Chow in FLORIDA=hot

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Chow in FLORIDA=hot

Post by jolana »

Hello All. I just rescued a chow mix and have been doing tons of research on chows andow they get heat strokes if kept in hot weather. However, my chow (chowder) will be an indoor dog and kept cool, I'm wondering how long do you think we would be able to go out and play outdoors or out for a walk for? I don't want her getting sick for obvious reasons. Any information would be great. Thanks so much.

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Re: Chow in FLORIDA=hot

Post by Juniper »

Hi Jolana (nice name by the way):

I'm in Sacramento, can get as hot as 115 or more in the summer, but not as humid as Florida...would feel as if it was 95 in Florida.

Basically, I walk Sheena (who is 9 years young now) only in early morning or late nights during hot weather. I carry a wet towel to wipe her face and a water container with room temp or cool (but not cold) water. Not much playing will occur or walking for Sheena...she would stop every 25 feet and lie down in very hot weather under a shady spot. Just be aware of Chowder's panting pattern. I know that when it even gets 75 F degrees in the house Sheena begins to pant. She's slobbering at 115! Sheena doesn't like drinking water usually...but when it's very hot and we are outside she will drink every 5 minutes or less. The panting decreases some after drinking water. I also don't feed her before the walk. I also make sure she's dropped her spring or fall coat by brushing/combing her thoroughly- no need for extra hair to warm her up, however, the coat protects her from sunburn and overheating as well.

Enjoy your walks...and bring lots of water for yourself as well! :wink:
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Re: Chow in FLORIDA=hot

Post by GoHokiesGo »

I take our girl on walks in a similar pattern to what Juniper posted.

We live in Virginia and have the humidity and heat in the summers, not quite as bad, but we've still had 90+ days already this summer with tons of "smack you in the face" humidity as soon as you walk outside. I usually walk Honey early in the mornings before work, and late at night before bed for her longer walks. She'll also get a short walk when I get home from work, but during the summers that's normally only 10-15 minutes and in the shade as much as possible; on the blistering hot days, I only take her out long enough to do her business then get back inside.

I normally add an extra water bowl in the house during the summers as well, and be sure to keep them full whenever we head out for the day. She'll generally pant more often in the summer, and it can take her some time to cool off after a walk. It doesnt seem to slow her down though and she still rushes outside any chance she gets. Her favorite napping spot is also directly on top of one of the AC vents, so she cools off that way or by hanging out in the basement where it's a few degrees cooler. Just be careful to limit their time outside at the peak sunlight hours, be sure they're hydrated and watch the heavy panting
~Jason and Grace

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Re: Chow in FLORIDA=hot

Post by VIOLET315 »

i have a 15 yr old chow. i also live in florida.she gets shaved once a year. her coat grows back beautifully in time for the cooler weather. she also stays in more and lots of water available. she is very healthy.
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