Chows, always the star of the show

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Chows, always the star of the show

Post by Jeff&Peks »

If anyone ever needs some extra cash just stand outside any public event and charge people to pet your Chow or to take pictures of your Chow.
Yesterday we took Pekoe to an outdoor concert, as soon as we walked through the entrance people were running up asking if they could pet her and were asking us to take pictures of them standing next to Pekoe. This went on through out the whole concert.
Pekoe caused such a disturbance I felt sorry for the band, she was getting more attention then they were.
She took it all pretty good though you could tell she was getting irritated but never snapped at anyone, she just wanted to be left alone and sit and listen to the blues, Guess she thinks she has a tough life.
Then the dreaded fireworks started, not the legal ones but people setting off thier own, so we all had to run for home with Pekoe in the lead dragging us down the street, Pekoe hates fireworks.
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Post by Juniper »

Pekoe loves the blues, eh? :lol: Funny, I pulled out my guitars yesterday, at home (in preparation for my camping trip the end of July) and decided to play some, which I hadn't in many, many years. After struggling to get 2 guitars in tune, Sheena came into the room layed down near me and was listening to my attempts to remember how to play. She didn't appear to mind since everything was finally in tune - even my crappy playing. :lol:

Mmmmm, I could use extra bucks - interesting idea you've given me although I don't know if a red Chow would draw as much attention as a black one. :wink:

Thanks for bringin' some brightness to my day Jeff & thanks to Pekoe of course.!!!
Jennifer & Sheena
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

I've always wondered if Chows can sense what music is, my Son-inlaw has a band and my wife's nephews all play guitar, Pekoe always lays in front of them while they are playing and has been to a few concerts but never shows any reaction. I wonder if they can distinguish between music and speech or have any feeling towards the different sounds. Pekoe always lays with her butt facing the band or who ever is playing, Isn't that the Chow listening position

All Chows attract attention no matter what the color, look at Millie and Mabel can you picture those two walking down the street with out attracting attention. Other Chow owners will go blocks out of their way or pull off the road just to talk to another Chow owner even if the Chow isn't with them.
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seeing another Chow

Post by Debbie »

I have been known to stop immediately upon seeing another Chow to chat it up with the owner and compare notes! Since I have been on this website and have a chance to read and write about chows, I get a regular "chow fix".
Just another opportunity to say thanks to you all for sharing your chow stories and experience and to the administrator of this site, for this great forum! We head off to camp again with Bones for a week in a week - hopefully no bunnies about!
Debbie and Bones
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Post by Judy Fox »

Jennifer, you could go out busking - complete with Chow and guitar.
Put down the hat and away you go! :wink:

And you are right Jeff, we cannot move far with Milly and Mabel before we have people queuing up to pet them. :)
(Thank you Sweetpea for my new banner.)
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