Growling Puppy

Training and behavior topics, guidelines, and tips for Chow Chows.

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Bubb's Mom
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Growling Puppy

Post by Bubb's Mom »

Hi all I am new to this websit. I have had several chows in the past all wonderful dogs. I lost my last one 3 years ago and was finally ready for a puppy.
I picked up Bubba on Saturday. He is a 9 1/2 week old beautiful cream. When we picked him up he was growling and we just figured he was understandably
scared. But he kept on the first day. Now he is fine with myself and my family. He is loving and playful. Sometimes will get shy with us, not much. But if he meets someone new he will growl and sometimes snap. The vet suggested we take him back. I am not going to do that. Any tips and suggestions to
stop this? I've never encounted a pup like this.
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by Penelope »

My 10 week puppy is like this sometimes as well. It took my pet sitter 3 visits before she could put a lead on her. Food treats and patience from strangers giving her time to warm up to them is essential. She gets better and better. I think you just have to keep exposing them to people over and over with good results (ie treats) and they will start to socialize. At least that's what I've been told and it seems to be working. Chows are naturally adverse to strangers.

Did you post pics anywhere??
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by Coco Chow »

Hi Bubb's Mom and welcome :D .
Bubba growls because he's really uncomfortable when he meets someone new. Thank you for willing to change his behavior instead of bringing him back! As Penelope said, giving him positive experiences of meeting new people should solve your problem. Once he'll realize new people are not a threat, and also that good things can come from new people (treats i.e.), he will not fear them anymore and that should stop the growling too. I wanted to add, do not force him, let him sniff the new people he meets before they even try to touch him, take your time.
Socializing your puppy should become a priority for you now, as well as teaching him that you don't mouth or bite humans, even for playing. Do not hesitate to tell him NO! if he mouthes you during play sessions (you can also give him a time out alone for a short period of time, like 5mn, if telling him NO is not enough to discourage him), and give him a toy to chew if he needs to chew instead.
Will you post a picture of him?
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by Tsunami22 »

There's a lot on the forum, a lot via google and/or the rest of the internet, and there are a multitude of books on socializing. Because your dog has showed minor aggression so young it's important to socialize heavily.

It can be hard, I still struggle with it and it can get really frustrating. But meet as many strangers as you can, take your puppy out as often as possible for new situations, new people, and new environments. A lot of treats and positive reinforcement. And remember, whats relatively harmless or even cute now as a puppy can turn into a big problem when you have a big 60 lb fluff monster chow.

One thing I've learned is that the puppy is just TOO CUTE and people get a little crazy. If at first you can meet people and forewarn them wha ttheir proper reaction should be. People see a chow baby and they immediately get high pitched, excited, make a beeline toward the puppy and good naturedly go to pet. A scared or shy puppy can easily see this as frightening or threatening. So far with Penelope I've learned to try to get people to just walk into a room, calmly and quietly. If possible, ignore the puppy completely. After a handful of moments to let the puppy acclimate to this new presence, have the guest offer treats and talk in a calm, gentle tone instead of a high pitched excited one.

Good luck, it's a long road (that I'm still struggling through), but I'm just hoping that patience and perserverance will win out. Some chows are just more afraid than others and we have to do our best to teach them not to be.
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by Bubb's Mom »

Thanks for the advice. We are starting puppy class on Saturday and having him meet as many people as possible.
He grunts and growls but will take cookies from them! I am trying to get time to get a picture online.
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by littlelion »

My chow puppy hides behind me when a stranger approaches.....but he is super playful and extroverted with other dogs....(never barked or meanly growled).
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by rhonskie »

hi, i just got a new puppy, and im also having the same problem. At first, i thought the growling at strangers was normal, but today, he started growling and even trying to bite everyone,even people living with us or those he's already familiar with, even me. Its my first time having a puppy, and chow puppy for that case, i do get scared and now i dont really know what to do. he's just so stubborn and wont listen when i say no. anothere instance today while i was trying to brush his hair, he kept on grabbing the brush away from me, my finger even got caught in one of his sharp teeth, although there is some blood and its just small, it doesnt feel right. i know i need to do something about this. and im gonna need a lot of help from you guys.
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Re: Growling Puppy too.

Post by belle »

My Yogi is 11 weeks old now, we got him when he was 8 weeks old and we are having the same problem. The breeders advise was to say "NO" when he bites and getting too rough, but it doesn't seem to work. We put him on time-out a lot because of it, he'll be fine at first but he'll do the same thing again. I am afraid to walk him in a dog park because everyone wants to approach him and pet him because he is just adorable, and I always warn them that he will bite when he is touched. He bit the saleslady that was helping us find the right harness for him at "Petsmart" and he also bit his vet during his visit for vaccination. He needs to socialize a lot, but everytime I try to socialize him, I am so afraid that he will bite another dog or human. We are going for his first puppy obedience class tomorrow and I hope we don't get kicked out of there. The vet said on a scale of 1 to 10, his aggression is at 9 and he suggested a trainer to come to our house for a private lesson.....sounds bad I know, but we've grown to love him and we'll work with him with every ounce of patience. If there is any advice on this type of chow behaviour please help.
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Re: Growling Puppy

Post by jounderw »

This is the same way that the chow that I grew up with acted. He actually got over it as the years went on and he got better around strangers. Just have to remember to warn those people/strangers that approach him.
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