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Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:58 pm
by cheriekynb
I think I told you all this but let me start off this thread by telling you all that I was laid-off on March 30th of this year. Sid and I have been together ALMOST 24/7 since then. This Tuesday, May 29th, I started a new job!!! YAY, I can pay my Vet bills!!.. OK, good for me, but I think it's been tough on Sid.

Yesterday I get to my parents to pick up Sid. My Mom tells me that Sid growled and snapped at my Dad!!!!!!!! :shock: I was devastated! This is NOT like Sid! I asked if it was mean. I asked my Dad not my Mom because she tends to exaggerate. YUP, my Dad said it was mean. I asked about the situation.
My Dad had been giving Sid food all day, feeding him from his hand, that sort of thing. Well, Sid was on the front porch eating and my Dad leaned down to pick up his plate to put more kibble on it and that's when it happened. My Dad said he just ignored him and walked away. Sid has NEVER displayed food aggression or protection. I take his plate all the time. I actually take food AWAY from him just to see what he will do. He just sits and looks at me like "ok, so when are you gonna give it back to me?"
My first thoughts was that maybe my Dad startled Sid because Sid does seem to be a little "jumpy".. I have no freakin' idea! My Mom takes his plate away too. OH, I forgot, while I was there, Sid was eating from his plate and my Dad reached down and Sid just kept eating. No reaction at all. WEIRDEST THING EVER!!

The worst part is that I think it kinda hurt my Dad's feelings. He is an animal lover from way back. When I was a baby he used to have a Saddle Back German Sheppard. King was a one man dog, my Dad's dog. King would protect me. I guess when I was a baby I was on the lawn with King and my Uncle drove in the driveway. My Uncle got out of the car and headed towards me. King chased my Uncle back to the car and put his paws on the door until my Dad said "OK".. Another time I guess my leg got tangled in his leash. I started to scream. My Mom tried to get me untangled but King thought SHE was hurting me and wouldn't let her near me. I guess in all my Dad's life he had never been growled at by a dog. :(

SIGH.. help!!! Was it just a fluke? Is it because of the other issues like not wanting to be groomed and mouthing? Is it because I'm not home and he's having separation issues? Sid LOVES my Dad and follows him where ever he goes. This is just the weirdest thing to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:11 pm
by Salandra
Oh, this is not good, I can see how your dad would be hurt. Sorry but I don't know what it might be. :(

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:43 am
by Rogansmommy
First, I would take him to the vet and rule out any medical issues. Chows (like everyone) can become moody when ill or hurt; only they have no way of telling us they hurt.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:01 pm
by Jeff&Peks
Pekoe is 11 now and in the 9 years I have had her I am the only one that can touch her food bowl or bother her while she is eating. Anyone else, Wife, Daughter,Who ever, no one can bother her while she is eating or she will growl and snap. I don't find a problem with this, never has been a problem and why People insist on bothering their Chows while they are sleeping and eating I never could understand unless the person is on some power trip of who's the boss.

This is not a one and only, there must be something wrong with my Chow Problem and it doesn't mean your Chow is turning into a crazed killer nor is sick, many Chows on this site have growled and snapped at someone when they were bothered while eating. Someone just posted their Chow snapped at them when they went to give the Chow a Kiss when it was eating. Give them their food, let them eat, let them sleep and leave them alone and have some piece. Humans will growl and snap to if they are being followed around and pestered all day.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:20 pm
by Boogie and Linda
I don't know for sure what caused that to happen but do you think he could have been startled by your dad? Boogie's first reaction to anything that startles him is to growl and snap. I was brushing him the other day and hit what looks like the beginning of a hot spot and he turned snapped and ended up with my whole hand was in his mouth. As soon as he realized he started licking my hand but his first reaction was not a nice one. Otherwise the only other thing I can think of is that he was testing your dad but you said that he didn't do it again so I would tend to think it may have been a reaction. Not that it makes it right but it doesn't seem like he really meant it.

Congratulations on your new job by the way. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:20 pm
by cheriekynb
Thanks Linda, that's what I thought, maybe testing him. Well, Sid was just AT the vet and there wasn't anything wrong with him. He has his yearly coming up pretty soon, I'm honestly thinking of having his hips x-rayed. John told me that they do send them off to be evaluated.

Well, if trying to give Sid more food is considered bothering him then my Dad is guilty I guess. My Dad is 70 years old and I'm sure he knows how to raise a dog. He's the type of person who sets cat traps for opossums. He THEN drives up to a forested area and YES let's them go. Raccoons too. LOL.. Remember, HE'S the one who put gates in HIS front yard so Sid could go outside to play when he's there. HE'S the one who fed and watered and walked Sid while I was in a cast for 10 weeks. SO, I know he took it personally, but he's over it and is still babying Sid. It's kinda cute to watch my Dad feed Sid one kibble at a time. HA HA HA HA HA...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:44 pm
by Haley
I think (well, being only 14 and all, i might not be right) that after being with you 24/7 (or just about) he got used to it, then when you went back to work it caused stress because he wasn't getting attention whenever he wanted/needed it. So when your dad rached down to get his bowl, he might have just done it as a reaction, he might have been startled, or he might not have wanted to have his food taken away.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:01 pm
by Deliblack
I think its just been a reaction to your Dad reaching down to the plate. Maybe the dog was momentarily startled . No harm done really (except to your Dad's pride perhaps) :))I'm sure all is well ..

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:56 pm
by cheriekynb
Ya, I think it was more that it hurt my Dad's feelings. :( BUT, the good news is: My Dad is even treating Sid "princely".. All my Dad has to do is hold up his hand, like, "wait", and Sid will sit all pretty waiting for my Dad to feed him. Usually it's a handful of kibble that my Dad will give Sid one at a time. :roll: It's cute actually especially since my Dad tells me that I spoil him!! ha ha ha ha ha..
NOW Sid follows my Dad around and lays at his feet while I'm at work.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:33 am
by Salandra
NOW Sid follows my Dad around and lays at his feet while I'm at work.
Aw, that's so cute!