How much money would you spend?

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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Auddymay »

How unfair and sad for you all. Do not feel you cannot tell us bad news. It is what it is, and we are not deterred in our support for Scotti, no matter where it takes us. Bless you all.
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sara & Frank »

I was sitting near my computer and glanced over and saw an email from!
It was Siriol (Sirchow). I was motivated to post Scotti's update after getting his PM.

It's been a roller coaster of emotions lately. BUT! We have our Scotti back home again. Scotti spent 5 days in the hospital and is now resting here by my chair. The pneumonia was, and still is our major concern. The strictures will have to wait until the 6-8 weeks of antibiotics are completed and his x-rays confirm his lungs are clear. The doctor has stated over and over that Scotti is not "out of the woods." He has limited lung capacity and gets winded easily.
We now administer everything through his tube. Food, water and meds. Dr. Purcel told us she had very little hope for Scotti's survival last week and is still amazed at "his will to live." Dr. Purcel has been great. She called last Saturday night and we had a very nice conversation about Scotti and our love for our pets. She truly understands our passion for our beloved friends. Our female chow Kippi is back to normal now that she has her boy back. She sulked around the house the entire time Scotti was gone. That made things even sadder around here. Especially after returning from a trip to visit him last week, Kippi really seemed down when she could smell him on us but we didn't bring him home. Oh and seeing him in that clear oxygen tank pawing at the glass door.......well I damn near lost it. NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS!!! He's home, he looks better every day and he seems sooooo happy!
He wagged his tail almost all the way home and even wagged it while sleeping that night he got home. (SOO cute!)
Even though we are a long way from being close to normal, I know feel I could be happy feeding him through his tube for the rest of his life it meant a happy healthy Scotti. However, we want to continue the balloon procedures after this pneumonia is cleared up because we know how much taste means to the quality of life for a dog. For now (6-8 weeks) we are able to rest and take a break from the long road trips to A&M. All of the weekly x-rays can be done right up the street at our local vets office. Yippee!

Well it's time for food and some medicines for Mr. Scotti.
I'll try to post some pics in a day or two and show off my little brave dog. I might even get camera shy Kippi to sit in on a few.

Thanks again everyone for your wonderful post.
You guys are GREAT!
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Auddymay »

Wonderful news. I know it is conditional, but attitude counts for alot in these circumstances. Scotti is a good, brave boy, and I am happy to hear he is home!
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sirchow »

I am so so glad to hear that Scotti is home with you and improving. He is obviously very happy to be with his family again. Scotti must have a very strong will to live so lets hope he keeps on surprising you. Take care of yourselves.

PS As Siriol is she and my user name is confusing - I wish I could change it now but that might be even more confusing! :lol: :lol:
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Dogdad »

What a releif, I was a afraid when we didn't hear, the worst had happened. I am glad scotti is home again and recovering

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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Juniper »

Ohhhhh...Thank you for the update...I was very concerned. So happy to hear spirits are up and Scotti is home! Handsome, handsome Scotti...looks like he has the personality too!

I spend bookuu bucks on Troy and Sheena, yearly, both are rescues ... $ mostly on Troy. People outside of think I've losts it mentally. :roll: Last year when Troy had an acute pancreatitis attack at 2.5 years old the vet looked at me and suggested I put him down with all his problems and now this, but it was my and Troy's decision. The vet kept Troy for 5 days and were in shock when Troy pulled thru! Troy wanted to live and even though I'm scraping the bucket to pay the bills and unfortunately can't remortgage my house due to the down market, if Troy wants to live...I'll do anything to help him get quality in his life. At the point that's impossible we'll part. I may need to even look for a second job by the end of the year to make ends meet. I'm 60, never married, no children, no boyfriend and do everything on my own. My chowdren (and a boa constrictor) are what keep me going and bring much laughter and joy into my heart and I do what I can for them.

