain his socialization with them.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by trry »

I don't think my dog knows his name since I named him Po, after Kungfu panda, and it's so close to No which is confusing him? I don't know again this is all theories since dogs go more on tone but then again maybe confusing himself? I would always call his name then a command like "Po Come" or "Po No"

Also I was researching toys and I know this guy is very curious and I was thinking of purchasing him this ... 123&sr=8-1

Has anyone tried this before?

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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Sirchow »

My Bramble had difficult times with injuries and not being allowed to play with lots of resting and quiet time for nearly two years. After all her surgeries finished and she was fit and well she had no idea at three years old how to play or dance she just lay and slept. So we found little things to rile her up and get her going. I had to be very careful as the slightest bit too much enthusiasm or loud noise and she would just back off or go lie down so I taught her to play. I would stand with my back to her or kneel and keep my face turned away and then peek round at her and she would move to the other side so I would wait and then slowly turn and peek at her the other way and build it up untill she would get so tense waiting she would start to bounce slightly on her front feet and then may be I would wiggle my feet or clap them together and she would jump back and slowly she realised it was a game. Then she would jump round to one side away from my glance and i would quickly go round the other way and before I knew it she would be dancing properly. Sometimes she even broke into a little zoomie. She like me to take my shoe off and bump it on the floor near her front feet. It took ages till she regained her ability she lost at the age your pup is when she first hurt herself but now she lets me know she wants to play.
My other chow Izzie likes her squeekie ball and her babble ball. Not sure if that what is in your pic. She also like squeekie cuddly toys. But I had to show her they squeeked. Maybe your boy needs some help to learn how to play and dance. You could try dancing too :D
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Sirchow »

I forgot to say what a beautiful baby you have.

I think the name might be a little confusing for him being so close to "no". Could you modify it to a sort of nickname...not sure what though.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Rory's Dad »

My gosh, what a beautiful pup...not to sound self serving, but he looks a lot like our Rory, and about the same age too. Share his background a bit if you get a chance...

I have never seen that toy, but the price scares me. My boys have always been very fickle with toys...spend a couple hours with it and never look at it again. They like variety and changing it up seems to be good for them. For this reason, we only spend a few dollars on each toy.

Not sure on the name issue, but it makes some sense. We have always used two syllable names (and coincidentally, always ending with an 'ee' sound). When training, the basic commands are one syllable (sit, down, stay, off, etc). 2 syllable commands are reserved for only the really important items (leave it...dead mouse, live rabbits & opossum, other dog droppings, etc).

Dogs learn hand signal commands quicker than vocal instruction, so consider whether or not the training is reinforced with the hand signals before trying to change his name.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by TyChowgirl »

I don't think it's self serving :P I thought the same thing when I saw the picture. You both have beautiful young boys.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Victory »

trry wrote:I don't think my dog knows his name since I named him Po, after Kungfu panda, and it's so close to No which is confusing him? I don't know again this is all theories since dogs go more on tone but then again maybe confusing himself? I would always call his name then a command like "Po Come" or "Po No"

Also I was researching toys and I know this guy is very curious and I was thinking of purchasing him this ... 123&sr=8-1

Has anyone tried this before?

For a dog the vowel sounds are dominant, so he is getting Po and No confused. I'd rename him Kungfu...He'll learn it quickly at his age.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by cherriemater »

LOVE the idea, Victory. Kungfu Po. And WHAT A GORGEOUS BOY!!! Oh heavens. I just wanna squish his little face. Our Max is like that. All fluffy. >>heart sigh<<

Now, I may be chastised or scoffed at, but if your pup gets excited by a stick he finds at the park ... BRING IT HOME!!! Leo and Max LOVE sticks ... so much so that we also have a two-foot diameter limb that they love to chew on. It's soft enough that their teething teeth can sink in but firm enough that it stays intact. Plus, they love dragging it around the house. ((I do not endorse or recommend this for every dog. This is what WE do and WE are careful to remove any small shard or piece. YES, they do consume some of the bark and some of the debris. NO we have not had any digestive issues. Again, I repeat, I do not endorse or recommend this ... but what did they play with a hundred years ago before all the fancy-smancy dog toys??? Yeah, probably sticks.)) Smaller sticks are fun to chase and our Leo will actually bring it back so you can throw it again. And don't get me started on the latest fad of Icicles!!!

