Coco bit me (blood)

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Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Coco Chow »

At the park this morning, Coco found a bone while she was off leash. I saw her grabbing something in the grass and I heard noises like she's chewing on a stone or something really hard. I called her and had a hard time trying to get her because of course she refused to come when I called her: she perfectly knew I was calling her to take away what she got there.
When I finally got her in between my legs, I saw she was chewing on a flat pointy really hard bone. I said "Coco, give" several time but she wouldn't. So I tried to open her mouth and she had several really mean growls. I knew time was counted before she'd swallow the bone so I put my fingers in her mouth to take the bone out but, I don't know if it was to chew the bone or to bite me, the result was the same, I screamed because my right middle finger was in blood :shock: . It was not a snap, she chewed my finger as hard as she was chewing the bone, she put her teeth in the flesh. I have 2 long marks on top of my finger, and 1 deep one underneath. It still hurts while I'm writting this (I'm not using that finger of course) and it bled a lot. I don't know how I eventually manage to grab that bone with my other hand and throw it away, but at least she didn't swallow all of it.

When we play, if she has her ball in the mouth and I say "Coco, give", she gives me the ball. What can I do to obtain the same results in the kind of situation we were in today??

I know animals have a very short term memory and live in the moment, but let me tell you I am still very very mad :-x at her.
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Dogdad »


I am so sorry to hear you were injured. I know each dog is different. Some of mine will let me take away things from them, others won't. I suspect when Coco found the bone her natural instincts kicked in and she was thinking only about the bone. To me it doesn't sound like an attack, she would have grabbed your arm and shook. It sounds like once she bit you she let go? Is that right? When the furkids have something that they shouldn''t I usually distract them with something that they like more, like a slice of meat. On your trips can you carry a treat in your pocket or a toy, so if this happens again, you could distravct her. Sorry not to be a big help.

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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Coco Chow »

Thank you David.
No it wasn't an attack so to speak, but no she didn't let go once she bit me, she continued to chew on that hard piece of bone like she wanted to swallow it as fast as possible. A piece of the bone was sticking out on the other side of her mouth so I grabbed it with my left hand and that's how I got it.
She was just obsessed by it so I don't think I could have carried something in my pocket more valuable to her than that bone to be honest :( .
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by chow fancier »

Oh, so sorry to hear about that. I know there are those here who have chows that will give up anything to a command. I, on the other hand, have a significant scar from taking a chicken bone out of a dog's mouth. In my case, I do not think the dog was trying to bite me, merely continuing to chew on her wonderful prize and my thumb was in her way.

I am not sure that those instincts can always be overcome. Distraction can be effective but it works only to a point, for me anyway. If what they have is, at that point in time, the most attractive object in the world, what do I have to offer? I have found though that the right sound can sometimes startle some pups into dropping things. Teddy has to howl if the smoke detector goes off or a siren goes by and will drop whatever he has. So I can push the test button on the smoke detector and then grab the object while he is howling. Outside, I don't know if I could hit the right note with my voice????

I had a keeshond when I was a kid that had to attempt to bay whenever the neighbor beagle would bay. So I would imitate the beagle and out would come whatever Poco had in his mouth.
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Judy Fox »

Elodie, I am so sorry that this has happened. :( However, be mad at her by all means - that was a naughty thing to do and I am sure that if she had thought about it she would not have done it. But as David says, it sounds as if her natural instincts kicked in. She found the bone and it was her "prey" - if you like - and she was not happy at you taking it away.

Silly Chow girl! She also did not know what damage could be done if she swallowed the damned thing.

I agree with what he says about taking a favourite treat so that if ever you are in that situation again, you can bribe her.

Dogs do differ and whereas you can be calm with one dog and just say "Give!" with another you have to be more firm.

With Milly and Mabel I think they would say, "Ok! if you want it you can have it!" and walk away but our boxer Meg who we had before M & m had to be spoken to much more severely and we would make a point of picking her dinner up and looking at it and taking her bone off her to look at just to show that we could and would. :roll: Our Great Dane Lizzie would give us her bone on a plate if we wanted it!! :lol:

Is Coco sorry? Have you shown her your finger? :(
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Auddymay »

Oh Elodie, I am sorry you got bit. I agree, she was going on instinct. You may wish to purchase a wood dowel to use instead of your delicate digits inside Coco's mouth.I hope you heal quickly! Naughty Coco!
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Coco Chow »

I guess next time I'll use one hand to grab the top of her mouth, and the other hand to grab the bottom of her mouth, in order to open the mouth, hoping the bone or whatever's inside will fall on the floor, instead of putting my hand inside while she's chewing her new prize :roll: ...
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by Grab »

You can usually teach "Give" by playing the trade game. In other words, have them "trade" whatever they have for something much better. In other words, you have that wonderful bone, but as you can see I have this great bit of liverwurst..doesn't that seem better? Say "trade", "give" or whatever term you want to use and give them the better treat after they release whatever they have.
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Re: Coco bit me (blood)

Post by bellabear27 »

I know both Bella and Bruin are pretty good at "giving" things they want but can't have. We worked with them ever since the first day we got them by taking everything away from them at some point just when they seem to get into it. outside it seems to work, Bella is a little less stubborn and will usually drop it and walk away rather than risk looking foolish and having a human take something away. maybe try just taking things she enjoys away from her more often and get her used to the idea? I am no expert but it seems to have worked with our two furry monsters.

Tyler, Jenna, Bella & Bruin.
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