Cost: Last year was approx. 9,000, this year I'm already into it for 3800 so it's going to be another banner year for vet and med expenses! :lol: Troy's on Atopica at $200/month and every month bloodwork at the Dermatologist...he's needed knee surgery for a tear since the day I got him in 2006, but I cannot afford that on top of all his other problems so he just limps and lifts that leg and depends on his healed over fracture on his other hind leg which is loaded with arthritis. Luckily his stifle hasn't fully blown. I do gentle massage daily on both his hind legs...but then he goes and does zoomies afterwards in the yard. :roll: Low protein, low fat canned food daily as a result of the pancreatitis, no treats whatsoever...hmmmm...that's a savings! \:D/ Oh, forgot, give him the canned food as treats. :? Sheena, well, she's 8.5 years and right now, not any real maladies occurring. My snake was sick this year as well with a respiratory infection and is better now. Didn't mean for this to be a dissertation but if feels good to let it all hang out! :wink:

Please keep us updated on Scotti...he is such a cutie...oops I mean a handsome red boy!
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sara & Frank »

Juniper, you are inspiring. You are so right.....It's hard to tell others outside of this forum stories like ours without people thinking we're nuts!
Thanks for sharing.

Scotti had a very good day today. Last night was another story....kind of a scary moment.
Today he has been very happy and actually played with Kippi for a few minutes. Kippi loved it!
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sirchow »

What an absolutely fabulous looking pair. You would not know from looking at Scotti's face what he has been through. He looks sooo full of life and joy. Aren't our chowdren amazing what they can cope with and still have that love of life and give so much back to us. You are doing such a good job with Scotti, I take my hat off to your dedication and care. It seems from looking at Scotti that he has an enormous will to live and it would be hard not to respect that. Hugs to handsome Scotti. [:D]
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Juniper »

Glad to hear Scotti has had a good day...Let's just put out there in the universe that there WILL be more good days than not so good ones for ALL our furkids! :D
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by chow fancier »

Juniper wrote:Glad to hear Scotti has had a good day...Let's just put out there in the universe that there WILL be more good days than not so good ones for ALL our furkids! :D
From your mouth to God's ear.

I'm so glad to hear Scotti is doing better. He looks extremely happy with his packmate too.

Before I found this forum pretty much everyone I knew thought I must be crazy. (Ok, so they still do; but all of you understand, don't you?) We have been married 25 years but chose to have no children so the chowdren are our lives. And I have spent a small fortune on them over the years. Just a couple of examples:

When Tasha and Chana were having altercations I spent big $$$ on two operations for Chana's injuries and again to give Tasha root canals and clipping of the canines.

When I first brought Teddy home as a foster he was in great pain after the vets were closed. I immediately took him to the Emergency Vet (knowing full well that the rescue did not have the cash to pay for that) and paid it out of pocket. It never occurred to me not to spend the money. It was what he needed, so it was what I did. I couldn't have stuck the rescue with the 4 figure bill for all his care, because it was based on my unilateral decisions as his fostermom. (Although I would have been glad to keep him from the beginning, I never expect to be his forever parent because DH was deadset against another permanent member of the family. Sweet, gentle Teddy won him over, though.)
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sara & Frank »

Quick update,
Sorry for the lapse in posting but life has thrown us yet another curve ball (not pet related) and the days have been extremely short. Scotti has been getting a little fat (my fault) so we now go on walks at night and I have to say I enjoy the walks as much as he does.
Other than the added pounds he has been doing very well, though I know he hates the feeding tube. On Tuesday of this week, we began balloon dilation's again. The next round of dilation's is tomorrow and we are hoping it goes just as smoothly as it did on Tuesday.
Well time to run, I'll try and post this weekend with more info and hopefully some new pictures.

Take care everyone!
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sirchow »

I have often wondered how Scotti is and from what you say you have obviously mastered the feeding tube. Poor boy it must be horrible for him to have it there all the time but by now he must have got used to it to some degree I suppose. It has been a long haul for you all and Scotti and you have done so well to get to where you are so far. I really hope the dilation goes well and poor Scotti can get back to a "normal" life. Please keep us updated when you can. Hugs to the handsome Scotti [:D]
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Lisa_D »

I don't know how I had missed this when you initially posted but I have read through your postings and just wanted to say that you are a wonderful Chowmom!!! You and Scotti will be in my prayers for his continued recovery!! Please keep us updated on him!

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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Mika&Suki »

I agree with are an amazing chowmama and it makes me so happy that there are people like you and everyone else on here who would do anything for their chow kids, no matter the cost.

I cried buckets when I read through your earlier posts, when Scotti was at his worst. I am soooooo pleased that he is recovering and that he is enjoying daily walks with you, his angel and soulmate. I must say, on his more recent pictures he really does look so happy and full of life! He is beautiful!

Take care and I will be thinking of you and your wonderful brave boy.