Our Leo and Max are two, totally different dogs. Max would be happy just to sit on the sofa all day or look out the window all day. He's our desk seargent while Leo is our patroller. Leo is always active, always looking for things to do, unless we've just come in from our walk and it's time for their nappy. Leo is happy to play by himself or to involve Max. They BOTH will bring a toy to the other, put it just out of reach and then bark at the other like ... "I dare ya, come and get it!" They have also been known to walk up to the other and just start chewing on ears or tails when they want to play. How do you tell your chow chow it's time to play?

And, toys are a difficult subject because you could spend hundreds of dollars and something like a free stick becomes a favorite toy. Our boys got a lot of toys from family for Christmas and NOT ONE is left!!! They've been chewed up and shredded, which means they have to be tossed out so they don't choke. What has stayed the course? ALL their Nylabone chews (although I can't seem to find the purple bone) and the Socktopus that I made them out of old socks. Even the chewies I made out of old dress socks lasted a long time AND DID NOT encourage them to chew the socks we wear (I have been cautioned not to give them socks ... but I'm rebellious and I made the chewies anyway by tying two of them together and putting knots on both ends ... they LOVE them).

I would say, as one last word of encouragement, that YOU may have to initiate the play. Get on your hands and knees or sit on the floor at his level and play, play, play. This includes touching him EVERYWHERE, which is also good training for the time where you must check a limb for injury. I do this with the boys whenever they're lying down. I check between their toes, their elbows, their armpits, scritch and scratch everywhere, check ears and clean out eye-gunk. I wiggle their tails and scratch the ends for them. Leo will allow himself to be dragged around on his back (soooooo, so funny). Leo will even BRING a Socktopus to us so that we can play fetch (oh yeah ... whodathunkit ... a chow chow who fetches ... go figure!!!). Now, I'm not saying your poochie-que will do the same thing but if you want to get your pup to be more active, it may take more interaction/initiation from you. I can tell you from experience that no two chows are alike. I said to Joe just the other day, "I can't imagine life with one or the other of our boys." They both keep us smiling.

One final thought ... have YOU ever thought about doing the chow chow dance in front of your chow chow??? I know it sounds silly, but this is what I've been doing to get the boys to shake off BEFORE coming in the house rather than the spray of snow we get afterwards. Leo will prance around me while I'm shaking my fool head off, while, of course, Max just stares at me like, "Oh no, she's at it again. Dial 9-11 for the looney bin truck." Yeah, I love our Max! Anyway ... do what you want your dog to do. Be excited and happy at the time you want him to be (like when you walk in the door, when you offer a treat, when it's playtime). Perhaps your boy will follow suit. Then again, a chow chow will always be a chow chow.

Best of luck to you and please keep us posted.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by MissV »

cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute puppy!!!! <3
you're so lucky!!! :)
Dont give up on your pup! Keep going to the dog park - i promise you, it helps so much! And carry on with training! Its great bonding time for your and your pup.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Cam Atis »

Kung Fu is nice. And hilarious. Imagine, you calling Po in the park : Kung Fu No! hehehe. Just kidding!!!
Or change Po to Fu (from Kung Fu). yeah! Chinese puts surname first. So it is just right you call him Fu when his name is Fu Kung. Kung Fu.
Regarding being a couch potato, dont you like a dog that prefers to watched tv with you than jump on top o everything? I find it endearing and relaxing to have a relaxed dog inside the house. If you want a dancing dog, you might not get it from your Po.
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Re: my chow inactive at home

Post by Cam Atis »

If i may add, Marti you are such an eloquent fella! I loved your detailed posts and then your invention socktopus. Hope you can give me a glimpse on how it looked and i wanna try make a replica for Miss Cassie. I also am so awed, a fetching chow? Well you just gave me an idea!
And you write so funny! Hahahaha. Max thinking dial 9-11.
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