GRRRR...Banks...Credit Card Mafia!

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GRRRR...Banks...Credit Card Mafia!

Post by Juniper »

Chase credit card...not liking that I'm locked in for the life of the balance at 3.99% just up'd my 2% minimum payment to 5% starting August! That's a 250% increase! :shock: I called them and put in my two cents about that one! :evil:

GEE, Thanks OBAMA for helping the banks :shifty: ...and signing credit card legislation to go into effect next year and not immediately! Not having the foresight to realize the banks will stick it to the public, raising and changing rates prior to next year when your dumb legislation finally takes effect. Gee, watch how Sacramento and the rest of the country really goes down the tubes with more bankruptcies and foreclosures! Gee, this will really help the banks...doh. #-o
[Note: I am not affiliated with any political party...they all are pretty crappy, IMO!]

I'll make do tho' ...barely... will need to liquidate a CD coming to term-take from one bank to pay the other. /:) Have 8 days furlough w/o pay this year as well. Plus, I'm living month to month with the Vet costs on Troy and he's beginning to itch again and back on the e-collar...the Atopica doesn't to be totally working but I'm still hoping. :( Anyway...enough...thanks for reading this and letting me air out my frustrations. Onto a lighter note....

Can't wait for NORTHERN CA CHOWFEST! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
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Re: GRRRR...Banks...Credit Card Mafia!

Post by Dogdad »

I am sorry to hear your pain, I read an article that many cc companies will be lowering limits ( which is ok) on people who have been paying on time and paying more than the minimum. The lowering will hurt your credit score through no fault of your own. That is really awful. The midwest is suffering too, lots of layoffs including my partner, it will be rough for a while, managable but rough. I consider ourselves to be fortunate, we still have one income and will survive.

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Re: GRRRR...Banks...Credit Card Mafia!

Post by chow fancier »

I like the title of this post. I had used a cash advance check from a credit card to pay off a loan because the cash advance was no fee, 0% interest for life provided all payments were made on time. Then had the minimum payments autotransfered monthly from our checking account to ensure that none of my payments "got delayed in the mail" and were considered late. Thought I had it all figured out and was actually beating them at their own game.

Recently, the bank that cc was from was sold and the new bank sent me a letter that my interest rate on all existing balances was going up to their norm, unless I notified them in writting that I refused the new rate, prior to such and such a date. Unfortunately, their letter was "delayed in the mail" and I did not receive it until that date had passed. All my protestations have been in vain and now I am looking for a new loan at a time when interest rates are higher and my husband is only working two days a week, reducing our income and thus reducing our options as well. Seems the banks have all the cards, no pun intended.
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Re: GRRRR...Banks...Credit Card Mafia!

Post by FNG »

I just saw this morning a 50$ charge to an account I have for inactivity.
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