Mika & Suki owned by Nicki
Thank you Siriol x
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sara & Frank »

Thank you so much for the kind words!
The little guy is feeling better and the fog of the anesthesia is wearing off. We're so relived we'll be able to skip Tuesdays procedure and start again on Friday. We all need a little rest! The photo below is Scotti in his favorite spot to be fed. It doesn't matter if it's over 100 degrees outside he loves that spot! So three times a day we head outside and have a meal right there. Lucky for us we're in a drought right rain. hehe.

Oh, notice the little gut he is getting? I think he's proud of it.
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by threedogjeep »

You are AMAZING. Your Chow is AMAZING.
What a happy, wonderful personality shines through that little guy. After caring for my Caitlyn for over a year in good and bad, I know some of what you go through. Love knows no genre. My pups are my kids and I know how that feels when one is so very ill. Prayers of recovery for all of you. You are doing an amazing job! God be with you.
Twelve Paws UP!!
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Tsunami22 »

WOW. What an inspiring and wonderful story. Seeing the pictures of him even with a feeding tube, looking SO happy really brings it home. You're a wonderful owner, devoted and loving, and I can't easily say that not all people could be so good to care as much for a pet that deserves it. When I first read the posts it all seemed so sad and horrible. A long list of bad things happening that i was very sad you were going through, but wow, seeing those pictures completely changes it.

How could you not go through all that trouble and do all those things and fight so hard for such a loving, happy, and vivacious pup!

I hope the ballooning goes well and the long healing process goes smoothly from here on out.
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Swerve »

Just read this thread for the 1st time and you guys are the best. Glad to see people love their pets to the fullest and do everything possible for them.

Scotti looks great and hopefully it all works out and he can eat normally again !! As everyone else said he looks very happy considering !!


PS- I ran over my cross chow out 4wdriving and spent a bucket load to fix him, I to would spend whatever it takes.
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Auddymay »

Thank you for posting. I have wondered, but was afraid to ask in case the answer was not good. He looks so happy, you are doing a wonderful job with your Chows.
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sara & Frank »

Update number……….well, I’m losing count. :?
It looks like the ballooning isn’t going as well as we had hoped it would and further ballooning may be a waste of time and money.
We are now looking at possibly placing a stent in the esophagus to keep the stricture open. They have never done this procedure at A&M but seem to think it may be our only hope for resolution to this problem. I found this video last night and it sounds just like our story. I’m forwarding it to our doctor and will try to contact Dr. Lisa Carioto (in video) to see how Dixie the Rottweiler is doing with her stent now that it has been almost a year post surgery.

We are taking this week off and hopefully we can pool everyone’s knowledge and get Scotti fixed up.
He is getting frustrated with the feeding tube and really misses his crunchy food.

Anyway, the video is reassuring and was posted in August of this year, so it’s new info to us. Oh! When the girl is done speaking French the Dr. will interpret what she is saying. It’s the video titled “Owner of dog with esophageal strictures…” ... .htm#item4

More to come….stay tuned!

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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sirchow »

I am sorry that the ballooning has not been sucessful. I have often wondered how Scotti is getting on but sometimes am scared to ask. He sounds like he needs some sort of help so I hope this turns out to be something that can be used for him. I take my hat off to you guys you have done an amazing job so far but it must be so tiring aways having this hanging over you. Scotti has some strength of character for all he has had to endure. It would be amazing if he could find some way to get treats and chews again. Fingers crossed for you. X X X
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sara & Frank »

Quick update.
The stent has arrived and we are scheduled for surgery on November 13.
Scotti still has a slight infection at the feeding tube site but we’re hoping that will not be an issue.
For some reason I’m extremely apprehensive about this procedure even though it was my call to go this route.
My apprehension is abated by my hopes that one day we will see Scotti without the t-shirt and tube sticking out of his side and he will be able to eat with Kippi again.
We are spending as much time as we can with Scotti, doing the things he loves, mainly walking and looking for rabbits.

I’ll be in touch.
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by Sirchow »

Thank you for keeping us updated. It seems to have taken a long time for the stent to arrive. Prayers and healing thoughts on their way to you both and Scotti. [-o| [-o| [-o| I am not surprised you are apprehensive you have had to go through so much to get this far. I really hope there will be some good news soon. [:D]
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by leisa75 »

Thinking of you's !! Titan and Zues send paw high fives !!
thanks sweetpea
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Re: How much money would you spend?

Post by chowpups »

Best of luck with Scotti's surgery.. You have been wonderful with him.. and Iam sure he feels the love..
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